Seeking Answers

-----Kaede's POV

Kaede: "Hahh!~"

Once I arrive back in the other world after leaving Yui, I collapse on the bed that Yui laid on. Fleur and Faye are still yet to wake up, which I guess is a good thing. I'm not sure what exactly would happen if they were to wake up and suddenly smell all of the humans and demi-humans in this inn.

Selene: "You alright sis?"

Kaede: "I don't know..."

Selene has been hanging out with her mother while I was away, but she quickly got up and came over to check up on me. I guess I may as well just say what's on my mind. Neri is out the the room, so the only other people who are awake in here is Selene and Lilith.

Selene: "Sad?"

Kaede: "No- well... Maybe, I don't know. It's about Yui."

Selene: "Did something happen in the other world?"

Oh something definitely happened alright... Don't get me wrong, I was happy to spend that time with Yui, even though we were cut short when her parents came to knock on her door just as things were getting heated. I quickly left out the window without making too much of a scene, and now that I'm back here and cooling my head, I can sort of guess why Yui did what she did.

Kaede: "She wants me to turn her into a vampire."

Selene: "Mhmm. I heard before."

Kaede: "But she's serious. Unlike before."

Selene: "Mmmm. I'm not sure how you feel about it exactly, but being a vampire isn't all that great. Even I get grossed out sometimes when I start craving to drink my mom's blood."

Lilith: "It's okay. I'm not forcing myself to follow along. I actually like to think about it like breast feeding in a way."

Kaede: "That's a pretty messed up way of breast feeding though, don't you think?"

Lilith: "Hehe, I suppose... But really, I'm fine with it."

Selene: "Even still... Sometime I wish I was just born normally."

Kaede: "Really? I figured you were more accepting of it. You were the one who played a huge role in my acceptance of it after all."

Selene: "Hehe. Well, I guess it does have it's upsides. I can protect my loved ones a lot better than if I was just a human."

That's pretty much the same mindset as me. Sure, Fleur, Faye and even Mell are exceptions to it, but apart from them, I'd much rather protect the ones I love, bearing the brunt of what it takes to be like this, to hold this power. Although right now, I am trying to think of Yui's perspective right now...

I know she doesn't want to leave me, and instead to share the burden of this life. But I can't shake the feeling that it's a bad idea... I recall back when I was fighting Ilfa. During the fight, I was regenerating at a speed that was unheard of without the use of any mana. I thought it was strange, but when I heard that Mell, Fleur and Faye all were experiencing the same pain as me, I was honestly scared. So then what if I do turn Yui into a vampire, and something bad happens to me, would she also die, along with Mell, Fleur and Faye? I also need to take that into consideration...

Kaede: "What do you think I should so, sis?"

Selene: "Hmm? About Yui?"

Kaede: "Yeah."

Selene: "Well, you know her more than I do, so I can't say much. But I think if she truly wants to, and you also truly want to, then I think it's okay."

Kaede: "That almost doesn't even help me at all."

Selene: "Mmmm, sorry!~ I just find it scary to drag someone into this life is all."

Lilith: "I think I wouldn't mind being a vampire, hehe."

Selene: "Not happening."

Lilith: "Hehehe, Just a joke~"

Does Yui 'truly' want to become a vampire? It could just be an impulsive thing on her end so I shouldn't make a decision just yet. Maybe during this weekend we can discuss it again. I mean, a good portion of me does want to go along with it. The idea of living out our lives eternally together does sound quite romantic, but then we'd be both saying goodbye to humanity. What would happen a hundred years into the future? Would we even still be together? If we ever break up, then what then? She'd have no one else as she prays for her death to come. I honestly wish I had more info about vampires in this world. Selene and I are quite young for vampires, but what exactly happens to us when we are like a thousand years old? 

Kaede: "Wait..."

I look back over to Lilith who's now checking up on Fleur and Faye on the other bed.

Kaede: "Lilith."

Lilith: "Yes?"

