24 Hello, Umbriel


I don't know what when through me but, met his strong gaze and stood up too. "A scent doesn't define one's masculinity. You can smell like daisies or lavender for all I care, but you can't simply man up and bring a chimera as a pet or befriend a river spirit", I said as I squinted my eyes at the mocking squire twice my size.

"Why you..", He was about to lunge at me when Jacomus held his shoulder heavily. "Relax my friend, we're all friends here", Jacomus said as he force the man to sit down.

"We are all men of honor, Yiannis. You don't want to mess with the new Paladin", another man who has short brown curly hair said. "I am Gio, please do not mind Yiannis. He is just hungry", he said while Yiannis grunted and took a spoonful of rice.

Paladin? Is that how they see me? If that's the case, my initial plan to be unseen is now tarnished. I've drawn too much attention. I sat down as I heave a sigh.

"Why so grouchy, Haelan?", Atrius asked as he try to calm me down.

"Nothing", I answered. Then I stood up to end this ruined night. "Enjoy your ale, men of honor", I walked out infuriating.

"Paladin? I don't think so.", I murmured as I walk out the busy hall. As I trudge the empty corridors, I munched noisily on the apple tarts and berries. What was I thinking? If I started a fight in there, I would lose in a split second, and get myself a broken nose or dismantled jaw, a cut on my face and a beaten torso…. Or worse, they'd find the truth about me.

Stressed out and hungry, I almost finished my sweet goodies. How I wish I grabbed a bite on that steak and took a spoonful of pottage. With my extreme hunger, I can't stop thinking of bread and butter, and the smell of stir fried carrots.

Thinking of which way to go, I heard something fell on the floor resonating a metallic noise. Looking around, I sensed an energy from beyond the curtains. Opening the drapes, I smiled widely at the presence of a young priest. "Hello Umbriel! It has been a long day, isn't it?", I greeted the priest who was busy picking up some books and scrolls on the floor. Seeing the scrolls made me think he'll go to the library where I can find details about the stone. It would also be great if I find out who else did pick up a staff from the chest.

In my head, I had so many questions.

"Oh hello there. It is, actually a long day. Admissions are always tiring.. well not only for us but also for the participants, of course..", he cheerfully answered as he wipe his sweaty forehead. I decided to help him pick up some scrolls which rolled far away.

"Very tiring but, worth every sweat.", I replied as I handed him his scrolls.

"The admissions were commenced earlier than it should for some reasons.", he said as he walk with his hands full of books and scrolls. I decided to follow hoping I can harbor information where to read the books I'm looking for. "As you know, there has been so many attacks taking place in the palace that led to so many killings among knights. The kingdom is in dire need of more warriors to sustain protection and security amongst its people.", he continued as I walk with him. "Not to mention the prince who's still in his quarters unawakened because of an attack, but as you know….", he suddenly stopped as if he was splashed with cold water. " oh sorry that's too much information isn't it?", he said with his widened innocent eyes. He does talk too much, and I enjoyed every bit of it. There is no such thing as too much information for a girl like me who seeks answers.

"It's alright", I told the talkative priest despite he is very informative of the things I do not need to know.

"Why are you even here, sir Haelan? Are you lost? The dining hall is in the west of the castle. The opposite side you're going to", he said as he point to the direction with his lips.

"Please do not call me Sir, I'm not even a knight yet. Is it that way, I didn't realized", I lied. "Anyways, where are you heading?", I was hoping he's going to the library.

"I'm headed to the library. I have to return all of these scrolls", he said. What a perfect timing, I thought.

"I would like to be of help.", I said as I reach for the scrolls in his hands.

"Oh no Master Haelan. You haven't been briefed with the rules, eh? ", he said as he took the scrolls from my hands.

"Rules?", I wondered with my furrowed brows.

"There so many rules here, but for one, new squires are only allowed in 4 places- the sleeping quarters, training grounds of course, the dining hall and the courtyard.", he explained.

"You didn't mentioned the library", I noticed.

"That is of course, you'll only be allowed access to more rooms after 24 cycles of full moon.", he said with a smile.

"24?! Isn't that too lengthy?", surprised at the duration of the first few months of training before I could gain legal access to the library.

"Is it? Actually I even proposed to lengthen it a bit more. Physical training should be extended, swordsmanship and archery should be mastered comparatively. You see, not all squires are that good like the Paladins.", he said with a smile, looking like he's very serious with that proposition.

"Is that how Stellan mastered his skills?", I asked suddenly. Not that I am interested.

"Oh no, Sir Stellan was the first knight who mastered swordsmanship, magic and strength in only 6 full moons. He's the first Paladin who acquired excellence in a very short period of time after getting into Brandenburg. Indeed a great warrior, and top of his class", he said as if he look up to Stellan so much.

"Really?", I was baffled with his achievements. I'm surprised that he is not only indeed blessed with looks but also with skills. "I didn't expected a raccoon would be that exceptional", my thoughts spoke too loudly.

"Raccoon? I didn't expected you don't like Sir Stellan, because everyone does", Umbriel chuckled at my heedless remark. "You see Master Haelan, to become a Paladin, you should muster all your energy to channel it on an object to create a detrimental weapon. That's hard to accomplish, given that it requires concentration, immense source of power and strenght. I remember Sir Stellan used a broken tree branch and made an energy sword out of it. Also, you have to kill at least three legendary beasts in the kingdom", he proudly added with astonishing brilliance in his eyes.

I can do that too, only that I can muster my energy on my palms, and heal a person. Recently, I used my entire body to channel my healing light on Oizys and her mimics. It weakened me for a while but, I did it even before I get into Brandenburg. He's nothing special, I'm totally not impressed. "What did he killed?", I asked. Fine, I wanted to hear more.

"A Chimera, a Dragon and a basilisk", Umbriel said delightedly as we reach another room. "Oh here I am. Thank you Master Haelan for walking me here. Enjoy the rest of your evening", Umbriel entered the library without hearing what I have to say.

"He's that good?", I sharply exhaled as I stared at the closed arched wooden door. According to father's books, those beasts are incredibly dangerous.

So this is it.

Beyond these doors are the answers where to find that stone to help me soul travel back to Aelmere. I might also get information on the staff. A simple rule won't stop me from getting in. The question is, how do I enter the library?