The Gate

-----Kaede's POV

Kaede: "Here-"

Once school was over, I waited in my room for my parents to come back from work. It was then that I brought out my test papers on the table where my father took his seat. My sudden entrance did startle him, but he quickly scoured over my papers with wide eyes.

Mom: "Y-you aced everything?"

Kaede: "Mhmm! Of course."

But it was my mom that broke the silence as my father still seems to be lost for words. I also noticed that his arm is now completely healed, but hopefully with this he can get off my case.

Dad: "...Well done."

Kaede: "...Mm"

I know my mom's right, he does have my wellbeing at heart, but I still don't think we can fully return to being a normal father and daughter; not that I wanted it at this point anyways.

Dad: "B-be sure to take breaks, okay?"

Kaede: "Eh?"

Dad: "It makes me happy to see you doing well... But I also want you to enjoy your life as well."

Kaede: "..."

Mom: "Hehe."

Is this mom's influence? He can't look at me in my face as his eyes are still glued to my papers, but his words are enough to make the corners of my mouth gently curve up.

Kaede: "Mm... I'm enjoying my life as is."

Dad: "I'm glad..."

I end up looking up at mom who just beams me a smile. Yeah, this is definitely her doing. I end up mouthing the words "thank you" to her, only to immediately be met with a hug from her. And in this very moment, I feel a long lost warmth return to this house. The smiles that I would force myself to make is now natural for me as I continue to be embraced my my mother. But I still can't believe that she's so accepting of me, despite what I am... What a weirdo.


After dinner, I lay down in my bed, thinking back on what happened earlier. He's definitely trying to be a better father, and I respect that, but I wonder how long that will last? My mom's still keeping my secret from him, and of course, I'm keeping my mother's secret as well. Maybe one day when the time is right, we can open up to him about it, but only time will tell.

Selene: "Sister~"

Kaede: "Oh? Yes? What's up?"

But suddenly, Selene's voice entered my mind. I was about to pull out my phone to text or maybe call Yui, but this also works.

Selene: "We've arrived in Narlimar now."

Kaede: "Won't be too long then before we can start on that crest."

Selene: "Yes. Uhm, actually about that... I'm thinking that maybe here would be best."

Kaede: "Oh?"

Selene: "It's a peaceful town. Also I bumped into Neri!"

Neri... The vice-captain of those masked soldiers that works directly for the queen of Yarene. She's quite an interesting person, having to hide the fact that she's a dragon. I still remember the story she shared with me about her and her brother while we were dealing with Selene's mother.

Kaede: "How is she?"

Selene: "If you're asking if she remembers, it seems like it."

Kaede: "Mai's really gone and done a whole lot, huh."

Selene: "Hehe, yeah.

Kaede: "So I can guess that things are going smoothly there? You don't have the collar around you, right?"

Selene: "Nope~ Although I was worried about that, hehe. We probably wouldn't be able to do this plan if I had to deal with that."

Kaede: "Yeah..."

Selene: "Anyways! We'll be staying in Narlimar for a few days while we wait for the queen and her escorts."

Kaede: "Probably 'cause she doesn't wanna disturb the bigger cities?"

Selene: "Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

Despite the queen and Neri knowing about the past, and probably the queen's daughters as well, the same can't be said for her people. Vampires are still a mutual enemy to both demi-humans and humans, hell, even monsters. It seems like everyone is out to get them, which makes sense as to why they're practically extinct.

Selene: "So! Did you wanna start right now?"

Kaede: "Eh?" Now?"

Selene: "Is now not a good time?"

Kaede: "No, but have you already found like a suitable place in Narlimar?"

Selene: "Well... Not really?~"

Kaede: "Pfft! You're at an inn, right?"

Selene: "...Yes."

Yeah, that definitely won't work. A temporary place won't be the best place to set up this crest.

Selene: "Ahhh~ But Neri's helping us out here now. She has reserved the majority of this inn for our use. Plus! Once you're here, couldn't we just move the crest here later?"

Kaede: "Hmmm..."

True... Let's say this plan works, and I suddenly appear in the inn Selene's staying, We could simply remove the crest there and make it again in another place. But then that would require me to make sure I completely memorize the crest on this side, otherwise I'll be stuck in that world.

Kaede: "That's a bit scary, don't you think?"

Mai: "Don't worry. If it works, I'll make a mental note of the crest in your world, Kaede. So if you fail to remember, you can trace my engravings with your mana."

Selene: "Oh!"

Suddenly, Mai barges into our conversation with a welcoming surprise.

Kaede: "You can do that?"

Mai: "Of course. Memorizing something like that is but a simple matter."

Selene: "Alright! Then, sister? What do you say?"

Kaede: "...Alright. But give me a moment to get to the cave."

Selene: "Kay~"

I cut our conversation there as my body quickly succumbs to an overwhelming amount of excitement as I spring out of the bed, heading straight for the open window, my wings already stretching out, reading to take flight.

Kaede: "Ah-"

But I soon get reminded about something as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly pull it out to see a message from Yui.

Yui: "Just finished dinner. How did things go with your father?"

