The Sleepover

-----Kaede's POV

Yui: "'Night~"

After saying goodnight to Yui's parents we moved back upstairs. And it was just then that I realized something really important... I didn't bring any pajamas! Do I just sleep in these? No, that's ridiculous! But it's too late to go home...

And so, we entered Yui's room, but the sense of dread I'm feeling doesn't go away as I just heave a sigh, knowing I really fucked up. Even if I call my parents, they'll think I'm at Emi's, so I can't rely on them to bring some clothes over.

Yui: "You want to take the first shower?'

Kaede: "Eh?"

Yui: "The shower's just next door."

Kaede: "Uh, that's, not it. I..."

Yui: "Hmm?"

Kaede: "I don't have any spare clothes..."

Ahh! This is so embarrassing! But it was then that Yui began to move, going through some drawers before pulling out what looked like pajamas.

Yui: "Here."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Yui: "Don't worry, I have plenty of pairs."

I gingerly grab the pajamas from her outstretched hand as I briefly inspect them. They're just plain white? I guess Yui isn't all that into fashion maybe?

Yui: "I'm just a bit taller than you, so this should be okay."

Kaede: "R-right! Thank you!"

Yui: "Pfft."

And so, I move to the adjacent room, closing the door behind me as I heave yet another sigh.

Just at a glance, Yui's bathroom seems to be around the same size as the one at my place, maybe even a little bigger? I end up looking over at the bath when suddenly, three figures pop out of nowhere; of course I knew exactly who they were.

(Kaede: "Okay~ Close your eyes~")

Both Yui and I seem to be outside the bath, wrapped in towels as I seem to be rinsing off the soap in Mell's hair.

(Mell: "Pah~")

Wiping her hair out of her eyes, Mell looks satisfied as her light blue hair shines from the light.

(Kaede: "All done!")

I end up wrapping a towel around Mell as she gets out of the bath. Looking at myself in third person like this, it does look as though I'm her mother... 

Mell ended up leaving the bathroom as her figure ends up going straight through me as if she's a ghost. And after filling up the tub with fresh clean water, Yui and the Kaede in front of me both hop into the bath together. I find myself focusing more on Yui rather than myself as I feel my heart getting tighter and tighter just by standing there.

(Kaede: "Hmm?")

(Yui: "N-nothing!")

(Kaede: "Pfft!")

(Yui: "What?~")

(Kaede: "You're so easy to read.")

Wait, now I'm closing the distance? Even pushing her to the end of the tub? Is that really me? And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I then take hold of her chin with my fingers as I bring my face even closer to Yui's.

Yui: "Kaede~ You okay in there?"

Kaede: "Y-y-yes! I'm fine!"

And just like that, my surroundings return to normal, but my body still feels incredibly hot from what I just witnessed. 


I end up getting in the shower, washing away all memories... Or at least I try to. The sight of Yui naked did make my heart race. But why? Could it be the same thing that happened earlier when I felt that knife stab me? Maybe I'm just feeling what that Kaede was feeling?

With those thoughts, I go to dry myself off with a towel before getting changed in the pajamas that Yui gave me. However...

Kaede: "..."

Sure the size fits well, and I even have the sleeves covering part of my hands since it's a little too big for me, but as for the chest area...

Kaede: "I guess I could just leave a few of the buttons undone..."

I wouldn't want to force it and end up damaging her pajamas.

After getting changed, I make my way back to Yui's room.

Kaede: "I'm done."

Yui: "Ah, alright. Then I'll be- eh!"

But right as our eyes met, her face wells up, almost like she'd just swallowed fire. Just looking at her face is making me embarrassed as I try to avert my gaze.

Yui: "A-anyways! I'll be back!"

And right as I looked away, Yui slipped past me as she went outside the room. I take this chance to look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look okay.

Kaede: "Hmmm."

I end up adjusting the area around my chest and shoulders, but even then, I don't think I looked weird. So then what was that reaction just now?



Yui: "Hah~"

And after a while, Yui returns, seeming to be completely relaxed as she sits down on the floor at the table with me.

Kaede: "Thank you for letting me use your shower."

Yui: "It's-"

But she'd soon tense up after opening her eyes and looking at me. Do I really look that weird?

Yui: "Ahem! Anyways, you can use my bed, I'll go grab a futon."

She then stands up abruptly before moving over to the closet, pulling out the futon in question. But is this really okay? When I stay over at Emi's we just share the bed. Why is she wanting to use a futon? But arguably more importantly...

Kaede: "Wait, are you going to sleep on the floor like that?"

Yui: "Eh? Uh, yeah."

Kaede: "I'm the guest, so I should be the one sleeping on that if anything. You can have your bed."

Yui: "No no, I wouldn't want you sleeping on the floor."

Kaede: "And I think that you shouldn't either."

Actually, now that I remember, Emi and I did have a conversation similar to this. She wanted me to use the bed, but when I said that we can just share the bed, the discussion ended right then and there. But with Yui, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Yui: "Isn't it common knowledge to have your guests feel welcomed? Just use the bed."

Kaede: "And I'm saying that's silly. You're bed can easily fit the both of us, so why not just sleep together?"

Yui: "Sl-sleep together?!"

Eh? Did I say something wrong again?

Kaede: "Yeah. I don't want you sleeping on the ground, and you don't want me to either, so why don't we just both share the bed?"

Yui: "O-oh! S-so, that's what you meant..."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Yui: "W-well... Are you sure you're fine with it?"

Is she serious? Wait, could it be?

Kaede: "Ohooo? Cold it be that this is your first time having someone over?"

