Phase One

-----Yui's POV

It wasn't long until we finally landed on the ground next to the mountain. We're quite a ways away from the town and deep in the forest, so I doubt anyone spotted us.

Kaede: "How you feeling?"

Yui: "I-I'm fine."

Gently, Kaede let go of me, allowing me to stand on my own two feet. And now that I'm finally standing on my own, my heart's finally calming down as I let out a deep sigh.

Kaede: "Fufu. Did you wanna continue or something?"

Yui: "N-no... I mean well... Kind of."

Kaede: "Pfft."

Yui: "Mmmm."

Not fair... Despite being out of her grasp, I can still feel the lingering sensation of being pressed up against her. I know we'll need to do the same on our way back, but at least now I feel like I'm prepared for it now.

Kaede: "Alright. Then shall we start?"

Yui: "Hmm?"

Before I could question it, Kaede placed her hands on the side of the mountain. I was curious what would happen, but I didn't expect this... Kaede's hands glowed faintly as she began carving out chunks of the mountain with her bare hands. It reminded me of a fox digging a hole in the ground with how fast she was doing it, making the hard, rocky surface appear to be like clay. I was honestly speechless at the sight of it, and in no time at all, a decent sized cave was formed.

Kaede made the entrance to be somewhat like the size of a door you'd see at any home, only for the opening to expand out as you entered. And in what felt like twenty or so minutes, there was a small mountain of rubble outside the cave where Kaede threw all the rock, and inside the cave felt like the size of a small room; maybe a bit smaller than the size of my room actually.

Kaede: "Okay, I think this'll do for now."

And with those words, Kaede emerges from the cave she made. Seeing her step out of the darkness like that was honestly really cool, especially since it looked like her eyes were glowing. But I guess that's common for vampires? Normally, I think people would be frightened by the sight of her, but for me, I found it quite captivating.

Yui: "..."

Kaede: "Yui?"

Yui: "Ah, yeah! That... Was fast."

Kaede: "Well you brought lunch, so I wanted to hurry up and get this done."

Yui: "You shouldn't need to worry about that, haha. We have plenty of time."

For our date...

Kaede: "Hmmm. I would like to find a way to keep this hidden though, just in case."

Yui: "Is that why you made the entrance like a doorway?"

Kaede: "Mhmm."

Yui: "Oh! Why not use the rubble that's out here?"

Kaede: "Mmm. Maybe. I'm not sure how to make a stone door though, hehe. But I could seal the entrance with it before we leave."

Yui: "Okay."

Kaede: "Alright, then are you ready?"

Yui: "Y-yes!"

Without warning, she grabbed my hand as we stepped back into the cave. It's quite hard to see anything, but with Kaede being this close, I shouldn't have a problem. That said, I immediately bang into Kaede as she suddenly stops.

Kaede: "Pfft. I forgot, sorry."

Just then, a ball of light appears in Kaede's free hand before it floats up to the roof of the cave.

Yui: "Wait, so you can basically see in the dark?"

Kaede: "Mhmm. Quite clearly actually."

Makes me even more jealous... Is being a vampire really that bad?

Kaede: "Okay, I'll start carving out the crest. Give me a moment."

She then crouches down onto the floor of the cave, letting go of my hand in the process as I also kneel down beside her.

Kaede: "...Pretty sure it was like this-"

I watch as Kaede slowly begins to carve out the crest. She says carve, but it looks more like she's painting her magic onto the ground as the lines she's creating are glowing brightly, just like her light magic she showed me the other day. I'd love to ask questions on what exactly she's doing, but I keep my mouth shut as it seems like Kaede's deep in concentration.

Her lines seems to originate from the center, slowing forming patterns that slowly makes the crest grow wider. These patterns could be some sort of language, but I do not understand it. It definitely feels otherworldly though as I can only sit here and watch at what's unfolding before me. It almost feels like we're summoning some sort of demon from one of those horror movies I've seen in the past, but normally those rituals used blood and not light magic.


I continue to watch Kaede as neither of us chooses to speak. The crest has grown quite big now as it looks like it could fit four people if they all stand inside it.

Kaede: "Hahh~ Done."

And after thirty minutes, Kaede let out a heavy sight with a smile on her face. I guess from the looks of it, it's a success. Wait, then does that mean...

Yui: "You're going back now?"

Kaede: "Huh?"

Yui: "Back home..."

Kaede: "What are you talking about? We have lunch to eat, hehe. You said as long as we're back before night time, it's fine, right?"

Yui: "Eh?"

Wait, did she mean about returning back to the city?

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "I thought... I thought because of this, you can return back to that world."

Kaede: "Ah~ No. I still have to wait for sis to do her crest. Right now, this crest isn't connected to anything."

Yui: "Oh... I see."

Kaede: "Hmmm?~ What? Were you upset about the idea of me leaving perhaps?~"

Teasingly, Kaede nudges against me with a big smile on her face. I mean... She's not wrong.

Yui: "Y-yeah."

Kaede: "Don't worry. If I'm going, then you're coming with me."

Yui: "Eh?"

Suddenly, I feel her hands cover my own on the cave floor as she draws closer to me.

Kaede: "I made a promise after all."

Yui: "P-promise?"

Kaede: "Mhmm. That I'd stay with you."

She's talking about the other Yui again... But even though I know that, I can't seem to calm down at all. Especially with her this close!

Yui: "...Lunch."

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "L-let's have lunch!"


We decide to eat the lunch inside the cave as it was well lit and we didn't need to worry about the wind blowing anything away. I unwrap the lunch, laying the cloth underneath us almost like we're having a picnic.

Kaede: "Oh? Is that..."

