The Dwelling Past

The chaotic scene unfolded with relentless fury as the minigun unleashed its deafening roar. Panic gripped the camp, and amidst the mayhem, people stumbled and fell, blood splattering the ground in horrifying patterns. Amidst the turmoil, a young girl stood out, her vibrant purple hair and piercing blue eyes, adorned with stars as her pupils, a unique and mesmerizing sight.

"AQUA!" a desperate cry shattered the chaos, piercing through the cacophony of screams. The voice belonged to a woman in her forties, her hair as blue as the deepest ocean, and her eyes mirroring the same hue. With unwavering resolve, she brandished her weapon, firing relentlessly into the fray. Her shots tore through a nearby tent, causing it to collapse under the wrath of the flames.

A male voice joined the chorus of chaos, his brown hair tousled and his gaze burning with determination. His piercing green eyes, also adorned with starry pupils, scanned the chaos as he expertly handled a rifle. "They're here!" he shouted, the urgency in his voice reverberating through the camp. The launch of projectiles filled the air, catching Aqua's attention and widening her eyes in alarm.

"MOM! DAD!" Aqua's desperate cry cut through the chaos, her voice carrying a mixture of fear and determination. In her trembling hands, she was handed a weapon, a tool for self-defense in this grim moment. Her mother's smile, filled with a combination of pride and concern, provided a flicker of solace amidst the chaos. The approaching Nephalem sent a shiver down Aqua's spine, as she witnessed their landing and the devastating display of their formidable strength.

Aqua's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of the unfolding tragedy pressing down upon her. "We have to run!" the urgent cry of the young man echoed through the chaos. Aqua's eyes welled up with tears as he scooped her up into his arms, a gesture of protective instinct and desperation. Her mother trailed closely behind, her shots aimed at the advancing Nephalem, a defiant act to buy their escape.

"VULTURES! WE NEED TO FIGHT BACK!" a brave soldier's voice bellowed, rallying those still capable of resistance. "Give the others time to escape!" he urged, his words laced with determination and a desperate hope.

Amidst the horrors unfolding, Aqua's father tenderly cooed to her, attempting to divert her gaze from the burning structures and the grim reality they represented. Her tear-filled eyes shifted from the devastation to a fallen pole, its weight crushing the life out of a small body, a child who shared Aqua's age. The sight was almost too much to bear, and she averted her gaze, her heart heavy with sorrow and pain.

"You monsters!" Aqua's father's anguished cry reverberated through the chaos, his voice laced with grief and unyielding rage. The minigun resumed its relentless assault, bullets whizzing dangerously close to the trio. As people around them succumbed to the hail of projectiles, their lifeless bodies falling to the ground, a child paused, their innocent eyes wide with terror as they beheld their fallen parents.

In the midst of the chaos and devastation, a young child paused, their innocent eyes filled with horror as they gazed upon their fallen parents. "MOMMY?! DADDY?!" the child's voice quivered, their heart wrenching with grief. The relentless thunder of the minigun echoed once again, amplifying the sense of danger and urgency. In a swift display of bravery, a soldier sprinted toward the child, their arms outstretched in a protective gesture. With steely determination, the soldier raised their weapon, returning fire as the bullets from the minigun narrowly missed their mark.

As the situation grew increasingly dire, the majority of the survivors sought refuge within a sturdy, metallic structure. They rushed inside, descending a flight of metal stairs that led to a dimly lit hallway adorned with numerous rooms. The lights flickered to life, illuminating the scene as soldiers swiftly entered, their weapons primed and ready. "Their Nephalem can't get in here!" one soldier exclaimed triumphantly, his grin reflecting a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. Meanwhile, the orphaned child sought solace, tears streaming down their face, as they clung to the soldier's chest. "They're gone..."

The soldier's expression shifted to a solemn frown, his gaze then turning to Aqua's father. "Hey, Finn," he greeted, acknowledging the presence of Aqua's father. His eyes then shifted to Aqua's mother. "And Darla." Gently lowering the grieving child, the soldier issued a solemn command.

"I want both of you to protect the children with your lives." Finn approached, his hand offering a reassuring pat on the soldier's shoulder. "We will, Rex," Finn assured with unwavering determination. Rex, in turn, let out a small, appreciative snicker.

"You all, move to the back," Rex ordered, his gun trained on the doors as the distant echoes of gunshots reverberated outside the building. A brief lull in the gunfire was met with an unsettling silence, broken only by the soldiers' readied firearms and the sound of civilians arming themselves with weapons from the storage rooms.

Aqua's gaze shifted towards the sobbing boy, her heart brimming with empathy and compassion. She approached him, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "What is your name?" she asked, her voice filled with kindness and reassurance. The boy sniffled, wiping away the tears from his face. "M-Mike," he managed to utter amidst his grief. Aqua offered him a gentle smile, her voice filled with warmth and determination. "Hello there, Mike. From now on, I will be your friend, and I promise to protect you." Darla, Aqua's mother, watched the touching interaction, her eyes welling up with tears of sorrow and determination. "We have to do whatever it takes to protect ourselves and fight back," she declared, her voice resolute. Finn, Aqua's father, stood steadfastly, his weapon still aimed, ready to defend their newfound sanctuary.

