
-----Ilfa's POV

As much as I want to be with Fabian right now, I really needed some time alone with Rina. In truth, I'm not satisfied with what happened that day in the cabin. Rina easily just gave up when Fabian announced our relationship, even abandoning his relationship with her for my sake. I should be happy, but a part of me felt quite angry at the situation. For a while I wondered why I didn't voice anything at the time, but I soon realized that it was because of Fabian being there. So now that Rina and her mother have finished their job, I can finally set things straight with her.

A knock suddenly fills the room, but I was waiting for it.

Ilfa: "Come in."

Entering into the room was Rina herself. I had asked for her to come here personally but maybe it might've also been better to have her mother here as well. Oh well.

Rina: "You called for me, Matriarch?"

Ilfa: "Yes. Please, take a seat."

There's only one table in my room as we both sat at opposite ends, with me at the head of the table and Rina at the tail end. I honestly would've preferred if she sat closer, but if she's comfortable where she is, then I won't complain.

Ilfa: "How was your stay with the humans?"

Rina: "It was great. They kept me fed, and tried to make my stay there as comfortable as possible."

Ilfa: "That's good."

Yeah, this isn't really what I want to talk about...

Ilfa: "...I'll just get right to the point. Do you not love Fabian?"

Rina: "Huh?"

I'm confused, is my question really that difficult to comprehend? Or could it be that she never felt that way to begin with? It would make sense considering how easily she folded back then.

Ilfa: "I see. So you don't-"

Rina: "No, I... I do."

Ilfa: "Then why did you give up that easily?"

Rina: "What?"

Ilfa: "Back in the cabin, on that day. You calmly accepted the fact that Fabian chose me, without even voicing any complaints."

Rina: "That's...."

Ilfa: "Answer me."

It's been bugging me for some time now. If Rina really cares so little of Fabian even though they were together and shared a close bond with one another. If Rina deceived Fabian like that as if it's all a game to her, then I might just kill- no... I'll probably banish her, let her live back in that village.

Rina: "...I can't compete."

She finally answers, but in a softer and more quiet tone than before.

Ilfa: "What do you mean by that?"

Rina: "I can't compete against you, Matriarch. I... I don't have the right."

I'm finding myself growing more and more annoyed with this talk. Besides Tarifa, only Fabian saw me as just another person, yet everyone else puts me up on this pedestal. Sure, I get it, but it still pisses me off.

Ilfa: "Nonsense... You have every right."

Rina: "I-"

Ilfa: "Didn't you stand up against me before? Back when you took Fabian's side over my own? Even though I threatened your mother?"

Rina: "..."

Ilfa: "You seem to think you had a right back then, so why not now?"

Rina: "...I felt it."

Again, she spoke in a soft voice, only this time I could hear her voice beginning to tremble as she avoids eye contact and instead focuses her eyes on the table.

Rina: "I saw how the two of you looked at one another. I just don't want to get in the way of what Fabian wants."

Is she blind? From what I saw, Fabian was clearly worried about her the whole time during that whole conversation at the cabin. Sure we share senses, and I could clearly tell what Fabian was feeling, but I honestly feel like if Rina actually voiced how she feels then Fabian would've chose her. Even now I'm still trying to get to Rina's level, having her mother and Kaede teach me as much as they know.

Ilfa: "You never asked him that though. Even during the whole time you were gone, he was clearly hung up about you, speaking your name every day or so. And even when he didn't, I could feel it. Even now, I still get that lingering pain every now and again in my chest."

Rina: "..."

Ilfa: "So don't think that you know what Fabian wants. Ask him yourself."

Rina: "But I'll just be-"

Ilfa: "Getting in the way? Do I have to force you to ask him?"

Rina: "No! I'll... I'll do it."

I wasn't really going to force her, but I know Rina well. She's easily swayed if you give her a little push. But seeing her finally concede does make me feel relieved.

Ilfa: "Good. I'll find something to occupy myself while you two sort this out when he returns."

Rina: "Uhm! Can I ask you something, Matriarch?"

Ilfa: "Hmm?"

Rina: "Why are you trying to help me?"

Ilfa: "Fufu. It's Fabian I'm trying to help."

Rina: "E-even still. Going this far..."

Ilfa: "..."

