Study Session

-----Yui's POV

A lot of things happened over the weekend... Kaede and I have definitely grown closer, yet I'm still reluctant to call what we have is a relationship between lovers, even if the feeling is mutual. Kaede also has repaired her relationship with her mother, which only seemed to strengthen over the week. But it did end on something quite scary, that being Kaede murdering someone right in front of my eyes.

I know that what she did was probably the right thing to do, especially given her situation and what he tried to do to her, but it was still off putting to witness such a thing. Thankfully over the course of the week, school has been quite a nice distraction especially considering that our mid term exams start beginning next week.

Emi: "Hey, why don't we all have a study session over this weekend?"

Maria: "Oh! That sounds fun."

And with today now being Friday, it appears that we might be holding a group study session. But to be honest, it doesn't even feel like a Friday as the days seemed to just pass by in a blink of an eye.

Shin: "Yeah! Sounds like an amazing idea!"

Yui: "That's because you've probably been slacking off in class."

Shin: "Ehehe..."

Just as much as he isn't fully committed to any clubs, he also has trouble committing to his classes. He does show up to school everyday and attends classes like everyone else, but I swear everything goes in one ear and out the other for him.

Chiyo: "I think that's a good idea. Aki can also help us!"

Aki: "Eh?"

Chiyo: "Yeah! You're a second year, so you know all the answers, right?"

Aki: "W-well... I'm sure they change the questions every year... Plus I have my own tests to worry about."

Yui: "I think it'll be okay. We might also be able to help you as well."

Aki: "Mmmm... Okay. Then where will we be having it?"

Emi: "We can go to Maria's house!"

Maria: "Huh?"

Emi: "Come on~ It's huge! We can all fit inside your room."

Maria: "I guess... I'll have to ask my father."

Wasting no time, Maria pulls out her phone before beginning to type out a message while the rest of us talk. But in the corner of my eyes, with Kaede sitting next to me, I can't help but notice a bead of sweat forming on her forehead. I checked because she was being silent until now, but could it be that something's wrong? It's not overly hot in the slightest, if anything the cafeteria is on the colder side. It's probably why a lot of people eat their food outside.

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "...Hmm?'

I whisper to her while everyone seems to be engaged in their own little conversations.

Yui: "Is everything alright?"

Kaede: "I-I'm fine... Just trying to let it pass."

Yui: "Let it pass?"

Emi: "Yes! Maria's place it is!~"

But before I could get an answer, Emi's voice breaks through as it seems as though Maria got a positive response from her father. I look back over to Kaede, but she remains silent while she sucks on the straw of her drink.



I never could get an answer from Kaede, and eventually, school came to an end with our teacher's warning us about the mid terms once more. And despite the warnings...

Shin: "Sorry guys! My friends invited me out, so I'll skip on the study thing."

And with his friends dragging him off, the rest of us began walking together as one big group, all walking with Maria leading the way. Kaede hanged back as I noticed she's been putting distance away from everyone, so I decided to do the same and join her at her side.

Yui: "Hey, are you sure everything's okay?"

Again, I talk in a quest voice so that only Kaede could hear as we continue walking.

Kaede: "...Just a bit-"

Chiyo: "Oi! Yui! Why're you two all the way back there for?"

But of course, I fail to understand what's wrong thanks to people butting in. And what do I even say to that? If you would've asked that a bit later then I could've told you why!


Eventually, we came through the gate of Maria's place as she led us up to her room. I wasn't too focused on the interior of the place, but I could tell that Maria's parents must be rich. However, all that I could focus on was Kaede as she still looked the same as she did back in the cafeteria, maybe even a little pale.

Once inside, Maria set the table for us, placing cushions down on the floor for everyone as we all took out spots. I of course sat with Kaede, with Emi on the other side of her. Maria sat opposite me, with Aki sat between her and Chiyo. It didn't take too long for what looked to be a man in a suit to begin distributing drinks to each of us. A bit startled, we all gave our thanks as the man did a small bow before leaving the room without saying a single word.

Chiyo: "Who was that? Your father?"

Maria: "No. But he's my father's attendant."

Aki: "You mean like a butler?"

Maria: "Yes."

Yeah, there's no doubt about it. Maria lives in a different world than the rest of us. But I guess Kaede also lives differently as well. I again look back at the time as I witnessed Kaede slice that man's head off like she was cutting through butter. Yeah, there's no way I'll talk about that with anyone else.

Emi: "Yeah yeah~ Okay, let's get started then!"

Maria: "Hehe. You've never been this eager in class."

Emi: "That's 'cause it's a lot more fun to learn like this! Who would want to stay in the boring place we call class."

Aki: "Fufu. Well you better pass the mid terms, otherwise you won't be able to attend club."

Emi: "Ehh?!"

Aki: "Mhmm! But don't worry, I'll help wherever I can."

Emi: "Th-thank you very much captain!"

Aki is the first one to pull out her study materials, prompting everyone else to do the same. But as I was reaching into my bag, Kaede stood up abruptly, causing me to pause to a moment.

Kaede: "Sorry. Could I please use your bathroom?"

Maria: "Ah, s-sure! I'll take you to it. Just a sec guys~"

Emi: "Mm! No problem."

