A Vow

-----Yui's POV

Aki: "Alright~ We'll wrap it up here for today. Enjoy your weekend everyone~"

After club finished, we all began walking out of the school, heading back to our homes.

Chiyo: "Yui~"

But this time, unexpectedly, I have a follower as I begin walking towards the train tracks. To be honest, my thoughts have been all over the place the entire day, mainly about Kaede. But even during club just now, I'm reminded that this body of mine is weaker than my body before. It could be from the little magic that I did possess, but either way, I felt like I had extra weights on me while exercising. 

Chiyo: "Any plans this weekend?"

Yui: "Not sure..."

All my life, growing up in that world, I always wanted to return here. But now that it's become a reality, I find myself more stuck than anything, like my body's in a constant tug of war of wanting to be in both worlds. Is that why Kaede tried to find a way to travel back and forth between worlds? Thinking that, I find myself smiling at the thought.

Chiyo: "Well How 'bout I come over?

Yui: "Eh?"

Chiyo: "We can help each other study, remember? I want to get a head start for the end of semester exams."

Ah, so that's what she meant. It's true that earlier, we found out that our strengths were the other person's weakness, so it's only natural for her to suggest this. But now with all my memories been returned, I honestly don't think I need much help. But I guess I can still help Chiyo, so maybe it might be okay. Although I'd honestly want to be free for when Kaede returns.

Yui: "Just for a bit, okay? My parents get home soon, so we can only study for about an hour."

Chiyo: "Mhmm! Fine by me~"

A lie on my part. My parents would love to meet more of my friends, and this would actually be the first time Chiyo would be visiting my place, even during the original timeline. I feel like for the most part, our relationship is the same as before, so then why has she decided to visit my house now? Is this what they call the butterfly effect? But what could've changed that? I end up thinking back on it as we walk, and eventually, we arrive in my room.

Yui: "Huh?"

Chiyo: "Ehh?!"

But when we walked inside my room, a silvery beauty stood in the middle of the room. I honestly thought that maybe Kaede would return later, so to see her here in my room was quite startling, leaving me speechless.

Chiyo: "I thought Kaede was sick!"

Yui: "U-uhm."

That was the excuse I came up with when people asked, so of course Chiyo would start questioning the legitimacy of it.

Kaede: "Ehehe. I felt better around noon, so I just thought I'd come over to surprise Yui. Her parents let me in, so."

Apart from the lie of being sick, I can't tell if what Kaede said is a lie or not as I can imagine my parents actually letting Kaede stay while they go to work.

Chiyo: "Really? Then perfect! We can study together! Since you didn't come to school, we can go over what we learnt with you."

Chiyo, you're so kind, but right now I'd love for this to be just Kaede and I.



After about an hour, we all finished up with the study session, with Chiyo putting her things back into her bag.

Chiyo: "That was fun~ But Yui, you improved quite a lot."

Yui: "Y-yeah. I wasn't happy with my results before, so I did some studying in my free time."

Chiyo: "How diligent. How come you have time for that when you're so good at sports..."

She said that second part in a mumble, but it was still clearly audible that I just gave a wry smile in response.

Chiyo: "Well, I'll see you two later then~"

Yui: "Mm. See ya."

I see Chiyo out the door, waving out to her with a smile before making my way back to Kaede in my room.

Yui/Kaede: "..."

We fall silent as I close the door behind me, and even when I sit opposite of her, the silence continues. She's probably thinking the same thing as me, but neither of us decides to speak. But I guess I am the reason why we're like this, so maybe I should be the one to bring it up.

Yui/Kaede: "So-"

But right as I do so, Kaede also speaks at the same time as me. Ahh~ I waited too long!

Yui: "Sorry, you go first."

Kaede: "...Alright."

I was a bit surprised to see her accept that. I was honestly thinking that we'd have a back and forth of "no, you go first."

Kaede: "Firstly, how was school?"

Yui: "It was alright. Classes felt more like a chore thought."

Kaede: "Hehe. I guess that's what comes with having memories of the future, hehe."

Yui: "Yeah..."

Kaede: "..."

The silence quickly returns at my reply. Sorry Kaede, but I really don't want to small talk right now.

Kaede: "Sorry. I'll just get straight to it then."

Looks like Kaede could figure it out as she gazed upon me from across the table. I don't falter in the slightest and meet her gaze head on.

Kaede: "I still think it's wrong for you to be a vampire."

Yui: "...Why?"

I knew she would say that, but it still came as a blow to my heart. Even still, I refuse to look away and question her as to why it's so 'wrong.'

Kaede: "D-don't get me wrong. I big part of me wants to do it... But there's still so much uncertainty."

Yui: "Uncertainty?"

