Risk Management

The efficiency with which Tia had mopped up the Ghimderi, or at least those few who had survived their destruction, one which was wrought by their own hands, had truly astounded Erich. So much so that he genuinely believed had Tia's loyalty not been anchored via her borderline obsessive "love" with him. Then she could have easily eradicated all the meat bags, which she seemed to despise so much. 

The destruction of the Ghimderi had overwhelming consequences on the galactic economy. On the one hand, thousands of interstellar civilizations were liberated from the exploitative debts which they owed the Ghimderi, but at the same time the central currency used by the Galaxy in most transactions collapsed over night. 

It didn't help that the physical assets which people kept intrust with the Ghimderi Banking Clans were destroyed by the detonation of their planet. Causing an immediate investigation into the cause of the Ghimderi's collapse to take place.