And with that, Maria ends up escorting Kaede to the bathroom. I end up putting my study materials onto the table absentmindedly as I stare off at the open door where Maria and Kaede had left.

Chiyo: "Hmm? Something up, Yui?"

Yui: "U-uhm actually! I need to go as well."

At Chiyo's question, I quickly stand up before heading out the room where I accidentally bumped into Maria.

Yui: "S-sorry."

Maria: "Hehe, It's okay. Did you also need to go?"

Yui: "Y-yeah..."

Maria: "Well, we have another bathroom downstairs, but it's a bit away."

Yui: "It's fine. I can wait for Kaede to finish."

Maria: "Alright. Just continue down there and make a left at the second door."

Yui: "Got it, thank you."

Maria: "You're welcome."

With a smile, we end up passing one another as Maria returns to her room while I find myself walking towards the bathroom.

I'm not sure why, but I walked slowly as if to not disturb anyone who might be behind some of these doors. But soon enough, I got to the door in question as I gently knocked on the door only to be met with no response. I could maybe try and knock louder as she might not have heard it, but I also don't want to cause a scene here. I could also just return, but I can't seem to get the image of Kaede clearly worried over something out of my mind. Both in the cafeteria and during the walk here, she was clearly stressed about something, and I can't just leave it like that.

So, I knock a second time, with a little more force. However, right as I made the first knock, the door flung open as I feel myself being pulled inside, the door quickly shutting behind me. I should've been thrown across the room with that much force, but I found myself still standing, no... I'm being held. That was when I realized that Kaede now has me in her grasp as I'm pushed up against the white walls of the bathroom. Her eyes staring straight into mine, seeming to be glowing brightly even with the lights on.

Yui: "Kaede? What's wrong?"

Kaede: "Sorry... I can't take it much longer... C-can I-"

As she spoke, I noticed her fangs were clearly on display, her breaths haggard. Is she asking if she can drink my blood? I was a little concerned about it since she hadn't drank any of my blood since last weekend. Did she get like this because she was holding herself back?

Yui: "You held yourself back until now?"

Kaede: "Of course I did..."

Yui: "Why. I'm fine with it, you know."

Kaede: "Still..."

Not wanting her to go around in circles, I undo one of the buttons on my shirt in order to reveal my neck more clearly. I watch as Kaede's eyes immediately dart to the side of my neck.

Yui: "It's okay. I'd rather you drink from me rather than a criminal."

Kaede: "..."

Yui: "I'm perfectly fine with this... Just... J-just be gentle."

Kaede: "...I will."

She finally loosens up as she draws her body close to mine. Our bodies press up against one another as I feel her breath now tickling my neck. I do my best to remain composed and still for her, but having her this close, being able to feel her soft, warm body against my own, along with her breathing against my neck. It's almost impossible for me.

Kaede: "...Thank you for the meal-"

Yui: "!"

In that moment, the familiar sharp pain radiates from my neck, only for it to be immediately drowned out, almost like her saliva acts like some sort of anesthetic, blocking out the pain. I end up wrapping my arms around her waist by reflex, gripping onto the back of her shirt for some sort of comfort as I try and suppress any moans or noises I make. But again, I'm reminded of her body pressed up against me as I can't help but pull her even closer, letting her continue to drink my blood as she pleases.

Yui: "M-mm!~"

Kaede: "Y-ou ok-ay?"

Yui: "I-I'm fine..."

No, I'm clearly not fine! I can't believe I'm feeling like this while getting my blood sucked, getting aroused in a situation like this... Am I some sort of masochist or something? I try to close my legs, trying my best to contain myself, but that was when I realized that Kaede's own leg was wedged between my own.

Yui: "Mm-mmm!"

I quickly manage to cover my mouth with one of my hands, muffling a moan while trying to keep still for Kaede. But if this goes on for any longer, I might... I might not be able to hold back any longer.

Kaede: "Hahh~"

As if right on que, Kaede removes herself from my neck, licking my neck in the process just like last time. However, although I know she's finished, I still can't seem to let go of her.

Kaede: "Fufufu. You made quite a lot of cute sounds there."

Yui: "...!"

Maybe because of what happened just now, with my emotions going crazy, I impulsively draw myself closer to Kaede, pressing my lips onto hers. I could immediately taste the lingering taste of blood on her lips, but that doesn't sway me one bit. And after a few more seconds, I finally part my lips away from hers. In that moment, I come to my senses...

Yui: "S-sorry!"

What the hell was I about to do?! I quickly let go of Kaede, letting her able to move away, but she doesn't move at all, remaining exactly where she is, not letting me move away from the wall.

Yui: "...Uhm-!"

In the moment, cutting me off, Kaede kisses me once more on the lips, only to break away from it just as quickly, leaving me stumped on what to do.

Kaede: "Fufu. Come on, let's go back to the others."

Yui: "Y-yeah!"

While on the walk back however, my body refuses to calm down one bit. My chest feels like it'll burst from my chest any moment, which only grows worse as Kaede grabs hold of my hand. Calm down Yui! We're not in "that" kind of relationship! At least... Not yet. But I guess thinking that is the reason why I'm feeling like this, knowing that it's a possibility to go further... Ahhh! I don't want to study now!