66 Feverfew and Woodruff


Haelan grazed the yellow gem on the armcuff as she realize that the thing the soul travelers seek is a relic that brings back time. She isn't sure but, such magic shouldn't be that bad if she just reverse the clock until she's back in the dry lands. As she go along, Haelan reached the kitchen while she's deep

in her thoughts.

The kitchen doors were widely open, as it swing back and forth to the strong gush of the wind. Haelan stepped in and looked for anyone she can talk to. The aroma of baked bread and roasted meat welcomed her. She looked around in wonderstruck seeing how splendid the kitchen is. The ceiling is made of large blocks of ash rocks lined with mahogany pieces of wood, while the floor is made of a combination of orange and gray tiles of limestones.

Up ahead are two roasting pits, a masonry oven, and a stone hearth. Sacks of charcoal are resting on the floor near them. On the left side, there were different baskets for every kind of fruit and vegetable there is. There's also a wide array of bowls, bottles and utensils properly organized on the shelves. Labeled properly in charcoal ink, the herbs and spices were displayed in several assortment of glass jars and porcelain containers. Haelan thought that her mother would have loved something similar to this if she were here.

On the right side of the kitchen, there's the scullery where most of the kitchen work is obviously done - from washing and chopping, to cooking. Hanging from the ceiling are the different sizes of pots and pans made from iron. Underneath the hanging cookware is a large wooden table with a chunk of chopping board and a butcher knife on top.

Haelan was startled when an old woman suddenly appeared from under table. "Oh!! I didn't see there! Did I scare you?", the old woman in a grey kirtle with white puffed sleeves dress asked. Her white hair was pinned up in a tiny bun.

"It's alright, Madam. The shed's filled up with firewood, is there anything else you need?", Haelan asked.

"Oh dear! Grammercy! I like Lord Harlan's way of training his warriors, it's truly a great help here in the kitchen.", she said as she hang the butcher knife on the wall keeper. "You can call me Madam Eleanor, I'm the head cook here in Brandenburg", she said cheerfully as she approach Haelan.

"Pleasure to meet you", Haelan said as she offer a handshake. "Your cooking is always mouth-watering and fit for a king", Haelan complimented.

"Lovely! My, my! What a pair of bright eyes! You are a very gorgeous paladin", Madam Eleanor said as she shake hands with Haelan.

"Oh! Hmm.. Please do not be mistaken, I am a man", Haelan said as she awkwardly smile.

"I surely have very clear sight even at my age. And I still can tell a man from a woman", Madam Eleanor said as she gently tap Haelan's cheek. "Anyway dear would you be so kind to aid another favor for a dear old woman?", Eleanor asked as she reach for a weaved basket hanging from the ceiling.

"Of course, it's not like I'll do something else", Haelan said as she grab hold of the basket.

"Can you please gather some medicinal plants in the forest? I'm in dire need of woodruff and feverfew, if you don't mind", Eleanor said as she bat her eyes.

"On it, Madam Eleanor", Haelan replied. Without anything more to do, she simply followed the order of Brandenburg's cook. Putting on a black hooded cloak, Haelan rode a white horse out and followed the direction given to her by Madam Eleanor. She is to go to the foot of the mountain where the freshest woodruff and feverfew can be found.

Into the woods, Haelan rode with the wind as the white horse gallop away on moist dead leaves. The leaves on the trees were so thick, that no light can get in. She found explicit joy in riding so fast as she feel the completely obscured moisture-laden air. Out of the blue, she suddenly stopped as she pull the ropes and shouted, "WAIT! He's getting married!". The tiny birds flew as her voice echoed through the woods. She realized that an almost married man kissed her. "Or maybe I can turn back time before he's set to marry", Haelan said as she contemplate.

Heart-struck and conflict driven, Haelan followed the blooming scent of the flowers towards the foot of the mountain until she reached a bounteous field of feverfew and woodruff swaying in the meadow. She plucked a bunch and filled the basket. As she stood in the lea, she remembered a memory clearly. It was when she was standing in the middle of the field of swaying grass, when Stellan came out of the woods moments after she healed him. He even kissed her before without fully knowing who she was. Stuck and confused, Haelan struggled to decipher Stellan's language. For a moment, she thought maybe it wasn't at all a form of affection, but more like a part of a game.

After gathering all that she needed, she rode back to the forest in not much greater speed. The croak of the frogs and clicks of the crickets ricochet and cascade in a tidal wave of noise. As she go, she sensed some water flowing that sounded more tempting that taking a rest at home. She hopped down and pulled the horse's strap as she walk through the soft ground of fallen leaves and broken twigs. After a long walk under the seeping light from above, Haelan's eyes flickered in astonishment seeing a spring with pristine green to blue waters in the middle of countless large trees. Steam come off the waters with a scent of strong eggy smell making Haelan think the water may feel great.

The serene view of white water bubbles flowing over the rocks cushioned with moss was like a call to her. Haelan tied her stallion on the tree and slowly took off her clothes as she decided to take a dip. The hot waters of the spring soothe her white skin as she slowly dip her body in. With no one around, Haelan took pleasure in showing her vulnerability as the hot springwater embrace her nakedness.

She floated on the water as she see the red leaves rustling in the sky like fire on the tree's branches. Then she closed her eyes trying to hear the sound of nature singing. For a moment, she stayed in there calmly. Clearing her mind from all of her worries, she suddenly stood up when she sensed someone coming.

Haelan's mind was so lost that the person who arrived was already in the waters. Too late to leave the hot spring, Haelan submerged her body in the water from neck down. She made her way to the flowing water where the spring isn't too clear to see her body. When she sees the hot spring's visitor, her body went cold as she drop her jaw. "What are you doing here?!", she blurted out.