A Place To Return

-----Kaede's POV

Because of school, I haven't had much opportunities to look for a place to make this crest. I did think about just doing it in the concrete room in that man's house, which could still be an option, but I doubt it could last long. But now with the weekend finally starting, I now have free rein to search for a place.

Somewhere that's isolated is ideal, which led me to think that maybe an island off of the mainland could work, but if this plan does end up working and a bridge is created between both worlds, then it might be difficult for someone like Yui to get there. I could just fly her over which does seem like a fun idea, but maybe somewhere that's nearby would be best, which only leads me back to that man's house.

Kaede: "Hmmm."

Yui: "What's up?"

Ever since the weekend started, I've been spending my time at Yui's place. I keep in contact with my mom, letting her know that I'm with Yui. After that whole talk with mom, I've come to the conclusion that I won't talk about it with dad. I haven't explained everything with mom, but at least she knows that I'm not normal and we keep in contact regularly. I also haven't talked about her drinking alcohol with anyone so I don't think there's any problems there.

Kaede: "Just wondering where a nice, isolated spot would be."

Yui: "Mmm. I notice you're a lot more tense at school. Is that why?"

Kaede: "Well, partly. It can be difficult being swarmed by everyone like that."

Yui: "Pfft. Maybe you shouldn't have showed off during club then, haha."

Kaede: "Maybe, hehe. But it's not only that, but those letters as well."

Yui: "Ah, from your shoe locker?"

Yesterday when we arrived at school, when I was changing my shoes, a whole bunch of letters cascaded from my locker, falling onto the ground. Everyone around us was shocked to see such a sight, but I knew full well what all those letters were.

Yui: "Did you even bother with them?"

Kaede: "I just threw them in the furnace at the back of the school."

Yui: "Seriously? Isn't that going too far?"

Kaede: "Well, I did read a few just for fun."

The ones I did end up reading were all essentially love letters. Some seemed to have came from girls as well which led me to think that these letters were also a form of admiration, but I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were confessions.

Yui: "And?"

Kaede: "And what? I'm not going to meet any of them. I threw those also in the furnace."

Yui: "I guess. Hah~ I wonder what kind of look would be on their faces if they knew you did that."

Kaede: "Well I wish they did. It would let them know clearly wouldn't it?"

Yui: "True."

Kaede: "Well anyways. Do you know anywhere that's close but also isolated?"

Yui: "Hmmm. My grandparents live out of town. It's not too far by train and there's isn't that much traffic there."

That's right. I remember that on occasions, Yui would go and visit her grandparents out of town. I've never actually been there with her in the past, but from what I remember, Yui seemed to always enjoy going.

Kaede: "Is there a lot of forests there?"

Yui: "There is. Also there's a few mountains there too."

That might be nice. Even if there's no caves in the mountain, I could probably carve one out myself and create the crest there.

Kaede: "No one goes up the mountains?"

Yui: "I'm not sure. I would think not since most people in that town tend to stay in the fields."

Then that pretty much settles it.

Kaede: "When is the next time you plan on going?"

Yui: "Eh? Uhm. Probably after the end of term exams."

Kaede: "Hahh~"

Hearing this, I collapse back as I rest up against the side of Yui's bed while still seated on the floor. Those exams are weeks away still... I honestly don't want to have to put up waiting like this anymore.

Yui: "D-did you want to go sooner?"

Kaede: "Yeah."

Yui: "...Can I ask why?"

Kaede: "I just maybe have found a way to return to my world."

Yui: "What?! Already?"

Kaede: "Yeah... It's still just a theory at this point, but my sister and I have possibly figured out a way to travel to an from both worlds as we please."

Yui: "Sister... Selene, right?"

Kaede: "Mhmm."

Actually, I might contact her tonight about it. I'd imagine its not as easy for her either, finding a place to make this crest. We still also need to contact Mai, but since I haven't heard from either Selene or Mai these past few days, I can only assume that Mai's still busy.

Yui: "W-well-"

I look over back to Yui, her face seeming to have become somewhat flush as she pauses.

Yui: "You have wings, so I'd imagine you can fly..."

Kaede: "Yeah?"

Yui: "So... What I'm trying to say is, would it be possible to fly with you?"

Kaede: "..."

So this Yui is okay with flying like that? Maybe an island would be better then... But then again, maybe having it inland would be easier in case she wanted to get there herself. Also with it being close to where her grandparents live, she could easily access the crest if she wanted to.

Kaede: "You're saying you want me to fly you to your grandparents?"

Yui: "...Yes."

Kaede: "I could, but wouldn't people see us?"

Yui: "Oh... I thought that with you having magic that maybe you could turn us invisible."