Kaede: "Like what would happen to us... If both of us are immortal, then what would happen to you if at one point, like maybe 500 years or something, that you no longer wanted to be with me."

Is she serious? But before I could say anything, she continues, leaving me with my mouth slightly agape.

Kaede: "Humans are special. We're able to love because of our limited time, right? As humans, we want to share our valuable time with the people we love. So I just can't help but worry about that if we went through with this."

Yui: "You think that I don't love you enough to want to spend all that time with you?'

Kaede: "Th-that's not what I'm saying..."

I know... But my impulse to say that regardless took over me. I know Kaede's taking my feelings into account, so me saying that was only an attempt at stabbing Kaede. What's wrong with me...

Kaede: "I just think that you have many people that love you. Not just me, but your family as well. So if you were to live for eternity, you'd have no one left. I can't help but imagine you wishing for your death when that time comes..."

Yui: "..."

She thought about it like that? I feel happy that Kaede thought that deep into it, thinking 500 years into the future, but her words also sting more than anything.

Yui: "You're saying that you don't see me as family?"

Kaede: "That's..."

Yui: "Then why not just make me a part of your family?"

Kaede: "Yui..."

Yui: "I adore Mell, and Fleur and Faye are really nice people. I know that they're all a part of your life, but even now, and before, I also wanted to be a part of that. So to be honest... Seeing you be okay with turning them into a vampire... I can't help but feel jealous."

Kaede: "..."

Yui: "I know it'll be painful to have my parents die, including my friends. But as long as I can be a part of your family, then I can manage!"

There's also the idea of turning my mom, Alice and maybe even Luna into a vampire, but I choose to not say anymore and leave it like that for now.

Kaede: "You do realize that you'd be giving up a lot more than just family and friends though, right?"

Yui: "I know. I know full well how hard it is from living together with you in that world."

Kaede: "Even so, you still want to do it?"

Yui: "Yes... I'm not about to leave you to live for eternity alone. You might say you're fine with having Mell, Fleur and Faye with you, but I still can't accept that. I want to be there... With you."

Kaede: "What if something happens to me..."

Yui: "Eh?"

She spoke in a soft voice while also being the first one to finally break eye contact as she stares down at the table.

Kaede: "Maybe you're fine with being a vampire. But would you be alright after knowing what happened?'

Yui: "What do you mean?"

Kaede: "Remember during the battle in Inasdale? You must've been there with them, but during my fight with Ilfa, Mell and the others shared the pain I endured. I can't help but imagine what would happen if I was killed. Would they have also died? It's honestly scary to think that their lives are bound to me, which is why I'm hesitant in bringing you into all of this..."

Her words are a bit startling as even I didn't realize that. It's only natural to come to that conclusion after seeing Mell and the others like that. But even still...

Yui: "It's that romantic though?"

Kaede: "Eh?"

Yui: "If you die, I die... Isn't that what people say when they marry one another? To death do us part an all that."

Kaede: "Yui..."

She looks back up at my words as we lock eyes with one another once more, and almost at the same time, we both share a soft smile. I guess I did just flat out say "will you marry me" just now, but it's not like I didn't mean it.

Yui: "So I say, who cares? I'm happy that you're this concerned for me and about my family. But you're not the only one. You're also afraid of being alone, right?"

Kaede: "..."

Yui: "So don't try and sacrifice yourself for my sake. We're in this together, right? So it's only natural. Hell, even before all of this started. Back then, weren't we looking for apartments to live in together? I'm not sure about you, but my feelings back then still haven't changed. I want to spend my life with you. Eternity or not."

Kaede: "...It's going to be painful though."

Yui: "You can teach me then."

Kaede: "You'll probably wish you were human..."

Yui: "And that's all the more reason why I want to be with you."

I grasp her hands in my own in the middle of the table, leaning over into her eyes. I'm happy where things are going, but I can't stop now. I need to fully convince her.

Yui: "You think being a vampire is such a horrible thing, so I'll promise to change that."

Kaede: "You really think that?"

Yui: "Yes! I've seen first hand how amazing it is. So if you want to be considerate of me, then don't leave me out!"

Kaede: "...Pfft, fufufu."

Hearing her laugh almost feels like the final nail in the coffin. As if she's finally conceded.

Kaede: "You're really something, you know."

Yui: "Mmm~ I wonder."

Kaede: "If you really wanna become a vampire, then I want for it to be special."

Yui: "Special?"

Her words came as surprise as I look into her eyes in anticipation. What does she mean by 'special?'

Kaede: "You talked about marriage before, didn't you? It might not be an official thing, but I was thinking that maybe we should... You know."

Yui: "You want to marry me?!"

Kaede: "...Something like that."