Kaede: "What was Selene's father like?"

Lilith: "Ah..."

Selene: "Ehh?! Wait, I totally forgot about having a father!"

Seems like the idea of a father went right over Selene's head, but I keep my attention on Lilith instead. I was a bit hesitant to bring it up, but after seeing the look on her face, it doesn't seem all too negative like I was imagining.

Lilith: "He was... I guess you could say, manipulative."

Kaede: "What do you mean?"

Lilith: "During my time with him, it felt like I was in a constant state of bliss, unnaturally so. And when I came to, after he suddenly left, it felt like it was all just a dream. It was when I became pregnant with Selene that I realized that it was truly real."

Kaede: "So he didn't harm you or anything?"

Lilith: "I don't remember anything like that, but after he left, I realized that I wasn't acting myself during my time with him."

Selene: "Charm magic?"

Lilith: "Most likely..."

So that's what she meant by 'manipulative.' Having to charm someone, having them feel happy as you have your way with them. The story Lilith told started out quite nice, but steadily grew unpleasant as she continued.

Selene: "I wanna kill him..."

Kaede: "Didn't he get killed though or something?"

Selene: "Ah, right. I think I remember Oboris being the one that killed him, right?"

Kaede: "Yeah."

Selene: "But we don't know for certain! He could've manipulated him to think that Oboris killed him."

Kaede: "Maybe..."

Going by that logic, it could entirely be possible that vampires are just hiding somewhere out there while everyone else, monsters and humans thinking that they're extinct. It almost makes me want to try and hunt for them and try and figure out more about what it takes to live hundreds or even thousands of years...



Fleur/Faye: "Mmmm..."

Eventually, during our talk, both Fleur and Faye wake up. But even with all the time that's passed, my thoughts are still going around in circles. Hunting vampires does sound good in theory to search for answers, but it's not like I'm the same breed as regular vampires anyways... I guess I can only find the answers when I have the talk with Yui.

Faye: "Sister! You're okay!"

Fleur: "Ehehe. Did we wake up at the same time?"

Faye: "Mm! Ah- your eyes."

Fleur: "Mhmm... Seems like it worked."

I guess with both of them awake and joining us, I can take my mind off of this and just enjoy my time here. I wonder if Fleur still has the muscle memory before this whole time reversal thing happened? As far as I recall, it was mainly a mental problem. But with her memories now returned, maybe she can fly normally like before?

But whilst in thought, I heard a collection of grumbles coming from the both of them as they both instinctively look over towards Lilith, the only human amongst us.

Fleur: "S-sorry!"

Faye: "Ahaha, I almost forgot about this feeling..."

Kaede: "Hahh~ And I completely forgot about finding a source of blood."

Before all of this, during the battle of Inasdale, thousands of the Leris kingdom soldiers died. And with Ilfa's permission, I harvested as much blood from them as I could. The blood would've lasted us for the foreseeable future, but now with all of that now gone, I guess I'm back to being the one to feed them.

Selene: "Sis. Don't worry, I can help with this."

Kaede: "Eh?"

Selene: "You were thinking about finding blood, right? Having you handle both of them might be too much, so why don't I handle Faye?"

Faye: "Wait wait wait. Selene? You're saying that you'll feed me?"

Selene: "Mhmm!"

Faye: "But you're a child..."

I can see why Faye would be worried. Out of the three of them, Mell, Fleur and Faye, Faye was by far the most aggressive when it came to drinking blood. Fleur on the other hand was more sensitive.

Selene: "I'll be fine~ Sis, you can handle Fleur, yeah?"

Kaede: "Okay. But if it gets too much for you, then I'll handle both Fleur and Faye."

Selene: "Kay~"

I guess this'll have to do for now. Selene has her blood resource from her mother, and I have Yui now. Ah... And just like that, I'm back to thinking about the situation with Yui again. The weekend is soon, but a part of me just wants to work this all out now. I guess for now I'll just wait until school finishes for her and we can go from there.