70 First Love


Stellan couldn't believe his eyes. He wasn't sure if he just saw a lady version of Haelan, or he is just being tormented by his guilt for making himself get too involved with her. Getting completely smitten by a stranger's very recognizable gray eyes, Stellan felt fate must have been punishing him for seeing things. But deep down his trusted instincts, he can never go wrong with those flecks of green.

When Haelan left him alone in the hot spring as he turned her down, he knew it was the right thing. He could only blame himself for kissing the young Paladin, that he mistakenly took for someone he knew way back when he was younger. His first love.

Stellan's mother have always told him that people share eye colors all the time, and that the gray eyes that he obsessively yearn for isn't too rare as it seem. But for Stellan, there's only one person who has the particular gray eyes who snatched his affection and pure feelings…

He was young when he met her. She doesn't come all the time, and when she does… she keeps doing something magical. She's like no other, because Stellan knows she can heal. She could even summon tiny hummingbirds, and make her mother's garden bloom with peonies. Before she left one time, she forgot her crest - a trinket of remembrance that Stellan kept for several years. He kept it safe with a hope that she will return for it, might not be exactly for him but at least she'll come back for the crest that's with him. He once saw that crest with Haelan. He acted like it was nothing but deep inside, he wanted to ask why it's with him.

When he was injured and nearly turning to a stone, Stellan prayed desperately that in his last breath, he'll be saved by his angel. Laying on the rubble as death come unto him, he heard a woman's voice that saved him. As he feel the power of her healing coming from the heat of the palm her hands, Stellan miraculously escaped the brink of death. He sealed that opportunity with a kiss, but he was still too weak to keep his eyes open. When he followed her to the meadows, he was dumbfounded to approach, and still didn't courageously asked for her name. It was the very same day that the crest he kept for while was returned to the rightful owner. He then thought, he won't be able to see her again.

From the girl when he was young, to the woman in the meadow, Stellan convinced himself that she will once again come back. And when that day comes, he vowed that he won't let her go. Every moment of his life, he searched and waited. And so when he met Haelan, it's so hard for him to accept the uncanny resemblance of the knight in Brandenburg and the woman who stole his heart. Thinking that destiny is playing unbelievable jokes on him, everytime he looks at Haelan, he sees a different person.

And now that Stellan randomly met a woman with a pair of bright gray eyes, he wanted to know of that's the girl he has been yearning. She ranaway right before his eyes, slipping through his fingers. His heart raced so much, that it's beat is stronger than the drums booming. Disheartened as she disappear in the middle of the townspeople clustered together, Stellan could only gasp in exasperation.

"That was close", Haelan whispered as she catch her breath. She stayed hidden in the shadows until she no longer feel Stellan's presence. As she stay for a while in a dark alley, she leaned her back against the wall to rest. "Of all the people, why does it have to be him who'd see me", Haelan said as she hit her head on the wall.

Not too long, Haelan went over to the boutique to grab her belongings. She knocked three times at the door until the tailor answered. "Hello Sir Martine! I'm here to collect my things", Haelan said.

"Oh my, why such a rush? The bonfire haven't even been lit yet.", the tailor said as he open the door for Haelan.

"Curfew", she made an excuse as she wet her lips.

"Alright, Let me get your things for you", the tailor said as he went in. Moments after, he came back with his assistant empty handed. "Oh Darling, I almost forgot. Your things were already picked up by your friend.", he surprisingly said.

"WHAT?", Haelan widened her eyes in shock. "Which friend? Freya?", she asked.

"No Miss. Some… gentleman took them and said he'll take care of it", the tailor's assistant said. She looked squirmy and nervous when she said that.

"Who could that be?", Haelan wondered as she check herself. Her crest, hilt and arm cuff were amongst the things she left. "Which way did he go?", she asked.

"He went down the alley", the assistant said as he point at the direction where Haelan's alleged friend went to.

"Thank you", Haelan dropped her shoulders as she rush out and tried to follow the trail of the man who took her things. Actually, the clothes was the least of her concern. It's the crest, hilt and armcuff she needs to get back. With her arms crossed on her chest, she worriedly combed through the alleys with the hope to see a familiar face or a possible suspect. "Bad things happen, after good things dies", she uttered.

Having no idea who it could have been, she leaned against the wall as she sigh deeply. "Whoever that was, he knows me", Haelan uttered. She then sensed someone of high eminence.

"You should be more careful", a voice coming from the behind said.

"Prince Galen", Haelan greeted as she look back.

"You must have missed being like this, Helena", he said as he beam a smile. His slick-back hair made him look ravishing as he wear a red brocade under a black vevlet coat. Valuable gems and diamond/ were pinned up on his chest with gold chains tugging on his coat.

"Did you took my belongings from the boutique?", Haelan asked. She shivered when Galen called her real name. It's been a while since she was called Helena.

"You were being too careless. I took the liberty to keep them", Galen said as draw nearer Haelan.

"How did you know I was there?", Haelan asked.

"I saw you getting in that boutique earlier, and honestly I am so glad you chose that dress. It fits you perfectly", he said as his eyes playfully gazed ever inch of Haelan's body. "But next time, you should be more careful, I don't want you to be seen by other men this way. You're too beautiful", he took his coat and placed it over her shoulders.

Haelan imposed rejection on Galen's noble gesture, however Galen still insisted. Wanting to keep herself hidden, she just accepted the coat and covered her head with the hood made of fur. "Are you here for the festival?", she asked.

Galen sniffed the sweet aroma of Haelan as he lift his chin up to inhale the cold air deeply. "Not quite. I actually went to Brandenburg to see you. I wanted to see your face before I go on a journey my father insisted. A servant there said he saw you left for Agora", Galen said as he fix the hood over Haelan's head.

"I'll be in the palace soon, anyway. You don't have to look for me ", Haelan said as she fix the hood on her own.

"The lords sent a letter addressing to the palace for the extension of your training. While that's still a debate, you're still considered to leave for the palace tomorrow", Galen said. "I won't be there to meet you, so don't be forlorn", he winked at Haelan.