Helena and her family endures life in the dead lands of Aelmere, a land of drought and famine. Known as soul travelers, they possess the power of soul wanderlust with the use of their crests. As she grew, Helena developed elemental powers of the wind, water and earth - making her a Celestial Soul Traveler that holds the power of life passed on in their kind every generation.
However, ever since Helena's powers were born, she was forbidden to use them as much as her parents restrict themselves from soul traveling. Secretly, with the help of her father, she feeds her curiosity and soul travels whenever possible. One day, Helena's carelessness cost her, her crest, losing her precious artifact while she was in a soul wanderlust. As she look for it, Helena got trapped in a world different from hers, a place of deviled creatures, magic, and men. Sadly, when she found her crest, its magic have already worn out. To go back to her family, she found an utterly outrageous plan. Only, she had to pretend not to be just any man, but a warrior who kills, something that is against her magic of life. As she hide under the armor of a knight, Helena uncovers the truths of her identity, falling in love and choosing worlds to live in.