Breaking Free

-----Selene's POV

Once again, I wait for mom to return. With her having her memories back, she's been working harder in order to get us out of here. Last time, it was just me, so I feel happy knowing that mom will be with me this time. Yarene probably won't be the ideal place to do the "merging worlds" plan, but it'll be a hell of a lot better than here in Inasdale, especially considering how Ilfa sees it.

Just then, the door opened to reveal mom, however she wasn't alone as two women entered the house with her, both seeming to be wearing a robe to conceal themselves. But once the door was closed, they removed the robes. I instantly recognized who they were as they both smiled my way.

Iris: "So you must be Selene."

Selene: "Yes."

Her hair was a dead giveaway as it matched Yui's hair almost perfectly, along with her crystal blue eyes. Thinking back on it, mom never told me exactly what was going on, but after discovering Iris' connection to Yarene, my mom must've been working with her in order to smuggle me out to Yarene. Of course that attempt ended in failure, but it's all starting to make sense now.

Alice: "Kaede... She's in that other world too, right?"

Iris: "Yes. We'll cross that bridge later. Right now though... Lilith."

Mom: "Yes?"

Iris: "I've scheduled a caravan to take both you and Selene to Yarene tomorrow. Alice will be the one escorting you in case anything happens."

Mom: "Surely that's a little too much."

Iris: "Last time the plan failed, right? Even now, I couldn't figure out exactly who was behind the attack, but I can rest easy knowing that Alice will be there with you."

Alice: "Mm. I promise the both of you will arrive there safely."

Wasn't I the reason behind the carriage breaking down? I didn't hear about this "attack" that Iris mentioned. My memory could be fuzzy considering how far back it is, but I guess I'll have to take Iris at her words.

Iris: "The caravan leaves at the break of dawn. Alice will be here to escort you to it before you set off."

Mom: "What about you, my lady?"

Iris: "As much as I want to, I still have a lot more to take care of here. Ah, and don't worry. The queen of Yarene is expecting a vampire, so you shouldn't have any issues."

Selene: "What? But last time didn't they lock us up?"

Iris: "Fufu. Yes, but it seems like the queen herself also remembers the past."

So the reason why I haven't heard from Mai is because she's going around and fixing everyone's memories? Wait-

Selene: "Then what about Fleur and Faye?"

Iris: "They'll be getting picked up as well as you go through Azalea. The soldiers there might be suspicious, so be careful when you get there, Alice."

Alice: "Got it."

Well, looks like things are moving forward faster than I expected. It feels like we're cheating in a way being able to remember the past, but who cares. Seeing mom without any scars feels so much better that I'd cheat as much as I can in order to save that smile of hers. But I do have to admit, having three people around me is making my body heat up. If I was the same as before, I'd imagine Alice would've killed me before I could even get close to Iris, so I'm trying my best to suppress myself.

Mom: "Selene?"

Iris: "Okay. I do need to go now. Thank you again for welcoming me into your home."

Mom: "N-not at all, my queen!"

Not like this will be our home any longer. Seems like we'll be stuck in a caravan for god knows how long until we reach Yarene.

-----Mai's POV

This really goes against what my job is meant to be, but I won't stand by and let all of this play out...

I've been in contact with many people now, including Rina and her mother in one of the dark elf clans. It seems as though Ilfa has yet to make contact with them. Of course with Rina still being a kid, her reaction whilst she slept was a lot stronger than her mother as countless tears streamed down her cheeks. To her, she must be having quite a rollercoaster of a dream. I would've done this already with Fabian, but with how things are playing out on Iris' end, I'd rather have him in the dark for now. I won't fuck this up anymore than I already have.

Before I could be seen by the other dark elves, I teleported away close to where Sicily and Lillian's elf village was. But when I arrived, I noticed that the place was already wiped out. I could've swore that I still had time before their village got attacked, but it appears I was too late. I never really paid attention around this time, namely because of Selene and her mother, so I'm not entirely sure where the slavers must've taken them. But at least what I do know is where they will end up.

Thinking so, I quickly check the mansion where Sicily and Lillian would be brought to after being sold off, but again, no sign of them. I highly doubt that they have fled and been abducted by goblins, so I guess for now I'll keep an eye on this place.

Mai: "I guess this is it for now?"

I try and think about anything else I could do, but nothing comes to mind. Iris should have little to no problems, Selene and Lilith should also be fine with getting to Yarene. I trust Iris to handle everything on Inasdale's side, so I guess I'll move my focus to the most important person.

Mai: "Mell..."

She's not even born yet, but I know Kaede will be upset if something happens to her. Hehe, I guess some people would call this being a guardian angel on my part. I have no idea what her parents look like, so all I can do is remain alert, waiting for when she does finally come into this world. But at least for now, it seems my job is done for now.

I de-materialize myself, going back to join up with Erytheia and the others. Every time I do this, I always feel down, knowing that I can't feel anything anymore as I just float around in nothingness.

Neda: "Leuce! Welcome back."

Erytheia: "So you really aren't tied down there anymore."

Mai: "Yes. I'm pretty sure it's safe for you two to do the same."

Melanthos: "Hahh~ But Mell isn't born yet, right?"

Neda: "Hehe, is someone jealous?~"

Melanthos: "Oh please, she'll be born soon, so what's the big deal."

His definition of soon could be anything. To us, a decade could be considered "soon."

Erytheia: "Yeah but Neda and I can go down right at this very moment, hah!"

Galatea: "You guys... You all will get us in trouble."

Mai: "By that guy that rewound time?"

Galatea: "Who else would I be talking about?"

Mai: "I highly doubt he'll try anything this time. As long as we all look after our worlds... Right, Erytheia?"

Erytheia: "Eh? Why are you singling me out?"

Mai: "This all happened 'cause you weren't able to keep your world in check."

Erytheia: "Mhmm, and who's fault is that?"

Mai: "I'm just saying to make sure to balance it out if you do want to go down into my world with me."

Erytheia: "Fine~"

Although, to be honest, a part of me wants for that guy to come back. He surprised me with the whole rewinding time, but now that I know it's coming, maybe I could figure it out an learn how he does it. It's entirely possible that the reason why he hasn't said anything this time around is because he knows about me. As long as I keep him in check, nothing should go wrong. Hahh~ But now it feels like I'm looking after so many different things. Mell, Iris, Rina, Selene, Lilith... The list goes on. But I guess this is what I get for having fucked up in the first place...