The Touch

-----Kaede's POV

Yui: "I'm back- huh?"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

I notice her looking at her bed. I guess she assumed that I would still be laying in it, but instead, I got up and made it for her before taking my seat on the floor next to the table.

Yui: "You could've just stayed in bed."

Kaede: "I feel fine though. Plus I don't wanna intrude."

Yui: "Oh no, it's okay. My parents said that you can stay over for the night."

Kaede: "Really?!"

That honestly came as a shock. I haven't even met her dad yet and they've already given their consent? But I guess we're both girls so it's nothing too crazy. If I was a guy then maybe they'd protest a bit more. Either way, I'm glad. I was dreading about the idea of contacting my father and having to explained how I'm not actually at Emi's.

Yui: "Mm! So here-"

She passes me another glass of water, but I can't help but chuckle since there's already a glass of water here.

Yui: "Oh, haha. Well my dad is worried, so make sure you stay hydrated. Mom's getting dinner ready at the moment. Oh, right. You're not allergic to anything, right?"

Kaede: "Not that I know of."

Yui: "Perfect-"

Just then, we both hear the sound of a car door closing before hearing a car driving away slowly from the house.

Kaede: "You're parents?"

Yui: "Seems like it. They might not have had enough for the four of us."

Kaede: "...I'm sorry."

Yui: "It's okay~"

She ends up sitting down on the opposite end of the table as I finish drinking the first glass of water. I take a moment to look around the room where I notice some medals on the wall with a few trophies on top of a dresser.

Yui: "Ah, those are from middle school."

Kaede: "For running?"

Yui: "Mostly, yeah."

Kaede: "Cool."

Yui: "...So. You thinking about joining our club?"

Kaede: "Hehe, maybe. If Emi and Mika plan on going then I might as well."

Yui: "You've known them for long?"

Kaede: "I only met Mika this week, but yeah, I've known Emi since middle school. We're all in the same class."

Yui: "Hmmm."

I can't help but notice her seeming to be a bit dejected for some reason.

Kaede: "What about you? You seem to have a lot of friends."

I end up recalling several moments of her chatting with a large group of friends, and even when entering school, she immediately got swarmed by some guys.

Yui: "Ah, they're just part of the club. I wouldn't really call them close friends."

Kaede: "So... You don't have anyone?"

Yui: "I do, but he's in another class, and he's also not in the club so we only hang out after school basically."

Kaede: "Hmm? Is he your boyfriend perhaps?"

Yui: "O-of course not!"

Kaede: "Hehe."

I try and lighten up the mood which seems to have worked as I managed to get quite a cute reaction out of her. Just from how she's acting, it looks as though she's in denial.

Kaede: "Is that the truth?"

Yui: "Of course! I see him as a brother if anything. Would be gross..."

Kaede: "Alright~ Hehe, I guess it's the same for Emi. I see her as somewhat of an older sister."

Yui: "You two do seem quite close, haha."

Kaede: "Yeah... But it's why I decided to make more friends starting high school. I can't hide behind Emi anymore."

Yui: "Is that why you approached me?"

Kaede: "...Maybe~"

I shoot her a smile which only made her face grow redder as she averts her gaze.

Kaede: "Cute."

Yui: "What?"

Kaede: "Hehe."

Yui: "So then... What about you?"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "You have a boyfriend?"

Can't say I've never really sought one out before, but I guess it has been a passing thought a couple times. Emi had a couple during middle school, but those all ended quite poorly. So I guess you can say my view on having a boyfriend is a bit skewed.

Kaede: "Nope~"

Yui: "Really?!

Kaede: "Mhmm. But I was thinking that maybe I should-"

Just then, I remember those visions and dreams. Dreams of where Yui and I are-

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Y-yeah?! I'm fine!"

Yui: "Pfft, haha. Did thinking of boys get you all flustered."

Kaede: "N-no..."

I definitely cannot say what it was I was thinking, she'd think I'm crazy. It's already bad enough that I told her that I've dreamt of her, there's no way I can go into the details. Ahh! But now that it's on my mind, I can't even look Yui in the eyes no more! Calm down, Kaede!

Kaede: "S-so, have you ever like, had one before?"

Yui: "A boyfriend?"

Kaede: "Mm."

Yui: "...No."

Suddenly, the tenseness in my chest alleviates at her words which only confuses me even more. Why am I relieved to hear that?

Kaede: "That so?"

Yui: "Mm."

Kaede: "..."

Yui: "..."

