A Date In The Skies

-----Yui's POV

Kaede: "Okay, we got everything?"

Yui: "Mm!"

The next day came around and it's finally time for us to fly to where my grandparents live. I packed some food in a bag that my mom made and made our way to the dirt path where I tend to practice my running.

Yui: "I told my parents that I'd be at your place."

Kaede: "Mhmm. I also told my mom where we're going, so hopefully we'll have no issues there."

In the off-chance that my parents get concerned, they'll contact Kaede's mom. And with her knowing about our little lie, she'll help us work around it. But I doubt we'll need to worry since my parents trust me enough. The only problem is that I won't be able to actually see my grandparents in case they contact my parents. That'll ruin this backup plan of ours.

Yui: "There's no one around, so..."

Kaede: "Yeah.

Yui: "S-so... How are we going to do this? Like do I hold onto you from behind? Or-"

Kaede: "No. You might slip so I'd rather hold onto you. Plus aren't you gonna be holding onto your lunch?"

Yui: "T-true."

When she puts it like that, it makes perfect sense. But then the question is, "how" will she hold me? But my question would soon be answered as while I was thinking about how we'll be doing this, I suddenly feel my body being scooped up from the ground as I quickly realize that Kaede's now holding me in the famous "princess carry" hold.

Yui: "U-u-uhm!"

Kaede: "Will this work?"

Yui: "..."

Even I can tell how much my face must be boiling as I can't even make proper words. She lifted me up as if I weighed nothing, and seeing her expression not budge at all just makes me feel even more embarrassed, thinking that I'm the only one panicking right now.

Kaede: "Fufufu."

Yui: "...Unfair."

Kaede: "So? Is this good?"

Yui: "...Mm."

Despite my nerves, I gently give a nod as I continue to try and relax in her arms. But having her arms under my legs and back is such a new experience. I've read many novels where the heroine suddenly gets picked up like this, but they make it look so easy. I never really thought about what they might be thinking. But now, here I am... And I never expected it to have this much impact.

My head is resting so close to her that I can nearly make out her heartbeat. Wait, no... That's undoubtedly mine that I'm hearing right now. But even then, I can smell her scent which only adds to my nerves, and that's not to mention the sight. Her chest is right there, in clear view. I dart my eyes around, trying to figure out where it's appropriate to look.

Kaede: "Okay, let's not waste anymore time."

But whilst I was internally panicking, Kaede grows out her wings off to the side, momentarily halting my nerves as I realize what's about to happen.

Yui: "H-hey. Don't drop me, okay?"

Kaede: "Fufu. As long as you don't wiggle around."

As if to make a point, she pulls me closer to her as her warmth slowly envelops me. I try and do as I'm told, not to wiggle around as I desperately cling onto my bag, using it as a makeshift stress ball as I prepare myself.

Kaede: "Ready?"

Yui: "Yes!"

And in the next instant, Kaede kicks off the ground as her wings create a massive dust cloud underneath us. I shut my eyes out of pure reflex as the wind was stronger than I anticipated as we slowly gained more and more altitude.

Kaede: "How you feeling?"

Yui: "G-good!"

With my sight gone however, I'm focusing more on what I'm feeling. My body pressing up against her chest. She's so soft, warm... Normally things like that would bring comfort, but right now I'm far from feeling comfortable.

Kaede: "Hehe. You can open your eyes, you know."

Yui: "..."

I open my eyes as requested as I realized that we're way higher that what I thought. And actually, we're already moving it seems, flying over countless buildings and even tall structures like hotels.

Kaede: "I don't know where we're going remember, so you have to point out directions."

Yui: "Ah! R-right!"

After remembering what my job is, I finally begin to calm down as I begin to focus on what's ahead.

Yui: "Mm. Just continue on like this. You see that hotel there?"

Kaede: "Yeah."

Yui: "You should find the main railway tracks there. Just follow them for now."

Kaede: "Got it."

I can still very much feel Kaede's body against mine; her breasts in particular... But I'm beginning to finally calm down as I start to take in the other sensations. The wind blowing through my hair, as if blowing away all my nerves. The weightless feeling after every flap of Kaede's wings. And... Kaede herself. I find myself looking at her to see what look she has on her face, but what I saw was something I rarely see. The smile she's wearing right now... It's distant, yet also serene. I guess for her, she's finally making progress with this trip. One step closer to returning to that world. I'm still conflicted on how I should feel about it. I'm well aware of my feelings for Kaede at this point, even after all these changes to her, she's still Kaede. However the same can't be said about me.

Her version of Yui is different from me. I might be happy with this new, and arguably improved, Kaede, but to her, I'm most likely seen as a downgrade. I thought about bringing it up with her, but I'm worried how that would come across. I'd be essentially trying to overwrite who she loves, even though that person is technically me. It's such a weird dilemma... I want to be the Yui she loves, but I'm also scared what that will mean? Would I also change drastically like Kaede? I-

Kaede: "I've missed this feeling."

Yui: "Eh?"

Kaede: "Holding you like this. We didn't do it often, but I always enjoyed it. Watching your reactions, and being able to share this experience with you."

You mean the "other" Yui...

Yui: "I wasn't a vampire, right?"

Kaede: "Hehe. No. I would've never allowed that."

Yui: "But you told me that you turned, uhm... Mell, Fleur and Faye?"

Kaede: "Yes, that's right. Their circumstances were special though. It was the only option I could think of. And despite my feelings at the time, I soon accepted it. Even now, if I ever see them again, if they're okay with it and feel the same way, I'd do it again."

Yui: "Why not me then? Wasn't I special as well?"

I know it's stupid to refer to myself right now as she's clearing talking about the other version of me, but that part of me that wants to be that Yui is in the spotlight right now.

Kaede: "Of course you are. But in that world, you were also quite unique. You were still human, but also not. It wasn't bad enough to rob you of your humanity though. But you still needed blood in order to survive."

Yui: "Wait. Isn't that practically a vampire?"

Kaede: "Yes. But it appeared that was all. You hated it at first, actually for a long time as well. I knew that if it was any worse than that, then you'd probably break. I just didn't wanna risk that."

Yui: "Hmmm."

Still... I can't say I'm not curious about it. Seeing Kaede being able to fly like this, use magic. If I had to become a vampire in order to have those things, then I'd be lying to say if I wasn't tempted. Plus I'd feel like I'm a little more closer to Kaede.

Kaede: "Don't even think about it."

Yui: "Eh?"

Kaede: "Not gonna happen."

Yui: "Pfft. You can tell?"

Kaede: "Like I said many times, you're easy to read."

Yui: "...Unfair."

Kaede: "Fufufu."

Using her past knowledge of me against the me now... But even though I say that, I can't help but smile, knowing that Kaede treasures me like this, even if she's talking about a different version of me.

Kaede: "Is it that mountain?"

Yui: "Huh?"

Kaede: "In front of us."

I look back to the front as I realize that we're no longer in the city. Just how fast is she flying?!

Yui: "Uh, yes! It's that one. The town should be close to it, in between us and the mountain."

Kaede: "Alright."

Despite how much I was worried about being picked up like this. Now knowing that this journey's already coming to an end, a sudden sting pierces my heart. I want to be held like this for a bit longer... And as if my body was responding to my thoughts, I leaned in closer to Kaede, embracing her warmth and softness, resting my head against her breasts with a soft smile plastered on my face. Can time just freeze right now?