Hands Off

-----Yui's POV

After the surge of introductions with Mai's siblings yesterday. Today would finally be the time for Rina and her mother to leave. We all met up at the cabin once more as Rina and her mother started to test the waters, both taking off their hands from Lilith's body to see if any pain would resurface, but after some time, no pain showed on Lilith's face as we all collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

Rina: "Can't believe that we actually did it."

Alenia: "You did great, Rina."

They share a small hug, almost in celebration with what they have accomplished.

Kaede: "Thank you so much again."

Alenia: "Not at all. I was originally worried how Rina was being treated here, but I'm glad to see that our stay here has been nothing but a pleasant experience. So thank you for taking care of us."

Rina: "Mhmm!"

Alenia: "That said, I can't wait to lay back down in my bed at home."

Rina: "Yeah~ I feel like this has been the longest three days of my life."

Alenia: "Hehe. Then why don't you come sleep with me when we get back?"

Rina: "...Maybe."

I can sort of understand Fabian wanting to stay in Inasdale with all these people. Having Rina and Alenia here with us has been quite fun. I can't help but wonder if everyone there is like these two.

Mai: "Alright. So I'm taking you two back and bringing Fabian back?"

Kaede: "Yeah. I guess this also marks the end of my cooking job, hehe."

Alenia: "The Matriarch's quite cute when she cooks, right?"

Kaede: "Yeah. She doesn't even look like a demon queen when she cooks."

Alenia: "Thank you, Kaede."

Kaede: "Not a problem."

I honestly feel like with all this interaction that maybe it is possible for humans, monsters and demons to live together. Although some species might be a bit difficult to live with, especially with the language barrier. Back when I fought against those goblins back in Pontia, all I could make out were war cries. I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually talking and I just couldn't understand them.

Mai: "Right. Then could you two please take my hand?"

Rina and Alenia both grab hold of one of Mai's hands as the two of them look around at all of us with bright smiles on their faces.

Rina: "I hope to see you all again someday!"

Yui: "Mm! Likewise."

Rina: "Hehe."

And with that, Mai vanishes along with both Rina and Alenia.

With the two of them now gone, we all end up looking around the cabin at the same time. This whole place was built for the sake of Kaede's mother, but I guess the purpose of it has now been completed...

Kaede: "I guess we won't be needing this cabin anymore."

Yui: "Mm... It's honestly a little sad. Even knowing what took place here."

I can still vividly remember the feeling of cutting off that crest from Lilith's back... I honestly hope that I never have to do something like that again.

Lillian: "Yeah. To think such a gruesome sight would look like this now."

Sicily: "Hey, you all are making it seem like this place is useless now. Wasn't this made for you, Lilith?"

Lilith: "Y-yes... But I already have a room in the castle. Ah... I'll need to notify the queen that I can start working again."

Kaede: "Are you sure? Shouldn't you still be resting?"

Lilith: "Fufu. I've been resting this whole time. I'm honestly afraid that I won't be able to walk."

I know what Kaede's trying to say, but I do think it's better for Lilith to finally move. She's been doing nothing but laying down for so long now, so actually getting the exercise in would probably do more good than harm.

Kaede: "..."

Lilith: "It's okay, Selene. I honestly feel great. Much better than before-"

Suddenly, Lilith lifts her hand up as air begins to be pulled around into a single point in her palm, creating a small air ball of sorts. We all look in awe as this would be the first time that we all have seen Lilith's magic. Everyone remains silent as we watch Lilith maneuver the now floating air ball. But in the next moment, Lilith flicks the ball of air towards Kaede's face as it gently makes contact, dispersing the air collected as it makes Kaede's hair flutter around for a moment.

Lilith: "I still got it."

Kaede: "Hehe. Alright."

Satisfied, Kaede helps her mom off the ground, assisting her in standing upright. It started out a bit wobbly, but Lilith eventually steadies herself as Kaede slowly stopped supporting her mother's weight.

Lilith: "Hahh~ Can't believe I'd miss standing this much."

Sicily: "What will happen to the cabin then?"

Yui: "Hmmm."

I take a moment to look at the new faces once again. Neda and Erytheia seemed to have passed out at some point on the mattress together, and Melanthos has somehow fallen asleep while keeping in a seated position, almost as if he's meditating.

Yui: "We could keep these three here?"

