Quick Snack

-----Kaede's POV

After leaving Yui, I make my way back to that man's house. It's not that I'm hungry since I already gotten enough from him when I woke up in that concrete room. However-

Kaede: "Eat."

Pulling out my mom's lunch she prepared for me, I place the food in front of him as he immediately obeyed my command without question.

Kaede: "Hmm."

Curious, I release him from my charm magic while he was in the middle of eating. It didn't take long for him to realize that he's back in control as he immediately crawled away from me, not even bringing the food with him.

Man: "S-s-stay away!"

Kaede: "Relax~ The food isn't poisoned if you were worried about that. This is my mom's homecooked meal, just for you~"

I close the distance as I slide the food closer to him only for him to stretch his leg out, kicking the food away as most of it flies out onto the filthy concrete. It's not that it's my problem, but seeing him waste food that would aid in keeping his body healthy for me, then "that" is a problem.

Kaede: "...Eat."

Man: "Fuck y-"

Before he could even finish that little sentence, I make a small cut in my finger with one of my nails before drawing out several strings of blood as I shoot them out towards him. Each string wrapping around each of his limbs and neck as I spread him up onto the wall, like a fly cough in a spider's web.

Kaede: "What was that?"

Man: "!"

I step forward as I look up at my work of art. I feel him struggling, trying to break free, but my strings of blood are like steel, not letting even the slightest of movements escape.

Kaede: "I'd like to hear it. What was it you were saying?"

Man: "...W-what are you?"

Seems like he's no longer trying that act, huh? But hearing him question me like this makes the corners of my mouth rise in excitement. I wonder what his reaction will be? So instead of using words, I grow out my wings for the first time in a long time. I was honestly worried if I still had it in me, but it seems like ever since I got sent to the hospital, my body's already back to the way it was. It also probably helped that I finally drank some blood after so long. And seeing his eyes widen in horror at the sight of me only makes this even more enjoyable.

Kaede: "I'm sorry, but I can't let anyone else know about me. So this will be just be-"

I pick up one of the sandwiches that was on the concrete floor before moving straight to his neck.

Kaede: "Our little secret."

I whisper that into his ear before tightening the blood string around his neck, causing him to gasp for air. I take that moment to force the sandwich down his throat before loosening the blood string ever so slightly. I watch as he coughs, but I keep my hand over his mouth, not letting any of the food spill out.

Kaede: "Eat, or I'll make this a whole lot worse for you."

But despite my warning, he continues to cough as some of the food spills out the side of his mouth and back onto the ground. I let out a sigh before letting go of his mouth as he finally coughed up the sandwich, getting it all over the floor. But while he tried to compose himself and regaining his breath, I move over to his right arm that is pinned to the wall by his wrist with my blood strings. I gently glide my nails along his arm before reaching his palm.

Kaede: "Suit yourself."

I then grip his pink finger before immediately snapping it off to the side, as the sound echoes throughout the room, like a whip cracking through the air. His screams naturally came next as I feel him desperately try and free his right arm, but I just tighten the blood strings around his wrist, letting him know that anything he does is futile.

Kaede: "Now. Will you eat? Or should I continue?"

I then force his hand open before gripping onto his ring finger. His eyes fill with fear as I slowly start to twist his finger.

Man: "Wait wait wait, wait!"

Kaede: "Oh?"

Man: "...I'm sorry."

Kaede: "Perfect~"

I retract all the blood strings at once as his body quickly falls back onto the ground as he immediately goes to hold his right hand close to his chest, with tears beginning to stream down his face.

Kaede: "If you eat all the food that you spilled on the ground. I'll fix your finger."

Man: "H-huh?"

Kaede: "Hmm? Did you not hear me? Or do you actually want to continue what we were doing?"

Man: "N-no! I'll eat!"

Almost immediately, he begins to stuff his mouth with the sandwich he cough up earlier. However, due to the food now covered in his saliva, the food has picked up even more debris on the concrete, causing him to gag while he eats. He might get sick, but if he does, I can take care of it.


After some time, he finally finishes everything on the ground as I go to pick up the now empty container before putting it into my bag.

Kaede: "Good. Then I'll be taking my leave."

Man: "W-wait! What about my finger?"

Kaede: "Hmm? What about it?"

Man: "You said you'd fix it."

I can't help but chuckle at hearing him plead like that.

Kaede: "And you believed me?"

Man: "What?"

Kaede: "Next time, do as your told. Maybe if you behave, then I'll fix it. But for tonight, atone for what you've done."

I don't say anything more before putting him back under my charm spell and closing the door. I know I could've done this quicker and meet up with Yui sooner, but I needed to make sure that he understands his position without my charm magic. I'll probably visit him tomorrow early in the morning and get more blood from him.