Yui: "Mm! Your cake. We still had some left over. And since you can't taste much, I figured I'd bring this as well."

Kaede: "Thank you."

With a soft smile plastered on her face, she immediately begins eating the cake while I eat one of the sandwiches. It's still quite weird having a ball of light above us, along with a glowing crest to our side, but it does add for quite a unique atmosphere. And seeing Kaede enjoying her cake this much only makes this food even more delicious. For my first date, this has been quite fun so far.

Yui: "Mmm~"

Kaede: "You're making those sandwiches too delicious, Yui." 

Yui: "Sorry~ I can't help it."

Kaede: "...If only I could taste them."

Yui: "Well..."

Wait, could I maybe try something a bit bold?

Yui: "Maybe you can, try?"

Kaede: "Huh?"

I extend an arm out to Kaede, holding out my half eaten sandwich.

Yui: "I-I know you might not be able to, but maybe there's some foods that you can taste. S-so... If you like... You can-"

Before I could finish what I was saying, Kaede leans forward, taking a bite of the sandwich in my hand. I was only trying to maybe have her grab it from me, not for me to hand feed her! Ahh!~ I can already feel my face burning up!

Kaede: "Mmm, yeah. Still nothing."

Yui: "I-I see."

Yeah... Let's not do that again, Yui. That was far too crazy. But just then, a growl could be heard from the cave. It startled me a bit as I looked around, but it's only Kaede and I here. Well of course it is... Kaede literally just made this herself...

Kaede: "S-sorry..."

Yui: "Still hungry?"

Kaede: "...Yeah."

Looking down at the food we have, there's no more cake left. Maybe I should've went to the café and bought some tiramisu...

Yui: "Sorry! I should've packed more things for-"

Kaede: "No. It's not that... I'm... Well, it's nothing."

Wait, now that I'm looking closer, isn't Kaede sweating a bit? I hurriedly pull out a water bottle before moving closer to hand it over to her. But the moment I do, Kaede's face contorts as she shuffles away from me just as I was approaching.

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "J-just stay there... I should've taken care of that before coming here..."

She said that second part in a quieter tone, but because of this cave, it was quite easy to pick up.

Yui: "Take care of what?"

Kaede: "...Nothing."

I find myself gripping the water bottle tighter after hearing that. She's opened up to me so much, yet she's hiding something from me? Whatever it is, it's something that's causing her pain as more sweat begins to drip down her face. I know I should just respect her and let her handle this, but with how much Kaede's done, seeing her shine. I want to be cool as well. I might be playing with fire by doing this, but I slowly move closer to Kaede as she's now up against the cave wall.

Yui: "It's not good, you have to stay hydrated."

Kaede: "I said it's not that."

Yui: "Then what is it? Is it something I can help with?"

Kaede: "..."

At my words, her face contorts even more as her hands ball up into fists against the floor. Taking her silence as a good thing, I move closer.

Kaede: "Yui, stop!"

Yui: "Huh?"

Kaede: "I... It's too much. I'm holding myself back too much as it is so... So please... Don't come any closer."

Yui: "...You know you can talk to me about anything. I know you must be dealing with a lot of things from being a vampire and all... But to see you in pain like this... I don't think I can just walk away-!"

Just as I finished talking, Kaede reaching out before pulling me close to her. Wait... No. How the hell am I the one now against the wall?! It happened so fast, but Kaede and I definitely switched places. It was then that I felt some pain coming from my wrists as I realize both my hands are pinned to my sides against the wall by Kaede. Her face now right in front of me...

Kaede: "You say the same things as her."

Yui: "Eh?"

In the next moment, she leans forward. Wait, is she planning on kissing me?!

Kaede: "It's so unfair..."

Yui: "K-Kaede?"

She leans even closer as I instinctively close my eyes. I pushed her away that day, before the accident. But I promised to myself that I wouldn't do that ever again. And so, I keep my eyes closed, preparing for what's to come as I feel her breath against me. But it was then that her breath moved towards my neck as I slowly opened my eyes. It was then that I felt Kaede pulling away the collar of my shirt, even undoing a button as if trying to expose more of my skin.

Yui: "K-K-Kaede?!"

Kaede: "I'm sorry. I can't hold back any longer-"

Yui: "!"

Suddenly, I feel a sharp, stabbing pain coming from the side of my neck, followed by a warm, tickling sensation. It was only after a few moment did I realize what was going on. And as if to prove my thought, I could hear Kaede making gulping sounds as they echo throughout the cave. I was about to try and pull her off of me when I realized that her body is shaking. Even her grip on my hands are trembling as I soon feel drops of water fall on my neck.

Yui: "Kaede?"

I don't get any response, however I do begin to understand that those drops of water are coming from her. She's crying? Not only that, she let go of my hands, as if to allow me to pull her off. But now that I'm even hearing her begin to sob while she drinks my blood, I find it almost impossible to do so.

And so, with my now free hands, I simply wrap one around her body with the other one around her head, gently stroking her hair.

Kaede: "!"

Her body instantly tensed up, but I don't move my arms away. I did this to myself, and if this is going to help her, then I don't care.

Yui: "It's alright."

Kaede: "..."

At my words, her tears began to pour out more and more as her cries became more prominent, which only made me try and sooth her even more by stroking her head, holding her close with a bit more force.

Yui: "It's okay."

Slowly, Kaede relaxes in my arms, but that only seems to make things worse as I felt more and more of her tears dripping onto my neck. How long was she holding this in for? Vampire's need blood, but this seems as though she's at her breaking point...

Yui: "It's okay."

I continue to hold her close, calming her down more and more, letting her drink as much as she needs. Sure I'm worried about dying, but right now, I'm more worried about Kaede.