Crazy (2)

In a dimly lit cabin, a group of five Raglers moved about with curious intent. Their keen eyes roamed over the interior, drawn to various objects of interest.

One Ragler, in particular, was captivated by an old photograph hanging on the wall. Reaching out with clawed fingers, it took the frame down, emitting a low snarl as it examined the faces within.

There seemed to be a rudimentary form of communication between these creatures; occasional growls and soft snarls echoed within the cabin's confines.

Only two among them bore weapons: a small sword and a machete, respectively. The quiet ambiance was disrupted when a wooden plank outside the cabin creaked underfoot.

The creatures' ears pricked up, their attention turning to the entrance.

Without warning, the distinct sound of a gun's hammer being pulled back broke the silence, followed immediately by a deafening gunshot.