
-----Yui's POV

After our little bit of shopping, we had an early lunch in the mall before heading back home. With the sun being fully out, it was much warmer than before, however that didn't stop either of us from clinging onto each other's arm. And soon enough, we arrived back inside my house.

Mom: "Welcome back!~ You two had fun?"

We were immediately greeted by my parents, but Kaede refused to let go of my arm, prompting my dad's gaze.

Dad: "Heh. I wonder if people thought you were on a date?"

Yui: "Huh?"

I was genuinely surprise by my dad's comment. Has he figured us out just from seeing our arms linked like this?

Dad: "Well, at a distance, I can see how Yui might look like a guy."

Mom: "Hun!"

Dad: "Ahaha, my bad."

Despite their words, Kaede still didn't let go from my arm, and actually decided to pull me in closer to her, our bodies pressing up together, causing my face to immediately rise in temperature.

Kaede: "Actually!-"

Wait, don't tell me...

Kaede: "Yui and I are dating."

Mom/Dad: "...Huh?"

Kaede: "I love your daughter very much-"

She proceeds to bow her head towards my parents, making my face fill with flames even more in the process. Kaede! We didn't need to do this right now!

Kaede: "So please. Allow me to date her. I swear I'll cherish her, for as long as I live."

Mom/Dad: "..."

Ahh~ Maybe this wasn't the right time Kaede! We did this way into our relationship last time, when my parents considered you part of the family. This seems a little too soon!

Dad: "Mm! I'm counting on you."

Yui: "Eh?"

Mom: "Mhmm! I don't see any problem with that~"

Wait, they accepted it that easily?

Kaede: "Thank you very much!"

Dad: "Haha. Welcome to the family, Kaede."

Mom: "Hun... Your ulterior motives are showing..."

Dad: "Ahh, but can you blame me?"

Mom: "So you think her cooking is better than mine?"

Dad: "I-I never said that! Hahaha."

And somehow even more unexpectedly, my parents have now gotten into a bit of a fight over Kaede. What is even up with today...

Kaede: "Uhm! My cooking is only good because of you!"

Mom: "Awww~ Come here!"

Suddenly, mom drags Kaede towards her before embracing her. Kaede quickly wraps her arms around my mom as they continue their embrace.

Mom: "You better not leave this one, Yui!"

Yui: "I-I won't!"

Dad: "Good."

Why does it seem like they value Kaede a bit too much... Well, I'm happy with how things turned out.



Kaede: "Hahh~ I'm tired..."

We spent the rest of the day with my parents, and eventually after dinner, we had our showers as we both laid down on the bed. I take a moment to savor the smell of Kaede, even though we used the same shampoo.

Yui: "I thought vampires don't get tired."

Kaede: "This one does, hehe."

All in all, today was a lot of fun. I'm still shocked about what happened earlier with my parents accepting our relationship as if it were natural, not to mention our pseudo-wedding rings.

Kaede: "Ah, but before that-"

Speaking of which, Kaede begins to bring out the box she carried from the mall, the one containing the blue rings. She swiftly opens it up revealing the two blue glass gemstones adorned on a vine designed ring.

Kaede: "Here."

She takes the rings out before handing one to me. I guess we're holding the wedding ceremony now?

Yui: "Pfft."

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "Sorry. I just think it's funny we're doing it like this."

Kaede: "Well it's not like we can hold a proper ceremony... Not yet at least."

Yui: "Mm."

I wonder for a moment for which one of us goes first. Normally the man would say their vows first, so maybe I should start? Considering my dad thought I'd look like a guy from a distance. But just as I thought that, Kaede gently held my left hand in hers.

Kaede: "I'm not entirely sure how we go from here, but uhm... I'll say it again... Yui... Will you marry me?"

Yui: "Yes! Of course."

My heart immediately felt light at her words, but I refused to wait for not even a second as I replied immediately, not wanting her to have any doubts about this. In the next moment, Kaede gently slips the ring she held onto my left ring finger. I didn't know that my heart could get any lighter, but that gesture surely broke that theory.

Kaede: "Fufu. Alright, now your turn."

Yui: "Ah- Yes!"

I was so preoccupied about the ring on my finger that I totally forgot about the one I'm holding! I gently lift up Kaede's left hand in response while holding the ring in my other hand.

Yui: "Then, Kaede... Will you also marry me?"

Honestly I'm sure that we're going at this all wrong. Kaede already said that and I accepted, yet I still said the same thing. But even so, Kaede shot a bright smile my way as I feel myself being drawn in more to her eyes.

Kaede: "Yes... For as long as I live."

I slowly put the ring on her left ring finger, the same finger she put her ring on for me. We both end up taking a look at our rings on our hands before smiling again at one another. Her eyes however has taken on a more feverish tone with the moonlight shining into the room, causing me to lean in closer as she does the same. And as we both closed our eyes, our lips soon met. It was a gentle kiss, not one seeking pleasure, but one of acceptance from the both of us.

After what felt like five or so seconds, we part our lips from one another as we both lock eyes once more.

Kaede: "Hehe. We did it."

Yui: "Y-yeah..."

It might not be an actually marriage ceremony, but for us, we don't mind. We waited far too long for this...

Kaede: "N-now... Did you want to do it now, or-"

Yui: "Yes... I'd like to do it now."

This is the 'special' day that Kaede has created for me, which she has succeeded, no question about it. If I want to become a vampire, then I'd want for it to be tonight.

Kaede: "It'll be painful though. Are you sure?"

Yui: "I wouldn't have this ring on my finger if I wasn't, haha."

Kaede: "Hehe. I guess so."

Yui: "Then... How will we do it?

Kaede: "...Maybe like this?"

As we were already sitting on the bed, Kaede gently brought me down onto the bed, which I followed along, only instead of being beside me, Kaede brought herself on top of me, her eyes now staring down into mine as her white hair glows in the moonlight, cascading down to my sides. It's far too captivating that I honestly feel like she's using her charm magic on me. But as she brings her body down onto me, I feel our bodies press against one another as I'm reminded by her softness. But I don't let that rile me up as now isn't the time for that, so instead, I wrap my arms around her waist, bringing her closer as her face shifts to the side, towards my neck.

Kaede: "Try and bear with it..."

Yui: "Mm."

Kaede: "...I love you, Yui."

Yui: "Mm... I love you too, Kaede."

Once We exchange our words of affection, I feel her fangs pierce my neck gently. I could only feel the small bit of pain at the start, but that was all it was. However, I know full well that this isn't a drinking session, so I prepare for what's to come by shifting one of my arms around her waist up to the back of her head before gently combing through her hair with my fingers.

Yui: "!"

But right as I did so, I felt a incredible amount of heat radiating from my neck before quickly spreading to my chest, making my heart beat at an unbelievable speed. It's honestly quite hard to breath. And in a matter of seconds, the scorching heat quickly spread to the rest of my body, probably due to my heart now pumping the venom to the rest of my body. And right as I couldn't bear it any longer, Kaede quickly removed herself from my neck before initiating another kiss, almost as if she's trying to help me block out the pain. I also see light coming from Kaede's hands as she hold my head between her hands. With the combination of Kaede's kiss and her healing magic, the pain is just barely bearable as I somehow find the strength to kiss her back, tightening my hold around her waist.