106 The Prince is into Men?

Stellan took a torch hanging from the walls of the relic hall and led the way back to the camp. Despite ng eerie darkness and sound of the night, Bertram felt at ease more than ever with the paladin knight. As they trudge through the forest under the night drizzles, Stellan noticed Haelan walking with a little difficulty. Haelan stops every now and then as she rub her nape, feeling impatient for her delayed complete natural healing.

"See that over there?", Stellan told Bertram as he point the campfire with his finger. "Just go straight ahead and follow the light. You'll find our camp", he said as Bertram obeyed. The priest took the torch handed over to him by Stellan and walked away.

Then, Stellan removed his coat and placed it over Haelan's shoulders. Like an impulse, Stellan snaked his arm in her waist which startled her, and apparently, she didn't protest. Despite the closure they recently had, Haelan still let her guards down for the man whom her affection grows for. Besides, she liked Stellan's warmth, especially his compelling scent. As they walk farther, they kept close to each other as their heartstrings intertwine in knots. 

"Are you that dumb to walk alone all the way here? You can't even walk yourself out", Stellan said as he held Haelan's hand. He couldn't fathom the feeling of annoyance ticking his tightening chest.

Haelan was flustered at Stellan's sudden rudeness. A while ago, the paladin knight was steaming with kindness, and now, his words are so sharp it could stab her. "I can walk", Haelan spatted Stellan's hand out and pushed him back.

"Yeah right", Stellan said as he grab her slender arm. "You could have at least called me if you want to take a night stroll. It's too dark out here. What if there's a monster or another basilisk around? Huh?", he said as he tighten his grip on her arm unknowingly.

Haelan stopped and faced Stellan. "Why would you worry yourself about me? I can protect myself", Haelan knitted her brows at the paladin as the light from the torch disappear on his face. She couldn't hide her displeasure in the tone of her voice as she release herself from Stellan's grasp.

Stellan was lost for words. He didn't know why his throat seemed to have run dry all of a sudden. From a family of warriors, he was raised with sharp tongues and directness. And with him being blunt and dense, it was all natural after being shackled to knighthood surrounded by more men. His agony for Haelan's injuries mixed with his vexation towards her stubbornness. However, everything that dominated in his core was his fear for Haelan who dared to walk alone in her poor condition. Unknowingly, the words that came out of his mouth seemed to be more offensive rather than caring. "I.. I protect my knights too", he simply said.

Haelan removed Stellan's grip along with his coat he placed on her, and walked ahead of him following Bertram. Realizing her place, she was glad that the dark kept the sadness written in her face hidden from Stellan.

'A knight', these words echoed in Haelan's head. Stellan sees her just as one of his knights, he clearly said. After all, Stellan have already turned her down before, dousing her admiration. And so, Haelan realized he cares for her only because she's one of his knights.

Stellan followed Haelan as he clench his jaw regretting his careless remark. He kept biting his lips, punishing himself for not saying the words he wanted to say. All he knew, he's holding himself back from carrying Haelan in his arms… away from all the dangers, especially from Galen and Atrius.

"HAELAN!", Galen called as soon as Haelan appeared from the forest. "Where have you wandered off? You had me all worried", the prince said as he ran off to Haelan. Atrius and Ottis made an awkward side eye at each other from Prince's straightforwardness and concern toward their comrade. Jac kept himself busy with keeping the fire burning at the pit, while Gallanthe finishes his cup of tea.

"Uhh.. I decided to come back for Father Bertram, Prince Galen.", Haelan said blandly. "He's one of the survivors from the Holy Land", she introduced the priest standing by.

"Greetings to the morning star of the Kingdom of Nether", Priest Bertram bowed as he greeted the Prince who's more focused on Haelan.

Umbriel sprung up seeing Bertram. "Bertram?", Umbriel couldn't believe his eyes as he slowly draw near. Eventually, he welcomed Bertram with a chuckle and hurriedly ran to his long time friend for a warm embrace. "I'm glad you're alive, are you thirsty? Are you hurt?", he continued to ask as he led the newly arrived priest to the bell tent where Father Elijah is resting after he took the torch and tossed it in the firepit. 