Kaede: "Hahh!~"

Once I arrive in Yui's room, I collapse onto the bed. Her parents aren't home which is a bit disappointing, but I guess it's not too bad.

Yui: "Pfft."

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "Nothing. I just thought it was funny seeing you dive onto the bed as if you owned it."

Kaede: "Mmmm. Your bed's just comfy is all~"

I end up burying my face into the sheets, taking in Yui's scent. Even now, my body heats up when I'm near her despite not being hungry. But at least I feel in control at the moment.

Yui: "Hmm? What happened to your uniform?"

Kaede: "Eh?"

I sit up before inspecting the front of my uniform. Nothing seems to be off about it, so-

Yui: "No no. The other side. You have two big holes at the back."

Kaede: "Ah!"

I quickly turn around so that I'm now facing Yui, hiding the holes in my shirt. I totally forgot that I'm not wearing that black dress. It was so convenient that it exposed my back, allowing my wings to grow without destroying anything. But of course, my school uniform doesn't have that luxury.

Yui: "What happened? I don't think I saw those when we were at school."

Kaede: "..."

I'm trying to find a lie, but nothing's coming to mind. At least not a lie that can be believable...

Yui: "It's okay."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Yui: "As long as you're safe, then I'm happy."

Kaede: "Yeah, I'm fine. I just-"

I was about to come up with an excuse, but my body immediately tensed up, forcing me to stop mid sentence. It's just like in the other world. Back there, I couldn't feel comfortable lying to Yui. And it's the exact same thing here. And to be honest, I feel bad enough hiding my real identity to her. I know Yui is an accepting person, but... A vampire? I think that's pushing it too far...

Yui: "...Kaede."

Kaede: "Yeah?"

Yui: "You can take off the contacts if you like."

Kaede: "Eh? Wait. Isn't it weird though?"

Yui: "Of course not. They're your eyes. Plus... I'd want you to feel comfortable being yourself around me."

Ahh!~ Yui why are you like this! The contacts is one thing, but the way you word it makes it feel like I can actually open up to you about who I really am! And if you make a face like that, it makes it hard for me to say no...

Kaede: "...Kay."

I swiftly take off my contacts before placing them in my bag. But now having Yui look at me like this feels far too weird.

Yui: "Mm. I like your eyes."

Kaede: "Don't be ridiculous."

Yui: "I'm not! I'm serious. I think your red eyes are really pretty."

Kaede: "..."

Nope! I'm not going to get flustered from that! If she knew what my red eyes symbolizes, she'd... Wait. But if this Yui is the same Yui I know and love... Maybe actually showing her might not be a bad idea.

Yui: "But seriously. I still can't understand how you did all that at club. It was like you weren't even human, but more like an angel."

Kaede: "Pfft. An angel you say?"

Yui: "Ah! Well, y-yeah."

I'm surprised that she's actually on the right track. But she's probably trying to compliment me if anything. But if she seriously thinks I'm an angel, then I feel like I'll just disappoint her.

Yui: "I still can't get the sight of you flying through the air during long jump."

Kaede: "...I was honestly trying to hold myself back."

Yui: "...Huh?"

Wait, I said that out loud? Fuck!

Kaede: "Uhm! Well..."

Fuck it... My uniform is already torn from the back, so it's all the more reason to just get this over with. She wants to see an angel? Well here it is.

Standing up from the bed, I take a moment to breath before I slowly grow out my wings, almost timidly as to not frighten Yui. But even while spreading my wings out slowly, Yui immediately recoils as she leans back on her arms, trying to put some distance between us. It honestly hurt to see her getting spooked like that, but I honestly don't care at this point. I wanted to stay away from Yui at first, yet I'm still drawn to her, like my mind and body is at a constant tug of war with each other. I guess my body won in the end though if this is what it's come to.

Once my wings have fully extended, I look back at Yui's face as she refuses to move from where she is, with her mouth wide open, however, no words were said.

Kaede: "Scared?"

Yui: "Uh..."

Kaede: "Don't worry. I won't do anything... I just had enough of hiding this from you."

Yui: "...Kaede?"

Kaede: "I guess you were expecting white, feathered wings, right?"

Yui: "..."

Kaede: "...Sorry."

With her still struggling to find words, I quickly retract my wings, casting my eyes down onto the floor. I feel a massive amount of relief lift off of me, but that only got replaced with shame. Enough that I can't seem to look back up at Yui who's still sitting there in front of me.

Kaede: "...If... If you want me to go... Then just say the word. I'll never bother you again."

Yui: "..."

Yeah... Maybe this was the right move after all. If Yui's this scared that she can't move or even speak, then I just wonder what it would've been like if I done this later. I'm sorry, Yui.