The Summoning

-----Yui's POV

The next day came around far too quick than I would have liked, but it seems as though I've now calmed down from what happened yesterday. I can't believe I just snapped like that... Worrying everyone... I know I need to talk about it with Kaede, but last night was just far too difficult. I didn't expect to have that conversation with Natalie, and I didn't expect for that to continue with my mother as well. But today I'll do my best to tell her how I feel.

Walking out of my room, I wipe the crust out of my eyes as I head downstairs.

Butler: "G-good morning, lady Yui."

Mai: "Lady Yui, good morning."

Yui: "Mm... Huh?"

Wait. They're calling me by that name? Oh right... I do remember mom making that decision, but I didn't expect that to spread to everyone. It's not even too big of a deal, I was just so emotional yesterday. They could call be "Ellen" like they used to, but I can't find it in me to speak up about it right now.

Yui: "...Good morning."

Natalie: "Ah! Yui! Go back up to your room."

Suddenly, I'm turned around as I feel Natalie pushing against my back, forcing me up the stairs.

Yui: "Huh? What are you-"

Natalie: "Have you not woken up yet? Look."

I look where her gaze has landed as I look down at my shirt, or more specifically, my pajama's. They were completely disheveled, revealing parts that made my face begin to heat up in embarrassment as I quickly try and straighten my clothes up. No wonder the butler seemed to be uncomfortable when he greeted me... God, I'm so stupid.

Natalie: "Hehe. Let's get you changed."

Yui: "Mm."


Natalie: "All done~"

Yui: "Thank you."

Natalie finishes dressing me. At this point, I'm used to her seeing me naked. She even bathed me for the first time the other day, so this much was nothing to me now.

Natalie: "But to think you were planning on going to the cabin dressed like that."

Yui: "Haha. Thank you for stopping me."

Natalie: "I may be your personal maid, but those two should've done something."

Yui: "Maybe they know not to get in between us."

Natalie: "Maybe, hehe."

She finishes making the final adjustment by putting my hair into a ponytail. As always, it's perfect, I don't even need to adjust it as there's no uncomfortable tightness anywhere.

Natalie: "I'll be at the cabin soon. I'm still dealing with prince Leon."

Yui: "Ah, right. How is he holding up?"

Natalie: "He's stubborn. It can be quite hard to get him to accept the food. But I guess that's normal for an unconscious person."

Yui: "So he still hasn't woken up?"

Natalie: "Not yet."

I have so many questions for when he wakes up. The most important one being why he attacked Kaede. He may be a prince, but I won't stand by and let him do that to the one I love.

Yui: "Do let me know when he does wake up."

Natalie: "Understood."


After saying my goodbye's, I left for the cabin. I didn't see mom around, but I guess I did wake up quite early, she could still be asleep. So with my rapier at my side, I walk through the city in the break of dawn, wondering how exactly I'll bring up that topic with Kaede. I know she'll be angry with me, but I can't hide it from her any longer.

It didn't feel that long before I arrived outside the cabin. I must've been so deep in thought that the time just went by in a blink of an eye. But what stopped me in my thoughts was the sight of Kaede, Mai, Mell, Fleur, and Faye all outside. They all seem to be watching Mai do something on the ground. Curious, I decide to walk up to them, which quickly caught Kaede's attention as she waved me over.

Kaede: "You're here early."

Yui: "Yeah I..."

I was about to ask her, but the words get stuck in my throat. Maybe now just isn't the right time?

Mai: "Hehe. Well you came at the right time."

Yui: "What's this?"

I notice that Mai has drawn some kind of symbol on the ground with a stick. I have no idea what it means.

Kaede: "Mai's thought of something crazy again."

Yui: "What do you mean?"

Kaede: "Apparently we're going to meet her family."

Yui: "Eh?"

Mai: "Well, this is just an experiment. So then, Mell. Could you trace this for me?"

Mell: "Y-yes."

I watch as Mell glides her finger around the the lines that Mai had drawn using a stick, only this time I can tell that mana is being used as the lines that Mell is making seem to be glowing white.

Mai: "Yup, that's perfect, keep going like that."

Soon enough, Mai finishes tracing her mana through all of Mai's lines as Mell let's out a soft sigh.

Mai: "Okay. Can you interact with this?"


Yui: "W-who's she talking to?"

Kaede: "Her siblings."

It's now just caught up to me what it is we're doing... Someone like Mai, who has brought about so much knowledge to this world and is powerful enough to even use magic that no one else seems to possess. To bring more of those people here...

Yui: "A-are you sure this is a good idea?"

But before I could get a response, the mana crest that Mell had created began to glow brighter and brighter as it soon became too bright to look at anymore as I quickly shut my eyes, turning my face away from it all.

Lillian: "What are- Hnnng!"

I open my eyes a bit to find that Lillian had stepped outside, only for her to recoil from the blinding light as she also averts her eyes. But after a few more moments, the light soon dissipates as Lillian turns her head back towards us, her eyes open wide in surprise which immediately caused me to turn back around. But what appears in front of us, and more specifically right in front of Mell, is a tall man. No, he's not just tall, he's borderline giant!

Mell: "U-u-uhm!"

