57 Hello, Freya


Haelan, Atrius and Jacomus walked the empty streets of Agora, that seemed to have turned into a ghost town. As usual, Agora is most often filled with different lights and pumped with good music from drums and bagpipes even during the wee hours of the night. But tonight, there's nothing but faint light coming from the cottages, workshops, manors, taverns and inns that were forced to close before the end of the day. Not a single person wander around, even the cats and rats are too afraid to stroll at sundown.

With the light wind blowing constantly as tiny leaves and confetti swirl, Haelan strained her eyes peering into partial darkness in the maze of unlighted moist passageways. They met a pair of crusaders patrolling, but didn't minded them after seeing the official Brandenburg cloak they're wearing.

As they wander, some people pulled in the wooden shutters of their houses. The three could clearly hear the people lock their doors as the flickering light inside fades. The attacks that murdered several people brought terror, that the townfolks stay hidden in the shadows.

"What are those?", Haelan asked as she point on the windows and doors. "They aren't ringing", she said as she notice brass bells hanging on every door thay seemed to unring even when swaying. There were also generous amount of white substances on the panes of the windows. Some things that she never noticed before.

"Those are bells, without clappers. And those are salt", Jacomus simply said.

"What are those for?", Atrius asked as they walk by.

"Hmm.. They say, the bells will ring if dark entities would come across it. The salt will prevent them from entering", Jacomus explained. "You don't have that in Greco?", he asked.

"No, but we have shields and swords", Atrius said as he tap his sword hanging on his waist.

"Geesh! You're too violent for a former priest!", Jacomus said as he widen his eyes at Atrius. "I guess Greco isn't too superstitious like Nether.. Wait a second… I thought you're not from Greco? Hah! ", Jacomus smirked at Atrius who was suddenly caught by the slip of his tongue.

"Well..", Atrius grasped the handle of his sword tightly. "I lived there for a while back. I didn't like it there, so I decided to get a life here", Atrius said as he breathe deeply, then he stared at Haelan and Jacomus. "Making that choice ain't that bad", he said as he smile at his new found family. Haelan appreciated how Atrius started to reveal more about himself. Haelan could only hope she could do the same.

Jacomus suddenly squeezed Atrius and Haelan with his both arms on each of his side and said, "Thanks to me and Squirrel, is that what you're saying?". Jacomus snickered in laughter as they walk further. "Hey, how come we have a sword and you don't, Haelan?" Jacomus asked as he notice no sheath hanging on Haelan.

"Uhh.. I guess I don't believe in violence?", Haelan grinned akwardly as she scratch her head gently.

After walking through the dark alleys, the three arrived at Tobias Inn at exactly midnight. Seeing the doors open, they just simply went in with no invitation. They were welcomed by a servant and had them sat down in the poorly lighted damp and empty mess hall. The servant immediately went to the kitchen right after she lighted a few hanging lanterns.

Tobias Inn have changed too. The tables are dusty, the lanterns are blurry. Vines are coming in through the windows. All rooms on the upper floor were open, meaning no guests are in. Most servants chose to go home in their villages because of all the dangers that have been happening.

Haelan looked around with her eyes as she relive her time as a servant here. She remembered how hurtful Lady Emilia was, and how easy for her to lay a hand on Agalea. Every welt and scar on Agalea's back and arms told a painful story of how she was mistreated in Tobias Inn. And then she wondered, what will happen to Agalea as soon as they switch souls once again.

"Well, well.. If it isn't the mighty warrior and nephew of Sir Tobias. So, it's true? You did get into Brandenburg", Lady Emilia appeared from the kitchen doors wearing a long mauve tunic and a sheer black shawl. "And you'll come at this time of the night, really?", she said with a pout and one brow raised.

"I don't think she likes you very well, Haelan", Jacomus whispered.

"It's just one of her many moods", Haelan replied in a lowly voice. "It's nice to see you too, Lady Emilia. I came as soon as Freya asked me to come. Is Uncle Tobias here?", Haelan ask Lady Emilia respectfully.

"Have you checked the time? Of course, Sir Tobias is already sleeping. I'll call Lady Freya then. Is there something we can get you while waiting?", Lady Emilia asked blandly.

"A pewter of water should be fine", Atrius replied as he remove the hood of his cloak.

"Right away", Lady Emilia shortly said before dragging her feet out to the kitchen.

The three watched Lady Emilia walk away. Apart from Haelan, Jacomus and Atrius doesn't like the ambiance here. "Are you sure you're going to drink the water served here?", Jacomus worriedly asked.

"It's for my face", Atrius replied as he sigh sharply, then he shifted his gaze at Haelan who's drumming the table with her fingers . "This place didn't treat you well, did they?", he asked Haelan.

Haelan thought well and hard what to reply. For her, it doesn't matter what it was like before. What matters most is, where she is now. "This place inspired me to go far", she replied. By and by, Freya turned up wearing a long old rose tunic with hair braided to her side.

Haelan stood up and greeted her as she remove the cloak over her head. "Hello Freya", she said with a smile.

"Haelan!", Freya's eyes flickered in delight and pure bliss. Bearing her uncontrollable happiness, she embraced Haelan tightly as she heave a sigh of relief. "I'm so relieved you're here", Freya said. Then she stared at Haelan's face which made her smile fade. "You've changed", she said as she notice the facial features of Agalea vanishing on her mortal body. Then she shifted her gaze at Haelan's company. "Who are they", she asked as she caught a glimpse of the two men behind Haelan.

"These are my friends, Jacomus and Atrius", Haelan introduced. "This is Freya, my.. uh cousin", Haelan said with a nod.

"Pleasure to meet you, my lady", Jacomus said as he reached for Freya's hand. He was planning to brush his lips at the back of her palm, but Freya was quick enough to cling unto Haelan's arm.

"Same, Sir.", Freya said. "Can we speak in private?", she asked Haelan.

"That's why I'm here", Haelan said as she went up in one of the empty rooms with Freya leaving Atrius and Jacomus behind.

As soon as Haelan closed the door, Freya held Haelan's cheeks as she smile tenderly. "I'm glad it's still you", Freya looked into Haelan's gray eyes.

"What's going on?", Haelan asked.

"There's these men.. men that we have never seen before.They usually come in pairs, sometimes in threes. And they are looking for Agalea", Freya said in a low tone.

"Did they say anything?", Haelan asked.

"No, but they keep coming back looking for Agalea.. They mentioned that she owe them something valuable", Freya said as she squeeze Haelan's hands. "I'm glad it's still you in there. These men, they look like they won't do anything good", Freya said with much fear in her eyes.