The Gate - 2

-----Kaede's POV

I'm not too sure when, but at some point during the making of the crest, Yui had fallen asleep. I don't bother her, letting her rest against me as I continue to finish up the crest.

Selene: "Ahh~ I'm getting nervous!"

Kaede: "We're nearly there. Make sure to go under the inscriptions here."

Selene: "Yup! Same as last time."

Kaede: "Mhmm."

We're making the crest much faster this time since we more or less understand each other after our first initial attempt. Only this time, both of us are using mana to create this crest, meaning that if this is successful, theoretically speaking, Yui and I will be able to traverse over to the other world, and the same thing vice versa with Selene and the others coming here. When Selene first brought up this plan, we thought that it would be like a bridge, but now that we're actually here making it, it's a lot more like a gate than anything.

Kaede: "...Sis."

Selene: "Hmm? What's up?"

Kaede: "Is it okay for me to go there first if this works?"

Selene: "Ah, I was thinking that as well. As much as I wanna experience your world, I'd much rather you see everyone here. Hehehe~ They're all gathered around here."

Kaede: "Okay, thank you."

Selene: "Mmmm~ But I'm coming over there when you go back!"

Kaede: "Fufu. Yeah, I was gonna drag you back if I needed to anyways."

Selene: "Hehe."

We continue to apply the final touches on the crest, making sure that we're perfectly in sync. Sadly, I did need to move away from Yui at one point as the crest was getting too big to have Yui resting against me. So for the time being, I took off my shirt before rolling it up into a ball for Yui to rest her head on while adjusting the jacket around her to have it like a makeshift blanket. I really should've been more prepared and grabbed pillows or something, but this is only until we finish up these crests.


Kaede/Selene: "And... Done!~"

After another twenty minutes, both Selene and I proclaim our victory. But we're not entirely done yet. We still need to activate it. Only then will we know if it works.

Selene: "I really hope this works... It still took us a whole hour to make this."

Kaede: "Yeah... Finger's crossed."

Selene: "So you gonna activate it on your end?"

Kaede: "Yes. But give me a moment."

Selene: "Mhmm!"

I look back over at Yui, who's laying down at the very edge of the crest, a smile plastered on her face. I really don't want to wake her up, but I also don't want to leave here without her.

Thinking that, I shuffle my way back over to Yui before gently prodding her shoulder.

Kaede: "Yui~ Wake up~ It's done."

Yui: "Mmm-mm? Ah! I dossed off!"

Kaede: "Pfft, yeah. You're not too cold, right?"

Yui: "N-no... Wait, you took off more of your clothes?!"

Kaede: "Well... You needed a pillow..."

She only seemed to have just realized that I'm only wearing a bra for my top half as her face immediately lights up, her sleepy, tired expression now completely gone as she tries to look away.

Kaede: "Fufu. I'm glad you're awake, hehe."

Yui: "P-p-put this back on!"

She hurriedly extends her hands out, shoving my shirt back to my body as if she's desperately trying to cover me up.

Kaede: "Fine~"

I do as I'm told and quickly slip my arms through my shirt while Yui regains her composure. She's too cute at times like this. Ahhh~

Yui: "S-so... Does it work?"

Kaede: "We're about to find out. Come-"

I stand up from the ground, lending a hand to Yui as she gently takes hold of mine before I slowly pull her up to her feet.

I guide Yui to the center of the crest, as the both of us are now basking in the light coming from the crest. Seeing Yui holding my jacket around her shoulders is adorable, but the light underneath us only seems to highlight her crystal blue eyes, and her beautiful red hair. And once we're at the center of the crest, I pull Yui into a close embrace, not able to contain myself any longer, knowing that I'm this close to getting Yui back; or I guess I should say, the rest of Yui.

Yui: "K-K-Kaede?"

Kaede: "We need to be close in order for this to work."

Yui: "R-right..."

It's an excuse on my end, but she can't have known that we only need to be inside the crest, not necessarily the center.

Kaede: "Alright sis. I'm starting."

Selene: "Mhmm!"

Kaede: "Hold on tight, Yui."

Yui: "Mm!"

She wraps her arms around me tightly as I wrap mine around hers, making sure my jackets firmly tight around her.

Kaede: "Please..."

I begin channeling my mana though my feet and into the crest. After knowing that I've made contact, I close my eyes as I continue to gently funnel my mana inside. But even with my eyes closed, I can still see the brightness through my eyes as my body soon begins heating up inside, not knowing if it's because of Yui or from the crest. That was when it happened...

