12 Agalea’s Prowess


The next morning, Tobias woke up strong as a horse. Everyone were flabbergasted to see the master of the inn walking tall, after getting beaten without remorse. They wondered how he recovered so quickly when most of his bones were broken badly. Today, he tasked the servants to be extra clean, especially for one specific room which should be nothing but pleasing.

"My nephew will be visiting me today. Make sure his room is comfortable for his stay", Tobias ordered Madame Emilia as she comply with the direct and specific owner's orders.

Last night, Tobias was healed by Agalea in exchange for him to help her get into Brandenburg. He immediately agreed on one condition, that when Agalea gets in, he will get his protection. The people he owes money from are quite violent and aggressive. Despite paying on time, they want him to pay triple for the interest, which is too much for an innkeeper. If Agalea gets into Brandenburg, the shylocks won't give him more burden.

And so the deal was made, Tobias was healed before the light of the day. With his niece's help, Agalea will get the end her trade. Tobias have always been pitiful of Agalea, the quiet orphan who was sold as a servant. She's slow and weak, but she's kind and meek. Among all the servants, she always have a special treatment. Even his niece, Freya, sees her as a friend.

He never knew that his trusted and hardworking head maid, Madame Emilia, is violent and harsh with his dearest Agalea. For all he know, she's being treated nicely by everyone, not knowing the ugly truth that she is secretly abused and sometimes unfed. At first he doesn't know about Agalea's abilities. Only Freya is certain of his favored servant's fascinating healing capabilities. Now that he knew, Agalea's great prowess, he will support her dreams and success.


"The Kingdom of Nether is ruled by King Silvius and Queen Isavelle with their one and only son.. the sole heir to the throne, Prince Galen.", Freya started the lecture to give lessons to the uneducated friend. "The Kingdom has been secured in the safe hands of the three protectors of the Kingdom under the command of General Rowan.", Freya explained while the tailor collects the measurements of Agalea's body. "One, the Knights of Hesam, which are the protectors of the palace. Two, the Archers of Beorg Mountains, they are the protectors of the kingdom's borders. And three, the Crusaders of Aria, they are the protectors of the waters and forest.", she counted the Kingdom's protectors with her three fingers.

Agalea stood straight, looking like in a trance-like state. The tailor softly laughed at the uninterested student. "Hey are you listening?? Don't you sleep on me!", Freya shouted as she snap her fingers at Agalea's face.

"Do I have to know all these?", Helena (Agalea) asked with droopy eyes. The tailor left as soon as he finished getting what he needed. He left a fabric swatch for the girls to choose from, to finally start sewing the sets of clothing.

"Of course! If you want to get into Brandenburg, you have to know all of these important information.", Freya said as she push Agalea down on a chair. She picked out warm tones of expensive silk with brocade and dark shades of fur. She then handed it over to the tailor's assistant as she sat beside her sleepy friend.

"Moving on… In this Kingdom, we have the Paladin Warriors. They are the three holy warriors from each heraldry.", Freya continued.

"Holy warriors? Like blessed or... healers?", Agalea asked.

"No, not healers. The palace abhor healers. They are gone for a reason.", Freya said with a warning. "Blessed that they were embodied with magic and strength who killed titans with their bare hands. They have certain powers that can turn into weapons.. I heard that's what's being taught in Brandenburg", Freya said.

"And who are they?", Agalea asked further as she leaned forward.

"I thought you were not going to ask", Freya said with a cheeky smile. "Sir Stellan, the Knight of Hesam. Sir Alesso, the.. ", Freya cleared her throat and wet her lips. "Supreme archer of Beorg Mountains and.. Lady Vesta the ax wielder of Aria" she said. "As you know, Brandenburg is the prestigious training ground for knights and archers in the Kingdom of Nether. That's where Sir Stellan and Sir Alesso were trained", she added.

"Stellan? Is he the knight who got hurt?", Agalea asked. She thought he might he knight she healed with hands of stone.

"That's what they say. He's cursed to become a stone. The palace was attacked and as he protect the prince, he gets cursed", Freya shared as she whispered.

Agalea felt alarmed. If Stellan was the one she healed in the woods, he might recognize her at first sight and get her immediately beheaded in Brandenburg.

"Hold on a second.. did you say knights and archers? That's from Hesam and Beorg Mountains. Where do the crusaders from Aria train?", Agalea asked as she noticed.

"That's good! you're listening!", Freya chuckled. "Well, they do not recruit and train their crusaders in Brandenburg. They choose who they want to join and then, they train them in Aria.", she said. "I don't know what they look for in a warrior but, they have a keen eye for that. Well, of course, all interested individuals who wants to join the chivalry are no ordinary people to begin with.", Freya shrugged her shoulders.

"Back in Brandenburg if you're still interested. They only open their doors for squires once in every twelve full moons. All of the greatest MEN prepare for the admission test and arrive at Brandenburg before the sun meets the sky", she said.

"Men? Do you mean..", Agalea was confused to hear the emphasis on MEN.

"Only men are allowed in Brandenburg. All the Knights and Archers are MEN. While the crusaders, are all women", Freya emphasized more.

Getting into Brandenburg is shooting for the moon. And yet, Agalea thought it's worth a try, and she might as well hit the stars just in time. The longer Helena stays as Agalea, the more she sucks the life out of the poor girl. "Please continue", she told Freya.

Freya admired Agalea's confidence and persistence. Though, deep inside she wondered, if Agalea's abilities are enough to be accepted, given that she's a woman trying to do the impossible. But with Agalea's determination, Freya hoped that her dear friend will pass.

"There are five tests to get in to Brandenburg, and surely, they are not that easy for just anyone to pass. Lords Callaghan and Harlan make sure that all who have eyes to become protectors of the Kingdom of Nether deserves their spot." Freya explained. "It changes every time, so you'll never anticipate what to take", Freya added as she made sure that Agalea understood.

"How did you know all these?", Agalea furrowed her brows in wonder why Freya is very particular of Brandenburg.

"We run a tavern. It has eyes and ears.", she simply said. "My question is, why would you want to go to Brandenburg?", she asked.

"I just want to read something in Brandenburg. I never knew it's going to be this complicated", Agalea said.

"No one goes in easily without a true purpose. Unless you are to join as a warrior. That's the easy way in", Freya said.

"Why does it feel like it's all a rush..", Agalea wondered as she leaned back on the chair.

"Because the admission test is tomorrow!", Freya said as she stood on her feet. "Now, are you ready to become a man?", Freya crossed her arms as the tailor enters with the set of men's clothing followed by a hair dresser with a pair of shears.