96 The Wiccans

IN THE PALACE - the King's chancellery

In the royal chancellery of the king's private chambers, King Silvius stares out the bluish stained glass of the oriel window with dark green draperies and mustard tasselled-curtains tied to the side. Sighing at the dim lights over Brandenburg, he squinted his eyes at the sight of the untold story of the firestarters in the academy at dusk. The smokes have subsided. Its wispy scent that stings the throat and the black soot that flew with the breeze were all gone. He has been waiting. No one have informed him yet of what have taken place in the home of the warriors.

The king then turned to the tuneful whistles of his hummingbirds in a large gold aviary mogul in the navel of the room. He ambled on the floor entirely overlayed with black and deep red carpet composed of trees and birds metallic brocatelle. His long white velvet coat with fur linings flowed elegantly as he sauntered. He bend over to see the hummingbirds as they sing a beautiful song. He grazed the gold cage using his finger wrapped with a dragon's head gold ring and eyes studded with a pair of rubies and gave a half smile.

Then, the King went over his leather-top desk with carbiole legs ornamented with blossoming garlands across the cage. Securing the silver crown peppered with precious gems on his head, he sat down on his woodcarved leather throne armchair and shuddered in the cold room. Despite the chilly weather, the King opposed lighting the open hearth. He liked the cold, as it remind him of a past that warms his heart.

A female servant in a pale blue dress with shearling quickly served the King his favorite sweet tea, brewed ceylon leaves with honey. While another female servant served His Excellency a slice of gingerbread and a bowl of berries. They both stood aside after they perfectly settled the cutleries along with an embroidered napery beside the King's meal.

The King stared at his plate for a while. Unfathomably, he didn't have the appetite even for his usual food preferences. Then he looked around his lavish room with great comfort and luxury. With dozens of family portraits in different make and sizes hanging on the oak panelled walls, he moved his eyes at every picture that tells a thousand words. Then, his eyes were caught by the rarest lilies and largest roses blooming in the finest porcelain vessels in every surface there is. His fascination with gold reflected in the luxurious room as every piece gleam in brilliance which were particularly made for the King of Nether. There were also quite a few unopened gifts from some nobles all over the kingdom, which the King assumed where nothing but more jewelries with precious stones. With the servants standing by and two palace knights on guard by the entrance, the King still feel alone. And, no matter how full the room seemed to be, for all that, King Silvius feels somewhat empty.

He took a piece of berry and yet, he cringed at its sweet juice. He grabbed the clean napery and spit it out. Clearly, he can't stand the sweetness. Clearing his throat, he caught a glimpse of a trinket inside his half opened drawer. He held the crystal handle and opened the drawer even more.

King Silvius looked closely on the otherwordly piece which he have found under his bed days ago. He held it up and studied it with his fingers which seemed to be dried roots wrapped in a brown burlap tied with red silk.

Moments later, the two palace knights who were guarding by the entrance suddenly blocked the doors with spears, as if they knew someone is coming. Three knocks banged the door. Bjorn, the King's butler with neatly combed hair and a thin moustache, opened the door with his head peering in. "The high priestess, Yereah with Syria, her associate, are here to see the King", he announced. He bowed at the sight of the King and waited for an answer.

"Let her in", the king's deep voice echoed as the knights immediately withdrew their spears making way for the high priestess and her associate. The pair of trusted palace theurgists approached the king in small brisk steps. Wearing a white undertunic and corset, Yereah stood before the King beside her apprentice who she's been training to replace her soon.

Yereah has been the high priestess for years sent by the village of the witches from Wicce. The Kingdom made good ties with the Wiccans that for ages, they serve as priestesses who provide protections for the palace. However, their relationship became hostile over time whereas only one witch will be sent to the palace to represent the Wiccans.

"Hail the imperial sun of the Kingdom of Nether", Yereah greeted formally as she and Syria bow at the presence of the supreme ruler of the land. Her long black silky hair moved gracefully as she bend forward.

"How bad is Brandenburg?", the King asked straightforwardly as if he's meaning to find out what happened there for quite some time.

"Treachery, your Grace", Yereah kept her head low. "A band of newly acquainted knights committed arson and theft, taking the life of the great Lord Harlan and abducting Priest Umbriel along the way.", she revealed.

"What?!", the King slammed the table with both of his hands as he sprung up on his feet. It was forceful enough that his teacup tipped over spilling all over the table top. Yereah and Syria flinched at the king's voice of thunder. "Were they properly identified?", the King anxiously asked. The finicky servants hurriedly cleaned up the mess on the table.

"Apologies, your Majesty. While that I do not know each of their names, one man's name was verbosely called for his search ordered at once by the General", Yereah explained. "They call him, Haelan. It is also believed that he is not a Paladin, but.. a Celestial Soul Traveler", she said.

"Wha.. a.. tra.. traveler?", King Silvius felt his knees weakened as he leaned on the table with his palms. He could hardly admit that his heart jumped a little.

"Apparently, Sir Stellan and Lord Harlan were right. The apotropaic wall protections of the palace and Brandenburg have been dissolved", Yereah said with her head still laid low and dark brown eyes looking down. "Travelers move in and out freely, your Grace.", Yereah uttered that made the king slump on his throne. The priestess glanced at the king and instantly felt worry. "Your Majesty, are you alright?", Yereah fretfully asked seeing the pale face of the King.