Oh god oh god, think of something else Kaede! Stop thinking about those damn visions! But really, what is this atmosphere? It feels incredibly heavy all of a sudden.

Yui: "I-I'll put on the fan!"

Kaede: "Okay!"

She suddenly gets up before turning on the fan. The fan did help with lightening up the atmosphere as I feel the wind begin to blow back my hair. Yui ends up moving next to me as we both enjoy the fan.

Kaede: "Hahh~ This is nice."

Yui: "You don't have a fan at your place?"

Kaede: "I do, but I never use it."

I find myself closing my eyes, turning my head to the fan as I bask in the moment of having the wind brush against my face. But this is also a good excuse to not look at Yui right now. I just hope my face looks calm right now.


Yui: "So, you feeling better?"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "You know. When you collapsed. It looked like you were in serious pain."

Ah, right... I almost forgot about it. Now that Yui brings it up, I can sort of feel a tingly warmth spreading over my stomach, exactly where the knife went. But as I go to check, lifting up my shirt to expose my belly, there doesn't seem to be anything there.

Yui: "W-what are you!-"

Kaede: "I'm okay."

I put my shirt down as I notice Yui's face has flared up yet again.

Kaede: "Hmmm... Is it just me, or do you get embarrassed easily?"

Yui: "I just... I just didn't expect you to... Do that."

Kaede: "Pfft."

Yui: "What?~"

Kaede: "You're funny."

Yui: "Well how would you like it if I suddenly exposed my belly like that?"

Kaede: "Oh? Then lemme see."

Yui: "Huh?"

Kaede: "Hehe. I'm actually a bit curious. With all those medals and trophies, I do wonder if you've got some abs hidden under there."

Yui: "..."

Of course I don't actually expect her to-

But just then, my eyes widen at the sight unfolding before me as I watch Yui slowly lift up her shirt, revealing her stomach to me. I was honestly expecting some rock hard abs like some professionals, but she's actually quite toned. Her abs are visible, but they don't stand out too much. That said, it's still impressive...

Yui: "S-sorry to break it to you, but-"

Kaede: "Can I touch?"

Yui: "What?!"

Kaede: "Please~"

Yui: "..."

Nah, this is already too far with the teasing.

Kaede: "Just kid-"

Yui: "Okay..."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Wait, she's fine with that?! I really expected her to say no, now what do I do?

Yui: "Ehh? Backing off now? I thought you wanted to touch."

Kaede: "..."

Slowly, I end up moving a finger towards her stomach. My heart beating faster and faster as my finger gets closer to her body. My face doesn't look weird, right? And just then, my finger makes contact. Huh? I was expecting it to be still somewhat hard, but it's surprisingly softer than I imagined. But right as I thought that, in the next moment, I feel her body tense up, springing my finger back a little.

Yui: "S-so? Do you-!"

I use more of my fingers as I find myself drawn in with curiosity. My fingers now gently gliding over her skin, moving along all the contours of her muscles.

Kaede: "So smooth..."

Yui: "Mmm~"

I feel her body quivering with my touch as I look back up at her face. She's not even looking my way and instead choosing to look off to the side. But even still, I can tell just how red her face has gotten, even her body feels as thought it's getting hotter the more I move my fingers.

Yui: "K-K-Kaede?!"

Kaede: "Huh?"

Yui: "Th-that's a bit..."

I look back down as I noticed where my hand was going. Half of my hand had gone much further up than I thought as I feel my finger tips press up against what I'd think would be her bra. The realization soon hits me as I quickly take my hand out from under her shirt as I look away to hide my embarrassment.

Kaede: "I'm so sorry! I don't know what went over me!"

Yui: "..."

Oh god, what have I done?! My hand just seemed to have a mind of it's own. I looked at Yui's face for just a moment and I was already doing something completely uncalled for...

Yui: "...It's okay."

Kaede: "Huh?"

Suddenly cutting our conversation short, we hear the car return followed by the sound of the doors opening.

Yui: "Ah! Looks like they're back. I'll be back!"

Again, she flees from the room, leaving me to my thoughts. But now that she's out of the room, I'm now conscious of just how hard my heart is beating, almost painful in a way.

Kaede: "...I seriously messed up."

She probably already thinks I'm crazy, but now I've just made it all worse.

Kaede: "She... She was cute though."

I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I had continued. Wait, why am I thinking that? Did I seriously want to continue that? No, no, no... I try to slap my cheeks, trying to get rid of those insane thoughts. I can't screw up our friendship that I just made. I'm even staying the night...


Oh god I'm staying the night!