Yui: "...Yes."

Kaede: "Wait... For real?!"

Yui: "Mm..."

Ah~ Her face is heating up again, so cute! But I didn't expect to be the first person to be staying over at her house!

Kaede: "Hehehe, so I'll be your first?"

Yui: "Nevermind that!"

In an attempt to flee, Yui dives into the bed, escaping my gaze, but I can't help but chuckle at the sight I'm seeing. Yui, who seems to be so cool and collected, making friends easily with guys and girls. To think she can be this cute.

Kaede: "Hehe."

Yui: "What are you giggling at?"

Kaede: "Just you."

Yui: "..."

Kaede: "I never thought you'd be this cute when I first met you."

I end up taking a seat at the edge of her bed, looking over at her as she darts her eyes back to me, only to look away just as quickly.

Yui: "Stop calling me that."

Kaede: "Hmm? That you're cute?"

Yui: "Yes... No one's called me that before..."

Kaede: "Ehh? I find that hard to believe."

Yui: "..."

God, if this was Emi, I'd go in to hug her right now, but Yui and I are still newly-made friends. I'm honestly not sure how far to go with it.

Yui: "That's 'cause I'm usually never like this."

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "Augh! It's 'cause it's someone like you!"

Kaede: "Hehe, you said that before."

Yui: "Mm. But it's the truth. Who wouldn't get flustered when being called that by someone beautiful."

Kaede: "B-beautiful?"

Yui: "..."

Kaede: "..."

Great, now I'm the one who's flustered, wait no... Yui's face is still glowing red, even hiding half her face under the covers. Just then, I think back to just before when I touched her... I kind of want to- wait wait wait! What was I just about to imagine!? In a panic, I cover my face in my hands, wanting to block the sight of Yui as much as I can.

Yui: "Oh? See? It's not so easy to take compliments, right?"

Kaede: "Th-that's not it..."

Yui: "Hmm?"

Kaede: "N-n-nevermind!"

Not wanting to be found out, I lay down, facing my back towards Yui. Calm down Kaede! Think of pleasant thoughts. Ah, yes. Think of... Just then, the naked Yui in the bath sticks into my mind as I quickly try and slap my face.

Kaede: "Calm down, Kaede!"

Yui: "Pfft."

Kaede: "Ah!"

Wait, I just said that out loud?! She probably think I'm weird!

Kaede: "Uhm-"

But right as I was about to say something, I feel her moving closer to me as she soon wraps her arms around me from behind.

Kaede: "W-what are you doing?"

Yui: "Haha, so even you get flustered like this."

Kaede: "O-of course I would!"

Yui: "But wouldn't this be normal for friends?"

What is she saying? Well, I guess Emi and I have cuddled in the past, but this feels completely different! I can tell she's being delicate with her hands, almost ticklish in a way that only makes me more nervous.

Suddenly, I recall the vision I had. Yui and I were in the same bed, just like this... Then we- oh god! My heart is going to explode in a minute if this keeps up!

Yui: "Hmmm."

Kaede: "Huh?!"

Wait, hold on! Why is she moving her fingers around my body? Is she trying to get a rouse out of me? But despite my grievances with it, my body refuses to act and instead lets Yui continue what she's doing.

Yui: "Ticklish?"

Kaede: "..."

I can't find it in me to respond as I'm doing everything in my power to keep myself in check. But that only seemed to make her even more determined as she soon began to move her hand down before moving her fingers underneath my shirt, now caressing my stomach directly.

Kaede: "S-stop..."

Yui: "Hmmm? What was that? It's only fair isn't it? You got to feel mine."

Kaede: "..."

It's not that. I seriously feel like I'm going to explode. But why is my body refusing to cooperate?! I want to grab her hands and force her to stop, so why is my body refusing to obey? But right as I thought that, my body did in fact begin to move, however what I didn't expect was for me to have moved on top of Yui, pinning her down by her shoulders as I look down at her.

Yui: "Hahaha! Sorry sorry, my bad. I'll-"

She ends up stopping mid sentence as my body refuses to get off of her as I continue to stare directly in her eyes, with Yui now doing the same.

Yui: "K-Kaede?"

Kaede: "..."

I soon realize that I shifted my gaze to her lips as I'm reminded of that vision once again. We kissed... I then lower myself closer to Yui as I feel the tightness in my chest slowly going away the closer I get.

Yui: "..."

I feel her try and break free but it's no use. Even my mind is now filled with curiosity as to what will happen, and with my body continuing on, our faces soon drew close. But it was when Yui turned her head to the side, closing her eyes that I soon realize what's happening. But just as I was about to get off of Yui, I notice her now exposed neck she has just shown me. For some reason, I feel myself drawn in even more as my body continues to move on its own.

Kaede: "I wonder..."

Yui: "E-eh?!"

I soon made contact as I gently licked her neck, almost as if she's some kind of meal. Feeling her body tense up in my grasp only seems to bring me more enjoyment as I soon found myself kissing and even nibbling at her neck.

Yui: "M-mmm! K-Kaede!"

Kaede: "Ah!"

For some reason, I quickly regained control as I quickly got off of Yui. Just what the hell was that?! It was like my mind had just lost it!

Kaede: "I'm sorry! I just..."

Yui: "...I didn't know you were into that... Kind of stuff."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Yui: "...L-let's get some sleep, okay?"

Kaede: "R-right!"

We quickly lay down, facing our back to one another, not speaking another word. AHH! I rally screwed up big time! What the hell was I thinking? No, I wasn't even thinking, that's the problem!