A Bond Between Us

-----Yui's POV

Marriage... I did bring it up briefly, but to think Kaede actually talked about it seriously. My parents returned shortly after our talk so we did have to end it there. I also thought that Kaede would stay over the night considering it's a Friday, but-

(Kaede: "Fufu, I think it'll be better for us to meet up there, don't you think?")

Before she left, we had scheduled a time for us to meet up near the mall. I guess she wants it to be more like a date rather than us simply going there together? I found it cute, so I couldn't help but oblige as we went our separate ways. That said, I still would've preferred to sleep together with her... Especially after our conversation, but I guess it can't be helped.



Morning quickly arrived as I woke up in an instant upon hearing my alarm. We agreed to meet up at 9am, but I couldn't help but set the alarm to 7am. I need to make sure I'm prepared!

After washing up and getting myself dressed, I end up looking myself in the mirror one more time. I opted to wear jeans with a white blouse for my top and a blue denim jacket over the top. It's quite thin so it won't be too hot. It's more so to protect against any wind. But after looking in the mirror, I feel as though it's too casual... This is meant to be a date, but my wardrobe isn't all that stocked up. There's also my hair... With my memories now returned, it almost feels weird to see myself with short hair. Well, it's not too short as it's a bit past my shoulders now, but still.

Yui: "Guess this will have to do..."

Not wanting to look at myself any longer, I quickly leave my room before heading downstairs.

Mom: "Ah~ You look good this morning~"

Yui: "Thanks, haha."

Mom: "Going somewhere? We could drop you off if you like."

Yui: "Really?"

Dad: "Mm! We were about to go shopping ourselves, so we might as well all go."

Yui: "W-well... I was meant to meet up with Kaede at the mall, so-"

Mom: "Ah!~ We can go there as well!"

Oh no... I love my parents to death, but I'm not liking where this is going. As much as I love them, todays is meant to be a day for just Kaede and I.

Mom: "Mmm, but I guess we can also just drop you off there."

Yui: "Eh?"

Seems like mom has already caught onto my thoughts... I really need to fix that problem of mine.

Mom: "Sorry, you want to spend time with your friend, right? We won't get in your way. But we'll still drop you off if you like."

Yui: "Mm! Thanks mom."

Mom: "Oh?"

Catching mom off guard, I step in to wrap my arms around her. I know I hugged my parents yesterday, but it still feels like I need to catch up on all those years where I couldn't do this.

Mom: "Hehe."

Seeing this, mom ends up gently caressing my hair. I can tell she's being mindful not to mess with it too much as she could probably tell how much care I put into it. Hahh~ I missed this so much.



Mom: "Did you want for us to pick you up as well?"

Yui: "It's not too far, I can walk back home."

Dad: "Alright, here-"

After the short drive to the mall, I get out of the car as dad hands me the spare key to the house.

Dad: "Have fun, okay?"

Yui: "Yes."

Dad: "And make sure to look both ways before crossing the street."

Yui: "I'm not five anymore, haha."

Dad: "Heh."

Just then, dad reaches out the window before suddenly ruffling my hair. Seems like my dad thinks differently than my mom, haha.

Mom: "H-hun!"

Dad: "Have fun~"

Yui: "Pfft."

Mom: "Mmm. Yes, have fun. We'll be home in a few hours."

Probably after seeing me laugh, my mom let my dad off from messing up my hair. I really didn't mind it, in fact I honestly preferred it. To be honest, when I left the mirror, I wasn't all that pleased, so now not knowing exactly how I looked sort of puts me at ease.

I stash the key into my pocket before making my way closer to the mall. I check the time on my phone which reads out "8:15am." I'm still quite early but I don't mind waiting all that much.

Yui: "Eh?"

But right as I was getting closer, I could see Kaede sitting at a bench in the distance. Oh man! She looks way too cute! We're totally mismatched right now, aren't we?!

In contrast to my casual look, she wore an outfit that I recognize all too well. It's the same outfit she wore for our anniversary that day, before all of this began. A black off-shoulder top with frills along with a white skirt and black tights underneath. Her silvery, white hair only stood out more in contrast to her black top. I was a bit worried if she was cold, but then again, she said she prefers the cold.

Just then, she quickly turns her head in my direction as our eyes lock with one another. Her blank expression quickly changed to a more soft one as I soon approached her.

Kaede: "You're early."

Yui: "You're one to talk, haha."

Kaede: "Fufufu. So? Shall we?"

She swiftly slides her arm around mine, linking our arms together as we face the entrance to the mall.

Yui: "Mm. Let's go."


Once we arrived inside, we were greeted with the air conditioning as it became slightly colder than it was outside, but with Kaede this close to me, I'm more than warm enough.

Yui: "So? Where you taking me?"

