Abnormality - 2

-----Yui's POV

Yui: "Mom! Dad!"

As soon as Kaede collapsed, I picked her up and went straight inside, but with Kaede visibly hurting, and even sweating, I immediately called for help once I was inside.

Dad: "What?!"

Yui: "She just suddenly collapsed, and-"

Dad: "Lets bring her to the couch."

It didn't take much effort with dad's help, and once we got her laying down, mom had already gone and gotten a damp towel, wiping off the sweats that's been building up on her forehead.

Mom: "What happened?"

Yui: "I, I don't know. We were just walking back from school and she just dropped."

I did notice that she was clenching her stomach quite a lot. At first I thought maybe her ribs might've suddenly started to hurt, but her hands were nowhere near that injury.

Dad: "Looks like dehydration to me."

Mom: "I'll get some water. Yui, watch over her."

Yui: "Mm!"

Seriously, what have you thrown my way, Kaede... Apparently having dreams about me? Giving me this bruise? Collapsing in school numerous times. Do you even take care of yourself? But apparently you know how to fight? And on top of all of that, you're beautiful. Even with you like this, I can still appreciate your beauty. But why me? Why do you easily grab hold of my hand like that as if it's nothing? Hahh~ I wonder if that's just how straight people usually are... Even still, even with all of her quirks, I can't seem to look away.

Yui: "Eh?"

Suddenly, Kaede reached out and grabbed hold of my hand whilst still unconscious. Just what the hell is up with this girl? Did she seriously know exactly where I was in her sleep? Is she even asleep?

Mom: "Mmmm. Why not take her up to your room?"

Yui: "What?"

Mom: "Well, the couch isn't that comfortable."

True. The couch is on the smaller side and her neck does look uncomfortable.

Yui: "Okay."

-----Kaede's POV

I'm once again in a dream. I seem to be carrying one of those purpled haired elves with the other walking beside me. There's also someone on my back with their arms wrapped around my neck. And it was today that I finally get to know their names. The elf walking beside me is apparently Sicily, and the one in my arms is Lillian. The girl on my back is Mell, the girl who claimed that I was her mother in another dream. I'm not too sure what happened before, but we left a cave of some sort and are just walking through the forest, but I can tell that this was the first time I met these people.

Just then, the surroundings change once more, only this time, it was a lot more familiar. I'm standing on stage inside the auditorium, the same one that I saw during the entrance ceremony for high school. And standing next to me is... Yui. This time, she has the same face as the one I know now, however her hair has grown out to be long, as we both have our hair done up in a ponytail. Just the fact that we're matching fills me with embarrassment, but what I didn't expect was that I grabbed her hand while on stage, in front of everyone. But I guess now that I look around, other people are also grabbing hold of eachother's hands. We both smile at one another as I feel my heart growing light. Almost feels as though I'm about to float off the stage.

But with the applause of the students below us, my vision grows dark as I feel my eyelids beginning to open. The first thing I see is an unfamiliar ceiling. No, wait... I think I've seen this before. Just then, I feel my left hand has been holding something this whole time, and as I go to look, I notice Yui next to me, resting her head on the side of the bed, holding my hand. What?! Why is she holding my hand? Wait, is she sleeping? I go to check carefully and her eyes are definitely closed, with her breathing being the only thing I can hear. I look down at our hands once more as I find myself smiling at the sight as I recall the dream I just had.

Kaede: "...I wonder if we'll hold hands like this by then."

Yui: "Mmm?"

I spoke softly, but it looks as though I woke her up anyways.

Kaede: "Ah! Sorry!"

Yui: "Pfft. It's okay. I'm just glad you're awake."

Kaede: "H-how long was I out?"

Yui: "A couple hours."

Kaede: "What?!"

I sit up in a panic as I quickly look out the window. It's not dark out, but my parents would usually be home by now.

Kaede: "Ah-"

It was then that I realized that I was laying on Yui's bed this whole time. I don't know why I didn't realize it until now, but now I feel my chest getting tight all over again. Did Yui really carry me from outside all the way up to her room? Just the thought of that makes my face feel as if it's on fire.

Yui: "Here, drink some water."

Kaede: "Th-thanks."

Thankfully, I was able to mask my embarrassment with the water as it does wonders at cooling my head.