Kaede: "I was thinking they could live in my house. They are bound to us anyways."

Yui: "Ahh, yeah, I guess that's true."

Kaede: "I thought that this would make for a good locations to bring Ilfa when she ever wants to visit. Obviously she can't set foot in the cities, so this would be perfect."

Speaking of the devil, Mai suddenly returns along with Fabian. But I can't help but notice that Fabian has an odd look on his face, almost as if he's upset in a way. Does he seriously prefer living there that much?

Fabian: "W-who are these people?"

Mai: "Nevermind them."

But before I could voice anything, Fabian speaks up while eyeing up the three new comers. We still need to arrange proper clothes for them. We can't have them wear bed sheets for the rest of their lives, but in a way, this does help us in what they might like. Erytheia seems to not like the bed sheets all that much, whereas Neda seems to love it. Melanthos on the other hand seems to be indifferent about it. So Maybe Erytheia might prefer more movement in her clothes? Like maybe a shirt and pants that's form fitting. Neda might fancy something like a one piece dress, especially since she's wearing the bed sheets like one already. Melanthos... Yeah, we still need to figure out if there's even a store for him.

Yui: "We should take them shopping while on our way back then."

I whisper over to Kaede.

Mell: "Shopping?"

But it seems like Mell, who was close by, overheard me. Well I'd imagine everyone would come anyways, so it's not a big deal.

Kaede: "I was thinking the same thing. But I'm still struggling on where would be a place to get Melanthos' clothes."

Yui: "I can ask my mom. Some of our maids might be able to custom make something for him."

I honestly have no idea if we have maids that are capable of tailoring, but it might not be a bad idea. Wait, I think the clothes I'm wearing is actually made by the maids now that I remember.

Kaede: "We can sort that out later then."

Yui: "Mm."


With Lilith seeming to want to get out of the cabin, we all grabbed our things and headed out. Mai ended up waking her three siblings as they drowsily followed us from behind. Mai also ended up adjusting the bed sheets around them as we walked as they must've gotten loose during their sleep.

Fleur: "Hey, Kaede. Didn't you grab some things back when you visited our guild?"

Kaede: "Yeah?"

Fleur: "Did you happen to grab some of our older clothes? Back when we were young?"

Kaede: "I think so... Oh!"

Seeming to have caught on to what Fleur was implying, Kaede reached into her bag, taking out some clothes that looked like a child could wear before handing them over to Erytheia.

Kaede: "Put these on."

Erytheia: "H-how dare you... Ordering me to put on this-"

Mai: "Hey, cut the attitude. You say thanks when you receive something like this."

Erytheia: "Thanks?"

Mai: "Yes."

Erytheia: "Ugh. Fine. Thanks."

Begrudgingly, Erytheia takes the clothes as she then inspects the clothes in her hands.

Erytheia: "Uhm. How do you wear this?"

Mai: "Well you have to take this off first-"

Suddenly, Mai strips the bed sheet off of Erytheia as the sight of the now naked girl caused all our heads to turn back to the front. 

Mai: "Alright, put your arm through here. Like this."

Erytheia: "What?"

Mai: "Yup, and then this arm through here."

Erytheia: "Hey, hey! This seems dangerous!"

Mai: "Oh come on, Erytheia. Just trust me."

All we hear is the sound of clothes rustling in the back followed with Erytheia's annoyed moans.

Mai: "Okay, and now put your left leg through this hole."

Neda: "Ahh!~ You look so cute, Erytheia!"

Erytheia: "Sh-shut up."

Sounds like they've now moved onto the pants, and soon enough, we all looked back to see the now dressed Erytheia.

Mai: "So? How does it feel?"

Erytheia: "...Better."

A small smile appears on her face as she goes to inspect the shirt she's now wearing. Well, looks like Erytheia's taken care of, but it wouldn't hurt to get more clothes for her, so shopping is still in order. But right now, the queen comes first. I'm honestly looking forward to her reaction to seeing Lilith healthy again.

Fabian: "We going back home?"

Yui: "Hmm? Did you want to see mom?"

Fabian: "...Yeah."

Yui: "Sure. I was gonna stop by and grab her if she isn't busy anyways."

Even now after walking for a bit, Fabian still looks as though he's deep in thought, making me somewhat nervous. He didn't return with Ilfa so maybe something happened between the two of them? Don't tell me he's already gotten himself into a lover's quarrel...