Kaede: "You'll see~"

It's also good to mention that Kaede isn't wearing her contacts and instead letting everyone see her scarlet red eyes. Even as we passed by people, I couldn't help but notice all their gazes were focused on her. Most people in the mall seemed to have a mix of black and dark brown hair, but there were some outliers with blonde hair. However, Kaede is an even bigger oddity as her white hair stands out from everyone else. not to mention her red eyes as well. It's such an otherworldly appearance, but I guess that's not entirely wrong.

Clerk: "Hi, how may I help you."

I hadn't noticed, but we soon arrived at one of the open stalls to the side. There I noticed several pieces of jewelry all out on display in an organized fashion. From necklaces, to rings, and even some earrings as well. There also seems to be crystals off to the side as well. Of course everything has protective glass over it in case people were inclined to rob them.

Kaede: "Yes, we'd like to see your rings?"

Yui: "Eh?"

Clerk: "Certainly."

With a bright smile, the lady soon began to unlock the case with the rings before opening them up for us to inspect. But I was too preoccupied at the situation to even begin looking over them. Kaede wants to look at rings? Could this be because of our talk yesterday?

Kaede: "Yui. How's this one?"

Yui: "Ah, uhm, yeah!"

Kaede: "Pfft! Come one, I want to pick with you, so help me choose, okay?"

Yui: "R-right..."

I quickly steady my heart before leaning in to see the rings closely alongside Kaede. But as I look over them all, I can't help but look at the price of them instead. I'd say about 60% of them are out of our league, but there are some that are more simpler in design and look to be a lot more affordable.

Yui: "I think keeping it simple is best."

Kaede: "You think?"

Yui: "Well, I wouldn't want it to stand out too much..."

Kaede: "Okay. Then how about these two?"

I look over to wear Kaede's pointing at and immediately stare at it in wonder.

Yui: "Wait, isn't that too cheap for those?"

The rings in question looked to have a gemstone inside them, with the ring itself shaping around it having quite a unique design, sort of like vines wrapping around the gemstone. The blue gemstone shined brightly from the lights above.

Clerk: "Ah, those there aren't real gemstones. They're made of glass, sorry."

Yui: "Ah, it's fine, thank you very much!"

The clerk clarified for me as I was questioning the price of it. I guess it does make sense that these wouldn't be real gemstones, but they're still pretty.

Kaede: "So? You like it?"

Yui: "...How about this one then?"

I point over to the rings below it. The design was exactly the same, but instead the glass gemstone are red instead of blue.

Yui: "It'd match your eyes. So-"

Kaede: "Fufu. We're thinking the same way."

Yui: "Ah-"

Could she have picked out the blue one because of my eyes?

Yui: "Then maybe we can buy one of each?"

Kaede: "But I want to match with you..."

Yui: "W-well..."

I lean in closer to Kaede's ear to that the clerk or anyone around wouldn't hear.

Yui: "My eyes will change, so-"

Kaede: "But that's all the more reason to choose these ones. To remind me of... Your eyes..."

Her face quickly becomes flushed as she casts her eyes back over to the blue ones. So she was thinking about it like that... It makes me happy to know that Kaede wants to cherish the memory of these eyes of mine that I don't even think it's possible for me to complain about it.

Yui: "Okay. We'll go with the blue ones."

Clerk: "Uhm, there's a discount if you buy two-"

Kaede: "Alright! Then we're getting both!"

Almost immediately after the clerk's interjection, Kaede spoke up while pointing at the rings in question.

Yui: "W-wait, we don't need both pairs, right?"

Kaede: "I don't wanna disregard your feelings either... So I'd like to get both if that's possible."

Yui: "Alright, haha."

I can't say no to that...


Clerk: "Thank you for your purchase~"

We soon leave the stall while both Kaede and I hold onto separate small bags containing the boxes that held the rings. Kaede held onto the blue colored ones whilst I held onto the red ones.

Yui: "We'll have to decide on which one's to wear though."

Kaede: "Maybe we can alternate them every day?"

Yui: "Everyday? That seems a bit too much..."

Kaede: "Then maybe every year?"

Yui: "You're going from one extreme to the other, haha."

Kaede: "Mmmm. But a year might be nothing to us."

True... Vampires live a lot longer than humans, so a year might be nothing.

Yui: "Right... Then yeah, we can do that."

Kaede: "Hehehe~"

She proceed to wrap her arm back around mine as we continue on through the mall. I hadn't expected to get rings this fast, but it's honestly made this date of ours start off quite strong. I find it impossible for me to not smile as we walk arm in arm together. To everyone else, we must seem like very good friends, making me feel a lot more at ease in knowing we can get away with flirting this much.

Yui: "Let's go in here next."

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

And so, we continue our date. Seeing Kaede this cheerful only reminds me of the old Kaede despite looking like the Kaede in th other world. I really don't want this day to end.