"Come, Haelan", Galen grabbed Haelan's hand and dragged her along with her limping leg. Stellan could only watch how Galen snatch Haelan towards the other men. He almost drown in his jealousy which he tried so hard to hide in his lingering stares.

"I didn't know the prince is into men", Ottis whispered to Atrius who's sitting side by side on the log beside the campfire.

"Or… he knows something we also do", Atrius assumed as they watch how the prince treat Haelan like a delicate thing. However, he wasn't sure which among the truths about Haelan does the prince know - Haelan's a woman, a soul traveler or the King's heir.

As Galen pulled Haelan towards the campfire, he tugged a log where Haelan could sit with him. However, Haelan chose to squeeze herself beside Atrius and Ottis instead, leaving no more room for Galen. Then, she placed her scepter behind her as she beam a timid smile at Atrius.

"How are you feeling?", Atrius mouthed at his dear friend.

"I'm good, you?", Haelan answered softly as she held Atrius on his shoulder. Atrius replied with a nod and a twinkle in his eyes that ruined Stellan's night even more. The paladin knight dragged his feet pass them drawing attention to the observant men. Then, he went straight to the bell tent where the priests got in.

"Heading to bed already, Evandrus?", Prince Galen suddenly asked.

"It's late. Enjoy yourselves, Prince", Stellan answered before he went in without looking back.

"I'll be right behind you, Sir Stellan", Gallanthe yawned as he followed the paladin knight in. "Prince Galen", he said with a nod as he leave.

Seated on a separate log just beside Haelan, Galen maintained his sweet gestures as he lock his eyes on Haelan like a predator on its prey. He was never concerned what the others would think about him - being sincerely focused on a man without taking his eyes off from Haelan's face, not even for a second. He was not afraid to hide how he feels as he mark his territory.

"How are you? Do you hurt anywhere? Aren't you feeling tired", Galen asked. Haelan wasn't even given a chance to answer any of them. "When are you going back to the palace?", Prince Galen tucked a lock of hair behind Haelan's ear. She could only flinch a little as she keep her composure, so not to offend and embarass the prince. Galen continued to stare at her as if they are the only persons on the world.

"As.. soon as possible, Prince Galen. I just need to reassure the safety of the priests, especially Priest Umbriel back in Brandenburg", Haelan said as she scoot more over Atrius.

"I told you, It's Galen", Galen said softly. Ottis coughed up so loud as he grimace at Galen's boldness.

"Haaaah!!", Atrius, who read the situation well, yawned as he stretch his arms up. He noticed how uncomfortable Haelan gets around Galen. "Languor have gotten all over me. Shall we hit the sack too?", Atrius asked everyone.

Jac, who's already dozed off while sitting, was awakened by a hard blow from his side as Ottis elbow him on his rib. "I think Jac have already gone to Dreamland", Ottis said as he stood pulling the big guy up.

"Stay with me in my tent. It's enough for the two of us", Galen told Haelan that shocked the three.

"Oh! I.. uhh..", Haelan, as a woman, blushed at Galen's daring offer. She knows for a fact that she shouldn't share a room with a man alone, just how she does ever since she arrived in Brandenburg.

"You can't just let me see you camp beside all these men. I won't allow it", Galen whispered.

"I never knew that the prince give special treatments to his warriors!", Haelan said loudly. "I suggest the prince share a room with any of these men who can definitely protect you even while you're in deep slumber", she said as she look at Jac, Ottis and Atrius.

"I don't randomly give my generosity to.." Galen was about to explain the exclusivity of his invitation to Haelan alone when the other three men have already cheered for being welcomed to sleep in the Prince's tent.

"Oh! Then we can sleep together? Aw! I thought we're going to sleep on the ground outside in this terrible cold", Ottis said as he slipped inside the tent. He peeked out again with his head as he look for Jac. "Are you coming, Jac?", he asked.

"Don't mind if I do", Jac said. "I'll take the mattress", he claimed as he followed Ottis inside. Atrius eventually followed, patted Haelan on the head and went in the tent too.

"Hey! Wait! No one takes the mattress", Galen said as he follow the three to his bell tent. Worried he and Haelan might lose the only sleeping cushion, he immediately joined the others to make sure they'll have a nice bed to sleep on. "Come inside soon", he invited Haelan.

"Good night, Prince Galen", Haelan said softly as she owned the rest of night to herself alone.