Kaede: "Ahh~"

So that's what she meant. Of course she wouldn't know what my limitations were, but when she saw me play around with light magic the other day, it makes sense for her to imagine that I could do many more crazy things.

Kaede: "Well, I can't turn us invisible sadly."

Yui: "But that light magic you showed me the other day. Couldn't you like, shape that to reflect light in a way that could hide us?"

Kaede: "You mean like camouflage?"

Yui: "Mm!"

That... Could maybe work. We'd still have to deal with people seeing us, but at least they won't see something with wings flying across the city. Actually, I might be just overthinking it. People would maybe just see me as another bird depending how high up we are.

Kaede: "Yeah. I can try something like that."

Yui: "Really? So we can fly together?"

Kaede: "Fufu. But you think you can handle it?"

Yui: "I...I can try!"

Kaede: "Then how about we go there tomorrow?"

Yui: "Sounds good. I'll let my parents know. Ah, but I'd probably have to be back before night."

Kaede: "Mhmm. I'm sure it won't take too long. As long as you guide us in the right direction, we should be good."

With this new development, I can feel my body growing hot in excitement. As long as I can hide the crest enough with the forests and mountain, I could maybe carve the crest tomorrow. Thinking that, I ready myself and try to contact Selene.

Kaede: "Sis, you there?"

Selene: "M-mmm?"

But what get in response is a sleepy sounding Selene.

Kaede: "Sorry, did I wake you?"

Selene: "Mm? Ah! Sister!"

But after realizing who was talking inside her head, her voice inside my own head immediately sounded a lot more alive. I can practically see her leaping out of bed with a bright smile on her face.

Kaede: "Hehe."

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Ah. Sorry. I'm just contacting my sister."

Looks as though it also showed on my face as Yui was now looking my way. Honestly, having her watch me as I talk with Selene is a little embarrassing as I find myself trying to keep a straight face.

Selene: "Sis?"

Kaede: "Sorry. Just had to deal with something. How are things on your end?"

Selene: "Mmmm... Boring to say the least. We're on our way to Yarene. Oh! But get this! You remember Silas?"

Hearing that name sends shivers down my spine as I vividly recall drinking all the blood from his body. My first real friend in that world, and I killed him...

Kaede: "What about him?"

Selene: "He's actually with us as well! He hasn't talked with us, but it's definitely him!"

I'm happy to know that he's alive, of course he'd be, but now I worry for when I do return. What will happen if I see him again? From the sounds of it, Silas seems to be working with Iris, so I'm almost certain that I'll run into him again one day.

Kaede: "I see..."

Selene: "I know, it's not a comfortable topic for you... I'm sorry."

Kaede: "It's okay. Wait, so is Iris and everyone also moving to Yarene?"

Selene: "No, just mom and I. Alice is acting as our escort."

Kaede: "Alice... Then I'm sure there'll be no worries."

Once Selene makes it to Yarene, maybe she could find somewhere to create the crest. It'll still take a while until she reaches Yarene, so as it stands, it looks as though I'm further ahead than Selene.

Selene: "How about you? Any progress?"

Kaede: "I might have found a place to carve the crest."

Selene: "Great!"

Kaede: "Mhmm. It's in a small rural town with some mountains. I was thinking of making it somewhere inside the mountain."

Selene: "Hmmm. Now then, any progress with Yui as well?"

Kaede: "Oi."

Selene: "Hehehe~"

Kaede: "We're close, but nothing like what you're imagining."

Selene: "Hmm, yes I'm sure. 'Your' Yui has still yet to return."

Kaede: "...Exactly."

Although I say that, having Yui next to me like this is quite exciting in of itself. Can't say that I haven't been tempted. Even now I'd like to just embrace her and give her all of these pent up emotions. But I know I can't shove that onto her... Not yet.

Selene: "Well, we don't know how long this will take. I think you shouldn't worry too much about it."

Kaede: "The crest?"

Selene: "Pfft. Yui!~ Silly. I know she isn't all there, but she's still Yui, right? Shoving her away might be going too far."

Kaede: "I'm not shoving her away."

Selene: "Hmm, but you're holding yourself back."

Kaede: "...Hah~"

Selene: "Hehehe. I just want sis to be happy is all."

Kaede: "Yeah, yeah~"

Glancing at Yui once more who's sitting next to me, I think about what Selene had said. She is Yui, no doubt about it, but is it really okay?

Yui: "Hmm?"

In that moment, she notices my gaze as we lock eyes wit one another. My heart stops for an instant as I quickly try and calm myself down, turning my head back in front of me.

Kaede: "N-nothing."

Not yet...