
A full day had passed since the devastating war against The Vultures had unfolded. The atmosphere was heavy with grief and the preparations for the funeral were underway. Lando donned a somber black suit with a crisp white collar, his gaze fixed downwards. "Zynkara, today I will honor you and pay my respects," he whispered to himself, feeling the weight of yet another profound loss among the staggering count of 221 fallen comrades. The scarcity of active Nephalem users was now painfully evident.

A gentle knock interrupted Lando's introspection, and Hana entered the dorm room as the doors slid open automatically. Clad in a modest blue dress, she wore a concerned frown upon her face as she embraced him tightly. "This is not an easy moment," she murmured, her eyes searching his for solace.

Lando reciprocated the embrace, his expression mirroring her concern. "I know," he replied softly, his gaze fixed upon her. Hana offered comfort, her hand rubbing his back soothingly. "Let's proceed to the funeral now," she suggested, releasing him from their embrace. Lando nodded in agreement and followed her lead, his mind still lingering on the vivid dream that had felt all too real.

Meanwhile, Bale and Zander exchanged glances, a shared understanding passing between them, before their attention turned to Aqua. "Should we inform Lando and the others?" Bale inquired, seeking Aqua's opinion. Resting her elbows against her chin, Aqua looked down at the floor, lost in thought.

Bale persisted, attempting to capture her attention. "Aqua?" he called out, his voice tinged with urgency. Zander, too, intervened, snapping his fingers to redirect her focus. Finally, Aqua snapped her head towards them, her eyes meeting Zander's gaze.

"Yes, we will tell him," she responded with a sense of determination. "However, not now, not today. Let them mourn. Let us mourn," she concluded, her voice laden with a mix of empathy and resolution. Zander nodded in agreement, while Bale stood in silent contemplation before eventually nodding as well, acknowledging the wisdom in Aqua's words.

Slowly, the mourners made their way to the location of the funeral. The somber atmosphere was adorned with white and red flowers, interspersed with delicate golden blooms adorning the front where the speakers would stand to deliver their eulogies. Lando, among the chosen speakers, was the first to take the stage.

Hana found her place in a chair, her eyes fixed on Lando as he ascended the platform. As he stood there, memories of his recent dream flickered through his mind, causing him to shake his head ever so slightly. The echoes of screams and gunshots reverberated within him, a haunting reminder of the horrors they had all endured. Taking a deep breath, he focused his gaze on the gathering, noticing the presence of The Founders seated in the front row.

Lando's hand subconsciously reached up to adjust the white eyepatch that now covered his wounded eye. Inhaling once more, he began his address. "Yesterday marked a devastating day for us, as we bid farewell to so many beloved souls," he began, his voice carrying a mix of sorrow and determination. His eyes scanned the faces before him; approximately fifty people had gathered to pay their respects. "Zynkara, Brack, Linnie, Murphy, Zackary, Muffin, and Koro, to name a few," he continued, his expression growing solemn. "But if I were to recount each and every name, we would be here all day," he added, his brows furrowing in grief.

"Today, I want this to be a day of remembrance and solace, a day to honor and celebrate the bravery and dedication of the departed," Lando declared, his gaze shifting momentarily to meet Hana's unwavering stare. "I will carry the memory of each and every one of them in my heart," he acknowledged, a hint of a smile forming amidst the tears welling up in his eyes. "Allow me to share a few stories of our fallen comrades," he suggested, his tone lightening ever so slightly. "I recall a time when Zynkara and I, just thirteen years old, he was 23, embarked on an ill-advised adventure to scale the tallest ruin we could find. Little did we know that our youthful recklessness would nearly cost us our lives that day," he reminisced, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "And Brack, oh, that old man," he continued, the room filling with chuckles and somber laughs. "He patiently taught me the art of playing cards, forever imparting his wisdom upon me. Boring, indeed," he playfully added, his voice filled with warmth and fondness.

"Linnie and Muffin, mischievous souls that they were, constantly engaged in prank wars, much to the chagrin of poor Murphy," Lando continued, his gaze becoming distant as he recalled their antics. "Koro, a person of few words, possessed a silent strength that commanded respect. On the other hand, Zackary exuded an infectious energy and a zest for life. Each one of them was unique, just like everyone else here," he expressed, his voice tinged with reverence.