It's true that I'm doing this to help Fabian, and I am scared for when Rina voices her actual feelings, then it'll cause my relationship with Fabian to disappear. But I've already done so many disgusting things to Fabian. He struggles to even walk up those stairs to this room, all because I went ahead and did such a cruel thing. I may not be the one that had him chained in the first place, but I did cause irreversible damage to him. And even after that... I've done many harmful things to him. So if he does choose Rina after all of this, then I understand.

Rina: "...You also love him, right?"

Ilfa: "Of course."

Rina: "Hehe. Yeah. I can see it on your face. You secretly don't want Fabian and I to talk about this, right?"

Ilfa: "..."

She's sharp. It's true that personally, I would like to not worry about this, but seeing Fabian clearly worrying over Rina, I can't help but take this matter seriously... For Fabian's sake.

Rina: "Then why don't we share?"

Ilfa: "Fufu. I said the same thing to him. But apparently humans only have one mate. He really does think he needs to make a choice, even though I have no way to reproduce."

Rina: "I... I didn't know that..."

Ilfa: "I never would've figured it would be a problem until now."

Rina: "Then wouldn't that be more of a reason to share?"

Ilfa: "Fabian is a strange one, fufu."

Rina: "...Then I'll talk to him about it."

Ilfa: "Thank you... Wait, what?"

Rina: "I'm not about to take him away from you after all that has been said."

Ilfa: "But Fabian doesn't-"

Rina: "Well he's making a stupid mistake."

Ilfa: "Huh?"

Rina: "You saw, right? When we were at the cabin, Fabian's family visited. He only has a younger sister who's also together with that vampire, Kaede. I doubt they could have children, so for Fabian to cast out having children like this is stupid. He'll just let his family die out. And after getting to know them... I... I don't want that to happen."

I actually never thought of that, probably due to the fact that death has never been a worry of mine. It was surprising to see Yui and Kaede declare that to us, but that does put more strain on Fabian. He's quite powerful, so seeing that family crumble with me does make me feel guilty in that aspect. I've ruined him enough, and I'm not about to ruin his family blood line as well.

Ilfa: "Okay. I'll let you handle this then."

Rina: "Thank you, Matriarch."

Ilfa: "You shouldn't be calling me that now."

Rina: "Huh?"

Ilfa: "If you seriously want to go along with this, then wouldn't this make us equals?"

Rina: "Hehe. I feel honored, but I can't."

Ilfa: "Hah~ I suppose not, huh."

Rina: "Sorry, Matriarch."

Ilfa: "...Try saying it once though. Think of it like an order."

Rina: "...Well. If it's an order then... Alright, Ilfa."

I couldn't hold back my smile as it quickly grew on my face. I know I cheated, but it still felt great to hear.

Ilfa: "Again, please?"

Rina: "...Ilfa."

Ilfa: "Again!"

Rina: "Ilfa."

Ilfa: "See? It's not that hard."

Rina: "I feel like I'll be killed any second."

Ilfa: "Hmm?"

Rina: "If I got caught addressing you like that, others would-"

Ilfa: "Then how about when we're alone like this? It should be fine, right?"

Rina: "...I guess. But is this really necessary?"

If Rina and I are going to do this together, then I may as well open up a little here, right?


I end up telling her briefly about my past, but not to the extent I did with Fabian. I told her of how I lived my life until now as the feeling of loneliness slowly consumed me over the years. I never once told the dark elves why I did what I did, so getting the chance to finally convey it to Rina does put me at ease.

Rina: "Matriarch..."

Ilfa: "Fufu. You quickly reverted to calling me that?"

Rina: "Uh, sorry... Ilfa."

Ilfa: "It's okay. I'm happy the way things are now. Oh, but do spread this information among your peers. I don't mind the dark elves knowing."

Rina: "G-got it."

I'm aware this will show weakness, but if it's just the dark elves, then I suppose it'll be fine. The other races though might try something if they ever caught wind of this though, but I'll deal with that if that happens.

Rina: "Hehe. Feels a bit strange getting special treatment like this."

Ilfa: "Just make sure only the dark elves know about this."

Rina: "Understood."

That's a load off my mind. Might take a while for Rina to embrace calling me by my name, let alone the dark elves as a whole, but I'm happy I chose to talk with Rina. I managed to get through to her regarding Fabian, but I never would've expected this outcome. Fufu, but I guess we both share the same feelings so maybe it's not all that surprising.

Ilfa: "Thank you, Rina."

Rina: "Thank you as well, Ilfa."