9 The Bloody Caparison


The two-story high ceiling tavern seems like a family heirloom that descend on the heirs from one generation to another. There were different artifacts, old silverwares and even potteries of different sizes decorated all over the stone walls. It is not well lit inside, only the sun rays seeping in through the windows lighten the entire tavern.

There's a large mess hall with a bar displaying jars of ale. Several long wooden tables and benches line up across the hall. Then, there's a kitchen in the back and privy chambers in the corners. A wooden stairs at the center leads to a number of guest rooms for occupancy. Some are occupied by guests, and some are empty.

"Start cleaning the tables in the mess hall. The guests will have lunch there in an hour!", Madame Emilia ordered.

I watched the other servants how to clean and do their chores. Next thing I knew, I already grabbed a rag and a bucket of water, and started scrubbing the tables. I stood up on a stool in attempt to remove the cobwebs off the sidewalls, before I would sweep the floor. However, someone suddenly whipped my back twice making me wince in pain and fall hard down on the floor.

"Do not stand on the stool, stupid fool! You might break it! You can't pay for it and you can't even repair it!", Madam Emilia yelled as she gave me another whip on the leg. It was so sudden and painful, I couldn't even scream.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I thought of the girl who originally owns this body. How can she stay here and allow this kind of torture?

"What are you waiting for?? Finish cleaning up!", she said with her blazing eyes.

I weakly stood up and rubbed my skin where I got whipped. Those were so hard, it will take time to heal. Groaning in pain, I continued cleaning the walls, but this time I tiptoed to reach the cobwebs. Trying to hold back my tears, my lips tremble as I continue what I've been told.

Once finished with the sidewalls, I held a wooden pole with a handful of rags attached to it to clean up the floor. Mopping was a challenge because the other servants kept on walking in all directions with their filthy shoes. So, I had to mop all over again a couple of times. As I was about to finish, a bucket of water poured over me all of a sudden. I looked back and saw Madame Emilia.

"Everything is clean, except you. You deserve that. You should thank me", the ill-tempered lady said with a grumpy face and left. I wonder why is she very ill-tempered towards this girl. I exhaled deeply, and just continued cleaning up the wet floor.

A little later, a bell rang and the servants started to gather in the kitchen. As I count, there are a lot of servants working in this tavern. Each servant then grabbed a plate and lined up towards the lady with a bulbous nose wearing an apron serving bread and soup.

When it was my turn, Madam Emilia grabbed my plate and tossed it on the ground. "You're not eating any, that's your punishment for standing on the stool and spilling water in the mess hall", she said. "And.. you smell", she added.

Why am I not surprised?

I didn't retaliate or talked back, for this life is not mine to intervene. After all, I just borrowed her life for a day. I don't want to get her in any more trouble. Rest assured I will return her body with no amount of pain and wound. But if she would ask me to trade with her life, I would instantly and surely say no.

I held my grumbling belly and just walked away. The other servants didn't even come to my rescue. They just looked down, and were too afraid to speak a word. Standing on the line, Clemen looked at me with her puppy eyes. I smiled back in return.

Living a life as a slave is miserable. It is not something I would want for myself. I applaud this girl's courage and patience to stay in this wretchedly unhappy and uncomfortable life situation. I hope she'd find more courage to walk away and live a better life that she would love.

As I was about to go the servant's quarters to get a change of clothes, I was held back by the imperative voice I've been hearing all day. "Hey you! Where do you think you're going?", Madame Emilia called out. "Go fetch some water in the river! ", she yelled as she threw two large wooden buckets at my face. "Make that quick or you will not get any dinner! Do you understand?", she furrowed her brows as she rolled her eyes at me before she went back to the kitchen.

Rubbing my cheeks from the hard blow, I picked up the buckets and went on my way as ordered. If I am not mistaken, I saw a well in the back, yet I don't know why do I need to fetch water from the river. Anyways, I just thought it is a best time to be away from the tavern after a hard day of working. Away from Emilia and her hand of steel. And maybe, my mother would summon me anytime, at least that's the last of the orders that I will be willing to do.

Finding the river isn't that difficult. Following the smell of the musky scent of the river, I sensed the running waters given that nature attracts my power. Walking in between the row of tall trees, I found my way to where I feel surreal. Up ahead, I found a short bridge with three separate ribs of stone under the arches. However, as I walk, I noticed a black horse approaching.

I stopped at his sight and in disbelief. "Is he the same horse?", I hoped deeply. The horse continued trudging towards me and the closer he get, the more I see the bloody caparison, and muddy hooves he have. "Well, I'll be damned", I whispered. How lucky can I be? It is indeed the same horse from last time which had my crest. "I know those dark blue eyes", I smiled.