Right... If this plan works, I want Yui to be there. But would it be right of me to take her this late in the night?"

Kaede: "It went well, I think. My mom definitely had a hand in it though."

Yui: "I'm glad. Hey, I was wondering if now's the right time to maybe call?"

Kaede: "Actually, I was thinking if you wanted to come with me to the cave."

Yui: "Eh? You mean by the mountain where my grandparents live?"

Kaede: "Yup."

Yui: "Okay."

Kaede: "See you soon then~"

I quickly stash my phone back into my pocket before flying straight towards Yui's house. I'm not sure if it's because of my excitement, but I arrive at her window in less than a minute as I gently knock against her window. And in the next few moments, the curtains pull away to reveal Yui on the other side. The shock on her face is cute in of itself, which only seems to brighten my smile even more as I watch Yui open her window.

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Come on, let's go."

I stretch out my hands as Yui looks down from her window. She lives in a two storied house like me, so she's probably scared about falling.

Kaede: "Don't worry I'll catch-"

Yui: "!"

Before I could finish my sentence, Yui jumps out of her window and into my arms as I quickly hold her tight, her arms wrapping tightly around my neck as our bodied squeeze tightly with one another.

Kaede: "L-let's go then."

Yui: "Mm!"

-----Yui's POV

Ahh~ What am I even doing?! I just leapt into Kaede's arms, and now we're flying over to the mountain? I did say goodnight to my parents, so there should be no worries there... However...

Kaede: "Cold?"

Yui: "..."

I simply nod my head. I try to compose myself, but my body refuses to calm down as my body shivers and trembles in Kaede's arms. I'm wearing quite thin pajamas, so I guess that is my fault. I should've quickly put on something warm, but Kaede arrived far too early!

Kaede: "How's this?"

At her words, I feel her pulling my body closer to her, our bodies practically glued to one another at this point.

Yui: "Mm... Better."

Kaede: "Just hold on for a bit longer. I'll pick up the pace, so brace yourself."

Yui: "Y-yes."

In the next instant, the smooth flight suddenly became like I was being shot out of a cannon as I desperately cling onto Kaede. And with the wind blasting past us, makes it seem as though we're in a jet with no windows. The only thing I can find comfort in is Kaede's warmth as I do my best to focus purely on her, and her alone, which seemed to have worked as we soon began to slow down as we land at the cave entrance.

Kaede: "You alright?"

Yui: "Y-yeah... But-"

Kaede: "I know."

Kaede refuses to let me go as she ends up carrying me inside the cave. With the breeze no longer smashing against me, I feel quite a lot better, especially now as Kaede quickly summons a small ball of light once more, radiating a small amount of heat next to me.

Kaede: "Your feet will get cold, so just bare with me for a moment."

Yui: "Huh?"

Kaede: "Just relax."

Under her arms, I sense light coming from under me before realize that Kaede's no longer holding me as strings of light seem to be holding my body up to the ceiling of the cave. Almost like some sort of hammock. So Kaede's magic can also be used like this? It's... So warm~

Kaede: "Fufu. You like it?"

Yui: "Mm... It's comfy."

Kaede: "Here-"

I hadn't realized it until it was too late, but Kaede had suddenly stripped off her jacket. Her pale white skin now illuminated by the light in the cave as I find myself mesmerized at the sight of her, my eyes refusing to look away. She then laid her jacket onto the cave floor underneath me as the strings of light slowly lower me down onto it before disappearing.

Kaede: "It's not cold, right?"

Yui: "N-no. But aren't you the one that's cold?"

Kaede: "It's fine. I'm used to this. And to be honest, I like the cold. Makes me feel more human..."

Yui: "I see."

Kaede: "Anyways, make yourself comfy. Just huddle up to me if you need. I'll begin the crest now."

Yui: "Mm..."

I hadn't noticed, but Kaede made sure that she was sitting between me and the entrance, blocking out any sort of draft that might come my way. She probably did it unconsciously, but it still makes me happy, the cold slowly fading away as I soon find myself leaning against Kaede's side. The cave floor isn't actually too bad, so I decided to drape her jacket over the side of me that's not against Kaede, covering most of the right side of my body.

Yui: "So... You're doing the actual crest now?"

Kaede: "Yes. Sorry, but this might take a while."

Yui: "M-mm, it's okay... To be honest, I could stay like this forever."

I rest my head on her shoulder as my eyes narrow. There's not a hint of tension in my body as all I feel is bliss from being this close to Kaede. I could honestly fall asleep if not for what Kaede's planning on doing.

Kaede: "Just hold out for a bit longer, Yui..."

Yui: "Mm."

I know she's probably talking to "her" Yui as well with those words as she soon begins starting the crest. I know full well that her Yui and me are one in the same. It's just a matter of the two of us becoming one. Because of that, I gently kiss Kaede on the cheek as I watch her work on the crest in front of us. She doesn't say anything, only giving me a soft smile, but that's probably 'cause she's now talking with her sister, Selene. I guess I'll only be getting in the way if I start talking, so I'll just wait here until they're finished. Ahh~ But this feeling... I really could just fall asleep like this...