The Embers of Darkness (3)

As Lando's eyelids fluttered open, the looming shadows and imposing silhouettes of the dense forest were replaced by a vast expanse of verdant fields dotted with vibrant poppies swaying gently. With a sense of confusion, he gradually pulled himself to his feet, feeling an absence of the wounds that had previously marred his body. He examined his palms, the smooth skin adding to his bewilderment. "Am I... dead?" he murmured aloud, hoping for some kind of clarity.

After a brief, unsettling silence, a comforting voice replied, "No, and thank heavens for that." A soft gust of wind stirred the poppies, sending delicate petals dancing gracefully around him.

Whirling around, Lando's eyes met the familiar, reassuring gaze of Aqua. A warm smile graced her face as she approached him. "Then why am I here?" Lando inquired, his voice tinged with a mix of relief and confusion.