51 Perfect Timing


"Honestly, we have never learned the power of the staff. Tris, who is a healer soul traveler, used the staff as trained by her kind in Caluso. Besides, this is the first time that a Paladin bears a sceptre", Lord Harlan revealed with a hope that they will learn to make use of their powers as Paladins without depleting their manna.

"Does the King know that I picked out a sceptre?", Haelan continously asked.

"Not until we know how you could make use of the sceptre… We'll keep it low for a while. I hope that's fine", Lord Harlan requested as he smile at Haelan who just nodded in approval.

"My Lords, what if I don't excel in five days?", Haelan inquisitively asked.

"You are still bound to be transfered to the Palace by all means", Lord Callaghan answered. "But knowing Lord Harlan here, he might not recommend you yet due to your unpreparedness. We may retaliate, but still, with the palace's persistence, it has no assurance", he said.

Haelan swallowed a lump in her throat as she clench her fist. Prince Galen have taken his measure too far, leaving her in such a complicated situation. Even though she wanted to leave for Caluso at this moment, she is now bound to participate in the mandatory training, whether she like it or not. And as she keep on hitting deadends, Prince Galen will never be her fallback option.

"Do you have any more questions, son?", Lord Callaghan asked the anxious student.

"N.. none, my Lords", Haelan stuttered as she took a deep sigh.

"Very well, we shall start the training then. Since your power as a Paladin have awakened too early, our training will be intensely crucial, hence do not misunderstood the process for nothing's personal", Lord Harlan explained. "So first, I'd like to see what you can do", Lord Harlan said as he make a ball of fire in his hand.

Haelan lifted her hand as she tried to imitate Lord Harlan's gesture. In her mind, she's deranged for trying to fool the lords that she can do it, when she knows for a fact she can never make even a tiny spark. She continued pretending as she tried to do it with the other hand while the lords watch her fervently. "I don't think I can do it", she said.

"Let's try again", Lord Callaghan said as he make two balls of fire in each of his hand.

After several tries, Lord Callaghan noticed Haelan isn't trying too hard to release her power. The student seemed to be careful, distant and very collected. Judging Haelan's appearance, many can easily say that she is just another typical warrior without any magical skills. However, Lord Callaghan wouldn't want to understimate someone based on his demeanor, for it is already a fact that Haelan managed to kill a mystic healer.

Lord Harlan placed his palms on Haelan as he close his eyes. He smiled and stared at Haelan and said, "There's great power in there, somewhere". Haelan gave him an awkward smile. Then, her smile slowly faded when she sense three dominantly powerful auras closing by.

"Perfect timing", Lord Callaghan said as he saw the three Paladins approaching. "Haelan, I would like to properly introduce you to the kingdom's well renowned Paladins. I suppose you have already seen them around.", he said as the great protectors walk their way to the lords. Haelan took a quick glance at the paladins. Vesta's long blonde hair and long red cape flow gracefully in the gusty air as she rest her enormous labrys on her shoulder. Haelan can't help but notice how skimpy the Paladin Crusader's brown leather clothes wrapped in her tightly fit body. With Vesta's arm muscles as big as Alesso's, no wonder she could bring her axe along effortlessly, she thought.

Then Haelan averted her glance at Alesso, who's wearing a red hooded cape. He kept his silver hair under the hood as always. As the Paladin archer draw near, Haelan could notice the smirk on his face clearly and the twinkle on his eyes that's always there.

When Stellan revealed himself from the back, Haelan quickly turned away to keep herself from seeing the Paladin Knight. Realizing her place, she thought it's better to distance herself and play her part until she soul travel away. She kept a straight face and just waited on what is yet to unfold having it known that the Paladins are gathered altogether in the training grounds.

"Should I be wearing red too?", Haelan asked as she notice everyone is wearing red.

"No, son. We just prefer to wear red during training", Lord Harlan said with a caring smile. Their red clothing for training are spellbound that limit their powers to avoid wounding each other severely.

"Haelan, this is Vesta the axe wielder. Of course, you already know Stellan the knight, and Alesso the archer.", Lord Callaghan introduced as the three Paladins arrived. "Nether has only three Paladins, who actively protects the kingdom from the borders, to the forests and most especially the palace. What makes them different with other warriors is that, they could maximize their core energy and use it as weapons.", Lord Callaghan explains. Haelan took quick glances with a slight nod on the three before she stared back at the lords. She prefered to be more reserved today being surrounded by Nether's greatest warriors.

"All of them received outrageous mind and body training to gain the powers that they have today.", Lord Harlan said.

"If you were just a woman and will be trained in Aria, I bet you'll be stronger like me", Vesta said as she put down her weighty massive labrys.

"It's good that you'll be trained here in Brandenburg, you get to learn straight from me", Alesso replied as he jump on Haelan and placed his arm over her stiff shoulders. "Loosen up, Haelan! It's going to be fun", he said as he ruffle her hair.

Stellan, who's wearing a red aramis doublet which is perfectly snug-fitting on his tight arms and chest, gazed at Haelan's face for a brief moment, before he looked down on the ground as he remember his time with the new paladin in the hut. Confused, Stellan thought that there's something enthralling about Haelan's gazes that even the new paladin's scent is very addicting. Each time he looks into Haelan's eyes, he sees a different person that makes his thoughts run wild.

Last night, he pretended that he have already slept to dodge Haelan's question. When he peeked at the nosy lad, he noticed Haelan was already dozing off uncomfortably against the log walls. Feeling concerned, Stellan made Haelan lay down beside him on the floorboards. However, as soon as Haelan laid down, she unconsciously wrapped her arms on Stellan making him froze a little. Haelan's tiny cold hands rested on his warm body that seemed to have electrified every hair on Stellan's skin. Thinking that this tiny man has a body as small as a woman, Stellan assumed that Haelan might be feeling cold so he let her snuggle for a bit. Haelan posed her head on Stellan's chest, as the Paladin Knight covered her bare back with his palm to keep her warm. Stellan then realized how soft her skin is compared to a man. After a while, Stellan felt at ease as he hear Haelan's soft snores and wheezes. He was even stupefied when Haelan uttered a word as if the new paladin is already dreaming. The Paladin Knight stared closely at Haelan's face. He get a clearer view each time the lightning strikes in the air. He may have always hated the cold rains, but tonight, he wished for more thunderstorms for his heart is thumping too loud that anyone could hear the beat. Then he grazed Haelan's face with his finger, soft enough not to wake the sleeping warrior. In one quick move, Stellan rested his lips on Haelan and then wrapped his arms on her waist as the two seemingly found comfort in each other's arms in a hut getting showered by the heavy rains.