With a final glance at the gathering, Lando stepped away from the podium. "Thank you," he whispered, his words carrying the weight of gratitude and sorrow. As he made his way off the stage, the room erupted in heartfelt applause, offering him a respite from the emotional intensity of the moment. Lando heaved a sigh of relief, appreciating the unity and shared bond that enveloped them all in that space of collective mourning.

Erik stood up onto the stage. "Hello there, I personally knew Zynkara for a long time. He was a great person, a kind friend. We were victorious in the battle but the losses were great. As Lando said, I want this day to be a day where we celebrate them. We cherish their memories." Erik looked at Lando and nodded. "Today, we have all the right to get drunk, Bale. Don't throw up a tsunami again." Bale looked at him, shaking his head.

Erik's speech was short, Aqua stood up onto the stage, she was the last one chosen as she was the last to see Zynkara. "Zynkara, Zynkara. He was a wonderful person, he was full of joy and laughter, he was confident." She teared up, she knew she killed him and now he was gone, she regretted the decision.

"In his last moments, he was brave, very brave. He kept going, and then his life was cut short." Aqua looked at Bale, Zander, and then Erik, who knew what happened but they just nodded.

"He was known as the old captain of Lando's sector. He served us well over the years, we will never forget him." Aqua saluted him and walked off of the stage. Everyone clapped, some people sniffled and some cheered.

Erik confidently stepped forward onto the stage, his commanding presence capturing the attention of the mournful assembly. Clearing his throat, he began his tribute to Zynkara. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed friends, I had the privilege of knowing Zynkara for an extended period of time. He was not only a great person, but also a dear friend whose kindness knew no bounds," Erik started, his voice resonating with a mix of warmth and admiration.

"While we emerged triumphant in the battle against The Vultures, the losses we endured were profound," he acknowledged, his gaze sweeping over the crowd, acknowledging the collective pain they all shared. Erik glanced towards Lando, the weight of their shared grief evident in the unspoken understanding that passed between them. "Just as Lando mentioned, let this day be one where we celebrate the lives of those we have lost and cherish their precious memories," he added, his voice carrying a note of conviction.

Turning his attention to Bale, Erik couldn't resist a playful jab. "Today, my friend, we all have the rightful excuse to indulge ourselves and drown our sorrows in spirits. Although I must implore you, Bale, please spare us another memorable tsunami-like episode," he teased, a twinkle in his eye. Bale, aware of his reputation for excessive revelry, shook his head in mock disapproval, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Erik's speech, intentionally concise yet impactful, concluded, making way for Aqua to take the stage. Aqua, the last chosen speaker due to her close connection to Zynkara, stepped forward with a heavy heart. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she mustered the courage to honor the memory of the fallen Nephalem.

"Zynkara, dear Zynkara," she began, her voice quivering with a mixture of sorrow and regret. "He possessed a remarkable spirit, brimming with joy and laughter. His confidence was infectious, illuminating the lives of those around him," Aqua shared, her voice tinged with both admiration and grief.

A wave of anguish washed over her, for she alone held the burden of knowing that her actions had led to Zynkara's untimely demise. The weight of her guilt bore heavily upon her soul, and she yearned to turn back time and undo the irreversible. "In his final moments, he displayed immense bravery. He pressed on, facing the darkness head-on, until his light was tragically extinguished," she continued, her voice choked with emotion. Aqua's gaze shifted from Bale to Zander and finally rested upon Erik, the few individuals privy to the truth. Silent nods of understanding passed between them, wordlessly acknowledging the depths of their shared knowledge.

"As the esteemed captain of Lando's sector, Zynkara served us with unwavering dedication throughout the years. His legacy as a leader and a warrior shall forever be etched in our hearts.

We will honor his memory and never forget the sacrifices he made for our cause," Aqua declared, a mixture of grief and gratitude imbuing her words. With a crisp salute, she stepped away from the podium, greeted by a chorus of applause, sniffles, and even a few cheers.

The collective outpouring of emotion underscored the profound impact Zynkara had on each person's life, ensuring that his spirit would endure in their shared memories.