Project Samson

The Ghimderi Trade Princes had gathered together in person to discuss matters that they considered to be of supreme importance. After all, though the Svartalfheim Federation had yet to announce it, they had officially given permission to the Germanic Star-Empire to invade the world of Ghimderi and in the process, annihilate the race of the same name. 

Though the Ghimderi did not realize it yet, their lives would soon be coming to an end. Still, this did not necessarily mean that they did not see the writing on the wall. After all, the Asuran Cabal and the Ennead theocracy had followed in the path set before them by the Elves. 

They had defaulted on their debts to the Ghimderi Trade union, and had begun to embrace the economic policies of the Germanic Star-Empire, and in the process rebuild their military. Because of this, the Ghimderi Trade Princes gathered together to speak of their current crisis.