
-----Kaede's POV

Over the weekend, we continued to go to Maria's house as a group, however personally, I don't think the study session did much for me. It's been well over a decade since I took these mid term exams, but I can recall the questions that I had issues with, so I mainly just focused on those during our study session, knowing that I'll get through the rest without too much problem. Of course I did practice creating crests with Selene during my spare time, and we've gotten to a point where we have picked up eachother's patterns with carving out the lines and symbols. I like to think I'm at a point where I could guess what Selene would do even if we try tackling a new crest. All we have to do now is just wait for Selene to arrive in Yarene.

Teacher: "Time!"

With the signal of the school bell, and the teacher's call, everyone put down their pencils followed by numerous groans echoing throughout the classroom. I could even hear the same groans coming from other classrooms as well.

Teacher: "The results will be posted tomorrow morning. Good work everyone."

I guess this marks the last exam. It's a but cruel to end the exams off with a math exam, but I barely had any issues and started doodling on a blank sheet of paper while waiting for it to finish.


Emi: "Hahh!~ I'm screwed!"

Maria: "Pfft. I think I did pretty well."

Emi: "I didn't!"

Kaede: "Mhmm, I can tell. You were scrambling to finish that last exam right until the end, hehe."

Emi: "Ahhh, it's just math, it's not 'that' important, right?"

We all sat in the cafeteria as a group, going over our thoughts. Looking over at Yui, she seems to be holding up okay, but that's typical for her. I don't think she ever failed or even got close to failing on a single test throughout high school.

Aki: "I agree math can feel tedious, but you never know when it might come in handy."

Emi: "Pfft. Yeah like I'll ever use quadratic equations or whatever you call it."

Aki: "Fufu. Well as long as you pass, then there shouldn't be any problem."

Chiyo: "How'd you go, Yui?"

Yui: "Mmmm... I think I did well?"

Chiyo: "Ohooo~? Could it be that I might've beaten you at something?"

Yui: "Who knows~"

To be fair... Yui and I did spend a good portion of our study sessions together... But I'm sure her grades should be close to what they should be. At our school, the top 25 students in our grade get's posted up in the halls near the entrance. Yui sometimes was on the board, and sometimes not. I think the highest I've seen her perform was the no.18 spot. As for me, I was always on the board, but I could never get into the top 5. However this time, I'm feeling quite confident. Sure it's cheating that I've already lived through all of high school and the tests are the same, but I still had to live for over a decade remembering all of that.

Aki: "Just make sure to study in the subjects you were struggling in. Thankfully there's no make-up exams for mid terms, but be sure to pass everything at the end of semester."

Everyone: "Yes~"



And with the school bell signaling the end of classes, we all begin walking back to our homes. As usual I walked home with Yui, but considering we're still close to school, we kept a reasonable distance from each other, not holding hands.

Yui: "Hey, you never said how well you did for the exams, right?"

Kaede: "Mmm~ I think I did pretty alright."

Yui: "Well you are in class-A, so I didn't think you'd have too much trouble.

Kaede: "I guess we'll just have to wait until tomorrow and see the display board."

Yui: "Huh?"

Kaede: "You know. The board that displays the top students? Ah..."

Wait, that's right... Yui doesn't know that yet...

Kaede: "Uhm... Nevermind~"

Yui: "Oi... Don't tell me that they display the bottom 25 as well!"

Kaede: "Fufu, nah. Just the top students."

Yui: "You're so lucky though, knowing the future and what the answers are."

Kaede: "Hey, it's a lot harder than you think. Like I'm sure you don't remember a test you did back in pre school, right?"

Yui: "I... I guess not, haha. But still, you have to admit you have an advantage."

Kaede: "True. But to be honest, a part of me wanted to fail on one test just to see my father's reaction."

In the past, I never failed a single test, so I never got to see how he'd react. It was mostly due to fear, wondering what he'd say or yell at me, but the me right now couldn't care less what he says. Maybe in the next tests I'll purposely fail one of them.

Yui: "You still haven't repaired your relationship with him?"

Kaede: "I'd say we're on neutral terms. Mom has convinced him that I'm my own person, and that I shouldn't be controlled all the time, which he is respecting so far. But I can tell he's not all too happy about it."

Yui: "I'm sure he just wants what's best for you and your future."

Kaede: "Yeah, but wouldn't I know what's best? Maybe if I was a toddler, then sure. But we're adults... Or well, nearly adults now."