But it was then that I realized what was in front of Mell's face. But Kaede reacted quicker than anyone else as Kaede quickly covered Mell's eyes from the sight of the naked man in front of her.

Man: "Woah! It worked!"

Mai: "Ugh-"

Man: "What is it, Leuce?"

Kaede: "Put on some damn clothes!

She quickly throws out "clothes" from her bag, but what she ends up throwing out are sheets from a bed as the man catches them with his face.

Mell: "M-mom?"

Kaede: "I'm sorry! You weren't suppose to see something like that."

Kaede holds Mell close, while the main uses the sheets to wrap around his lower half with the help of Mai.

Mai: "Couldn't you have brought clothes with you?"

Man: "You know you're asking for the impossible."

His voice is so deep... But that might be because of how tall he is. Taking a better look at him now that he's at least covered his lower half, he must be like 8 feet tall. Mai is pretty tall herself, but her head only reaches the man's chest. And it was then that Mai finishes tying the sheet around the man as she steps away. Kaede also removed her hands away from Mell's eyes as we all directed out attention towards the man.

Man: "But I got to say. I quite enjoyed that. Having something like this wrapped around me. thank you, Leuce."

Mai: "Creep."

Man: "What?"

Yui: "Uhm... So is this your brother, Mai?"

Mai: "If you can call him that. His name is Melanthos."

Melanthos: "Nice to meet you all."

Actually, now that I take a closer look, he has no white in his eyes, and are instead completely black. His skin is also more grey rather than white. He looks more like a monster rather than a human like Mai.

Mai: "Yes yes, Just wait your turn."

Again, Mai looks to be talking to herself, but she's probably talking to her other "siblings."

Melanthos: "Oh! I can still hear you two."

But it seems like Melanthos seems to be hearing the same thing.

Mai: "Okay. So Mell. This man will be assigned to you. Try and pinch yourself just to make sure."

Mell: "L-like this?"

Right when Mell pinched her arm, the man reacted instantly as his arm shot out from his side as he quickly inspects it.

Melanthos: "What the hell was that?!"

Mai: "That's called pain. Get used to it."

Mell: "Hehehe."

Seems like Mell is enjoying her new found "toy."


It was then Fleur's turn to create the same crest, following the new lines that Mai had drawn for her. Fleur's mana was a bit different than Mell's as her lines began to glow a bright green instead of white.

Lillian: "..."

Lillian kept quiet and has taken her spot on my side as I'm now in between both her and Kaede. Mell sat in front of Kaede as Kaede held her from behind. Faye sits beside her sister as Fleur finishes drawing the out the crest.

Mai: "Okay. You're up, Neda."

And at her words, the crest begins to glow brightly just like before as we all turn our heads away from the light.

Neda: "Woah!~"

But unlike before, an unknown voice could be heard as the light dissipates once more. We all turn our heads back as we were greeted by another person, only this time a woman, with extremely long blue hair that hangs just a few centimeters from the ground. And of course, she was also naked, just like the man. But we were prepared this time as Kaede quickly threw another bed sheet her way.

Neda: "W-what's this?"

Mai: "Hah~ I've got it. Just stay still."

We watch as Mai begins to cover up Neda's body. She's a bit smaller than Mai as her chest seems to be around the same size as mine, maybe slightly bigger. If Mai was seen as "sexy," then Neda would be seen as more "elegant." And with the bed sheets wrapped around her kind of like a dress, it really did make her out to be even more elegant.

Neda: "Woah! This feels so weird!"

Mai: "Calm down. I said not to move."

Neda: "Right! Sorry."

Mai: "Hahh~ I swear."

Neda's skin was much like Mai's, human-like. And her eyes shined a beautiful blue, the same color as my mom and I.

Neda: "Melanthos. Is that you?"

Melanthos: "Haha. So that's your physical form, Neda?"

Neda: "Why the hell am I so short?"

I... I don't think you're short at all... That man is just far too tall.

Mai: "Alright. Done. Now moving on!"

Once Mai was done fitting the sheet to Neda, she began drawing out another crest with a stick as Faye began to trace along the lines. The crest soon began to glow a bright green immediately after finishing it, the same as Fleur's. As usual, we all looked away from the blinding light only for us to be greeted once again by a naked individual. Only this time, it seemed more so a child than an adult like the other two.

Child?: "Can't believe I got thrown into something like this..."

Mai: "Yes yes, now stay still for a second."

Child?: "What?! Wait, stop! That feels weird! Don't touch me!"

Mai: "Hey-"

Mai quickly catches the child by the forearm as Mai expertly begins to wrap her up in another sheet. But unlike the dress-like fitting that she did with Neda, Mai seemed to be wrapping this child up like a mummy as the child tries to escape her grasp.

Child?: "Leuce! This is cruel!"

Mai: "Please calm down, Erytheia. You're already giving me a headache."

Now that she points it out, this child, who's name is Erytheia has quite a loud and sharp voice. I almost want Mai to cover her mouth as well while she's at is. But after some time man-handling Erytheia, Mai finishes fitting the sheet onto her. Just what the hell is going on... We have a giant man, an elegant beauty, and a short, hot-headed child. These are Mai's family, so they're all probably just as strong as Mai herself. Just what the hell did we just do? I was going to talk about our old world with Kaede, but now we have this?