Suddenly, with a forceful swing, the doors burst open, revealing a group of soldiers ready to defend their position. However, their readiness was quickly tested as a swift figure dashed from behind, their white robe billowing with each agile movement, adorned with intricate yin and yang symbols. It was Blayne, a young warrior known for her fearlessness and unwavering determination. She gracefully landed behind one of the soldiers, swiftly activating the button on her white staff. In an instant, the spear pierced through the soldier's chest, causing him to groan in agony and cough out a spray of crimson blood as Blayne retrieved her weapon.

Amidst the chaos, multiple figures clad in black gear emerged, coordinating their actions with precision. "Zync, on our right!" one of them barked, swiftly raising their guns and unleashing a barrage of bullets toward the soldiers. The onslaught took its toll, with multiple soldiers falling to the ground, their bodies succumbing to the overwhelming force. Meanwhile, Rex, the soldier who had previously taken charge, sprinted deeper into the fray. With his gun aimed and firing, he managed to land a shot on one of the assailants, causing them to grunt in pain before being swiftly pulled back by their comrades.

The civilians, driven by desperation and a fierce will to survive, fought back against their oppressors. However, their valiant efforts proved to be in vain as they too met a similar fate. Blayne, fueled by a disturbing exhilaration, lunged at a defenceless civilian, her spear ruthlessly piercing their neck. "THIS IS SO FUN!" she giggled with an unsettling hint of madness. Rex's eyes widened in shock and horror as Blayne set her sights on him, throwing a grenade in response.

Snickering with twisted delight, Blayne closed in on Rex, her approach unrelenting. In a desperate attempt to protect himself, Rex raised his gun, his finger squeezing the trigger, and unleashed a flurry of bullets towards her. By sheer luck, one of the shots found its mark, striking Blayne in the leg. She grunted in pain but pushed through, fueled by a dark determination. In a sudden burst of speed, she closed the distance between them, her hand gripping her weapon with deadly precision. Before Rex could react, Blayne swiftly swung her weapon, severing his head from his body in a gruesome display of brutality. Blood spurted forth, staining the battlefield with a chilling reminder of the unyielding brutality of war.

She aimed again and fired consistently, hitting one in the head. "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!" She stepped forward, Zynkara peeked and fired in response, Mike screamed but Aqua was busy firing back, he narrowly dodged. "The hell is up with this girl, she's younger than me!" Blayne looked over from another room. "Don't shoot her." She whispered in a mic, trying not to catch Aqua's attention as she bandaged herself.

Desperately backing into a nearby room, Blayne sought a momentary respite from the relentless chaos outside. As she retreated, a well-aimed throw sent a grenade hurtling towards their pursuers. The enemy, realizing the imminent danger, attempted to flee, but it was too late. The grenade exploded with a thunderous blast, claiming the lives of several assailants. Amidst the smoke and debris, one figure emerged, removing their helmet to reveal Zynkara, his determination unyielding. Taking a deep breath, he swiftly rose to his feet, discarding his helmet and tightening his grip on his weapon. With unwavering resolve, he unleashed a hail of bullets upon any enemy unfortunate enough to cross his path.

In the heat of battle, Zynkara expertly slid into a nearby room, seeking refuge from the unrelenting onslaught. Finn, momentarily blinded by the chaos, fired blindly at Zynkara, his bullets harmlessly ricocheting off the cold, unforgiving metal walls. Reacting swiftly, Darla took aim and returned fire, engaging in a deadly exchange of bullets with their assailants. The room reverberated with the deafening sounds of gunfire as the combatants fought fiercely for survival. Meanwhile, the children followed in their parents' footsteps, their innocent screams blending with the cacophony of violence that engulfed them.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a sudden disturbance disrupted the air. Two vibrant beams of purple energy sliced through the corridors, penetrating with lethal precision. The beams struck Darla and Finn, their eyes widening in shock as they coughed up crimson blood, their futile attempts to reach Aqua marked by desperation. With heartbreaking finality, both parents crumpled to the ground, lifeless, leaving Aqua alone, her father's gaze haunting her as he too succumbed to the relentless assault.

Aqua's eyes, filled with tears of grief and rage, shifted to the remaining children lying on the blood-soaked floor. The stark crimson staining the walls and seeping across the cold surface bore witness to the unforgiving reality they faced. Overwhelmed by a potent mixture of sorrow and fury, Aqua's trembling hand gripped her weapon tightly. With a voice tainted by anguish, she aimed the gun at their attackers, their tormentors who had stolen so much from her. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" she roared, her finger pulling the trigger, the force of the discharge pushing her back slightly, but her resolve remained unbroken.