Yui: "Oh! Right, I think you're parents were trying to get a hold of you."

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "They called three times so far."

Kaede: "Ah!"

With Yui showing me my phone, I quickly grab it to check. And after unlocking my phone, I notice several messages sent from dad and the three missed calls. Desperately, I start typing.

Message: "Sorry! I was busy for a bit after school and am at a friends place at the moment. I'll be home soon."

I quickly type that response out before sending. I breathe a sigh of relief.

Yui: "Your parents mad?"

Kaede: "I think so. Their messages don't sound mad, but I can tell that they are. My dad's the type to be passive aggressive, hehe."

Yui: "Well I'm sure they'll understand. What did you say to them?"

Kaede: "That I'm at a friends place and will be home s-"

Just then, my phone rings as I quickly go to answer it.

Kaede: "Hello?"

Mom: "Hahh!~ I'm glad you're safe."

Kaede: "Hehe, yeah I'm fine mom."

Mom: "Why didn't you contact us?"

Kaede: "Oh, I was just busy talking with some of my seniors. They asked me if I was interested in their club, so I stuck around for a bit."

Mom: "Ohh? What kind of club?"

I end up looking over at Yui at mom's question, our eyes meeting as a smile grows on my face once more.

Kaede: "Sports club."

Mom: "Really?! You're interested in that kind of thing?"

Kaede: "Maybe a little, hehe."

Mom: "So I assume you're at Emi's place?"

Again, I look at Yui. My parents don't know her so I'm sure they'll ask more questions if I say I'm somewhere else.

Kaede: "...Yes."

Mom: "Ah, well her house is quite far away, no? If it's alright with her parents, why don't you stay the night over there? I wouldn't want you walking back in the night."

Oh god! Why did I lie like that! It just slipped out, but now I feel my face heating up more and more at the idea of staying over at Yui's place!

Kaede: "U-uhm!"

Mom: "Message your father if it's a no go and we'll pick you up. Have fun~"

She hangs up right after saying that as I just stare at my phone in disbelief. What have I done?! So not only did I lie, but if I ask dad to pick me up, he'll be driving to Emi's place instead. Doesn't this force me to stay over at Yui's?

Yui: "Was it bad?"

Kaede: "...I uhm."

God! Just smite me right here and now! I don't want to think anymore! Why did I lie? I've never lied like this before...

Kaede: "...Y-you think it's okay if I stay over for the night?"

Yui: "...Huh?"

Kaede: "My mom said it's okay."

Yui: "..."

It wasn't only me who was embarrassed, but Yui as well. Her face might even be more red than mine, which honestly confuses me a little. Wait-

Yui: "I-I'll see what my parents think!"

And just like that, Yui flees the room before I could ask any further questions. Is having friends over that embarrassing? When I ask Emi that, she's always full of smiles, so Yui's reaction just now is quite puzzling.

-----Yui's POV

What the hell?! Staying over?! I've had Shin stay over before but this will be the first person other than him, let alone the first girl! How am I supposed to react?! Usually I'm the one staying over at people's place, so to be asked that instead, I'm... Hahh! My heart can't stop beating like crazy. I can't even tell if I'm happy or not. Am I just nervous about having a beautiful girl over?

After making my way down the stairs, my parents were already there waiting for me, with mom looking to be getting ready to start dinner.

Dad: "Yui?"

Mom: "Ah! Is Kaede okay?"

Yui: "Y-yeah, she's fine. She's awake right now and I gave her water."

Mom: "Hahh~ I'm glad."

Dad: "Dehydration is no joke. Take another glass up there for her."

Yui: "R-right. But..."

Both my parents take notice of how I stopped mid sentence as they move their focus on me, making brining up this topic even more nerve wracking.

Yui: "C-could Kaede stay over for the night?"

Mom: "Mhmm! Of course."

Dad: "Hahaha! We're actually cooking for all four of us. We thought it was a given that she'll be staying the night."

Mom: "She's not allergic to anything, right?"

Yui: "Eh? Uhm... I can ask her."

What the hell? It was that easy? But wait, they "expected" Kaede to be staying the night? Then why did I come down here? Hahh~ I never would've expected this development. The first week of high school and I already have such a cute girl over. No! Calm down Yui. Nothing's going to happen. She was planning on going home anyways until her parents called, don't overthink this. Just breathe~