How old would I be mentally now? Probably somewhere in my thirties most likely. But I'm not too bothered since my body won't be aging from this point on anyways.

Yui: "You have a point..."

Kaede: "I just wish he'd loosen up and not be so stuck up. It's why I've always been jealous of your relationship with your father. Even in the past, I always wished to have something similar to what you have."

Yui: "...Sorry."

Kaede: "Hehe, don't apologize. To be honest, I see your parents as an extension of my own."

Again, I look back in the past, remembering the good times I had over at Yui's place.

Kaede: "You and your parents made me feel right at home whenever I visited, and even now in this timeline... So, don't apologize."

Yui: "Okay."

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the train tracks. Usually I'd split up from here, but just like the weekends, I follow Yui instead.

Yui: "Oh? You coming over?"

Kaede: "Actually, I have something else to do. I'm heading over to the dirt track."

Yui: "D-did you want me to come?"

Kaede: "I won't be too long. I'll stop on by when I finish."

Yui: "Okay..."

Seeing her visibly look down is honestly quite cute. Knowing that she doesn't want to part with me yet is quite painful to see. Maybe because of that, I lean in, making sure that the coast is clear before quickly kissing her on the cheek.

Yui: "E-eh?"

Kaede: "Fufu. I'll text you!~"

And just like that, I run off ahead of her, heading straight towards the dirt track.


Once I'm far enough into the air, I stretch my wings out as wide as I can before flying straight towards the mountain that Yui and I visited before.

Kaede: "Sis. You there?"

Selene: "Ah! Perfect timing! We're getting close to the town called Narlimar!"

Kaede: "Wait, you're already in Yarene?"

Selene: "Almost!"

Kaede: "That's perfect. Hey, I was thinking of practicing the actual crest now, the one to link our worlds together."

Selene: "Huh? But isn't that too early?"

Kaede: "Just don't use mana until you found a good location. I just thought It'd be better to start practicing for the real thing now."

Selene: "I see~ Yeah, I feel like that we've done enough with the heat crest. I was also thinking that maybe we could try something more difficult."

Kaede: "Great. I'm nearly there, so get ready."

Selene: "On it!"

Because I don't have Yui with me, I made it to the cave entrance I made in less than five minutes. Removing the makeshift wall I made, I dismantle the rocks and boulders covering the entrance before making my way inside. The crest is still glowing bright with my mana, but I quickly remove it, making a clean slate.

Kaede: "Okay, I'm ready."

Selene: "Same here. Let's do it!"

Following the same rules like the heat crest, we made sure to work together the entire way through, breaking down the crest into segments and focusing on a single piece at a time. Since Selene isn't using mana and simply just drawing out the crest, we won't be able to test if it works. Because of that, Selene and I make sure that we're extra careful to follow each other.

Kaede: "We'll engrave the first part of the symbols here."

Selene: "Mhmm! I figured as much."

Kaede: "Make sure to carve under here."

Selene: "Mhmm! Oh, and we'll start the next set of symbols here."

Kaede: "Yup."

Every few centimeters, we make sure we're on the right page as we slowly carve out the crest.


Kaede: "Hahh~ This is tiring."

Selene: "Yeah... I'm not even using mana, but focusing this much is hurting my head."

Kaede: "Wanna take a break?"

Selene: "Yeah..."

We manage to get 70% of the way through before we take a rest. Normally when making crests, you need to keep your mana active at all times, but considering that this won't be tested anyways, it shouldn't matter.

Selene: "I think we're doing good though!"

Kaede: "Mhmm. I was a bit nervous, but we seem to be thinking the same way."

Selene: "Hehehe. I was thinking the same thing, sis."

Kaede: "Hehe. Alright, let's continue."

Selene: "Eh?! Already?"

Kaede: "Yup!"

Selene: "Okay~"


We end up finishing the crest without too much problems, but it did take up quite a bit of time as we've been hard at work for nearly two hours just to complete the crest once.

Selene: "Hopefully next time we'll be faster."

Kaede: "Mhmm. We know roughly what to do now, so hopefully it'll only take thirty minutes next time."

Selene: "...I can't wait to see you, sis."

Kaede: "Same here..."

It makes me happy that we're both working hard for the same reason. Selene could've easily be a villain and not follow along with this plan, but instead, she came up with this idea and even working hard in such a tight space in that caravan. I don't even need to see her to know that she's working hard for my sake, as am I for her.

Kaede: "We'll stop here for today."

Selene: "Mhmm. Good work sis."

Kaede: "Hehe, you too sis."