In a flash, the light and the heat around soon vanished, along with the sense of touch. I almost feel weightless as it feels like there's no gravity, like I'm floating through space. It almost reminds me of the time when I killed myself, gliding through the darkness. Only this time, I can still feel Yui in my arms, who I refuse to let go of, not for a moment. And in the next moment, the gravity suddenly returned. However I was too late to brace myself as even though I'm stronger than any human, my knees buckled from the sudden weight as I collapsed onto the ground. But I did manage to rotate my body in time to save Yui from the fall as Yui ended up collapsed on top of me.

Yui: "Ah!"

Kaede: "Y-you alright?"

Yui: "M-mm..."

I open my eyes to see Yui's face above mine. Her hands on either side of me, holding her up. I was tempted to kiss her, but I soon realized where we are. The ceiling behind Yui's face... It's not from the cave. It was made of wood. And the light ball I used to illuminate the cave with is now replaced with a more warmer atmosphere, candles illuminating the room.

Selene: "Si...Sister?"

I turn my head to the side at the familiar voice, where I'm soon met with what looks to be a smaller version of me. No, she is a smaller version of me. She looks just like I did back when I first woke up in this world.

Kaede: "...I'm back."

Selene: "Sister!"

Not wanting to take the full brunt of her charge, Yui slides off of me as I manage to sit up just in time to catch Selene in my arms. She's so small, but I know full well how fast she can grow. But even still, this smell... I don't smell a thing, indicating that we defiantly share the same blood. I don't have the slightest bit of urge to bite into her, allowing me to fully accept the embrace as Selene buries her face into my chest. I can feel her tears beginning to soak into my shirt, but I don't let that phase me as I let her cry in my arms, but that was when I saw a drop come from my own face as it falls onto the top of Selene's head. Once I was aware of it, I couldn't stop my tears from pouring out as I held Selene tighter in my arms, not wanting to part for even a second. I'm sure she also feels the same way.

Fleur: "Kaede!"

I was so preoccupied with Selene that I didn't realize anyone else, and in no time at all, both Fleur and Faye launched themselves onto me, hugging me from both sides, wrapping their arms around both Selene and I.

Kaede: "I-I'm back!"

Ah~ My voice is cracking up, but I really don't care at this point. This warmth... I missed this so much.

Faye: "Yes!"

Fleur: "W-welcome... Welcome home!"

I couldn't see through my own tears, but from the sounds of it, both Fleur and Faye are both in tears as my body melts from their warm embrace.

Alice: "Did the crest work? Ah!"

Barging through the door, Alice, who looks to be a lot younger quickly enters the room upon noticing the other person in the room.

Alice: "Yui!~"

Yui: "Ah?!"

Now it's not only me, but Yui has also been attacked by a sudden hug. Yui probably is confused as to who this is, but now that we're back, I'm sure Mai will be able to restore her memories.

Selene: "...We're finally together."

Kaede: "Mhmm! And I'm not letting you go, sis."

Selene: "Fu...Fufufu."

Seems like the tears are slowly stopping from the both of us as we both end up chuckling at the situation, but neither Selene, Fleur, Faye or me refuse to let go from our embrace, wanting this to last just a while longer.

Mai: "Ah~ I see it all worked out."

But just then, Mai suddenly appeared in the room without warning, looking over at all of us with a smile on her face, prompting me to shift my head up to look her way.

Kaede: "Mai."

Mai: "Yes yes~ I know."

I watch as Mai slowly makes her way to Yui as Alice has now finally let go of her.

Yui: "U-uhm!"

Mai: "Relax-"

Just as Mai was close enough, she reached out to Yui, who tightly shut her eyes, not knowing what's about to happen. But right as Mai made contact, placing her hand on top of Yui's head, Yui's face immediately loosened up.

Alice: "Woah-!"

Just then, Yui collapses back as Alice managed to catch her before laying her down gently. I know Mai's trying to help Yui remember, but seeing Yui just fall unconscious like that...

Kaede: "Did you seriously need to knock her out?"

Selene: "It's okay sis. Even my mom was like that."

Alice: "Yes, I also lost consciousness."

Fleur: "I...I think I was already asleep?"

Faye: "Yeah... When we woke up, it felt like everything until then was just a dream..."

So this is just a normal thing? Even if it is though, seeing Yui drop unconscious like that reminds me of the time when she first drank my blood...

Mai: "She should wake up tomorrow."

Kaede: "...Okay."

Despite the sudden scare from Mai, knowing that I'm finally back here. It almost feels like a dream, and if so, I really don't want to wake up from it.