124 The Traitor


Umbriel's fears came to life. Merewif's Springs is a chancy turn of a perilous detour that none of them ever imagined. They all sat flabbergasted in mud as four men chop the already dead sirens into pieces in great madness. Some other sirens swam underwater, never to go back into surface again.

"This is bad, even worst than those mermaids", Jacomus whispered to Haelan as they watch the savage strangers pour their derangement on the sirens' corpses.

Haelan gaped in bewilderment. She was too stunned to have witnessed such outrageous way of killing. She's neither unsure if she's thankful to be saved by these erratic men. One thing that she can't admit to herself, these strangers dress exactly like the rebels the prince and her found before. "I think that's enough", she said but no one minded her.

"Who are they?", Atrius mouthed.

"Rebels", Umbriel whispered shakily as he close his eyes from the brutal siren slaughter.

"KILL!! THESE!!! WATER LIZARDS!!", one of the men with a thick moustache wearing a leather vest continously lunge his dirk onto the tail of one of the mermaids. Then, he dropped on his butt as he catch his breath.

"Nicely done Matteo! Ah! Now, what do we have here?", one of the men who has a red scarf tied on his forehead said as he wipe his face full of the sirens' white blood. "Check them, Nico", he ordered the other.

One shorter younger looking lad with a red scarf around his neck searched Atrius, Jacomus, Ottis, Umbriel and Haelan who apparently were still glued on the muddy ground. He took their swords, bows and arrows, and tossed them afar. He found fondness on Haelan's staff, that he took it with a half smile. Haelan refused to hand it over, but, Nico forcefully pulled it from her. "Thank you", he mouthed as he lifted his brows at Haelan. When he found nothing more interesting, he licked his lips as he spit on the ground. "Nothing grand, Omar", Nico said.

"How unlucky.. kill them all", Omar ordered as he sheathe his seax back. Nico, and the other man who looked identically like him, prepared their daggers as they draw closer Haelan and her friends.

"Excuse me?", Haelan stood on guard on the slippery mud followed by Atrius, Jac and Umbriel. She can't believe that these men who just saved their lives, are now pointing their blades against them. At this moment, she wanted to call the mermaids back and devour these men.

"You heard me", Omar said with deceitful eyes.

"We-wait wait wait!", Ottis suddenly raised his hands and started to plead. "I have something that you all want", his offer surprised Haelan and the others.

"Kill him first", Omar had no interest in what Ottis has to say as he turn his back.

"No, no, no, please", Ottis begged. "I am Ottis, member of Valcan revolt", Ottis tore one side of his trouser and showed a burn mark on his right thigh. "I am actually on my way to Valdemar to bring someone of great interest. Two of them, actually. A royal soul traveler and another prince", he implored that took everyone by surprise.

"What's taking you all so long?", another man who walked out of the woods appeared. He had this dark blonde hair and shining blue eyes who gives off so much authority. He wore a carmine tunic matched with a

walnut leather arm bands, and black trousers made of shabby wool under a short black sheepskin cloak and a pair of leather knee-high boots. He had a black leather belt pouch hanging on his waist.

Sensing the great energy that exudes from the man who just came in, Haelan knew exactly what this guy is. And as their eyes lock, she noticed that this man had great resemblance with someone she knew.

"Earl Andrew", Omar called who seemed to be more tamed at the presence of the man who just arrived. "This man just told us that he has something for Valdemar", he said.

The man looked at each of his men's captives with such piercing stare. "Is that so?", he chuckled softly. "I hope they have something more than that. So, what is it?", he said figuratively.

"Haelan, he's a soul traveler and the son of the King! And this one here, he's Prince Atrius. He's the heir of the Kingdom of Vierme", Ottis declared with no bars held.

"Ottis you dumb bastard!", Atrius was about to throw punches on Ottis when Omar caught his right hook.

"Tsk tsk tsk", Omar clicked his tongue as he push Atrius away. "Not today", he said.

"Oh dear, what have you done Sir Ottis", Umbriel couldn't believe Ottis just betrayed them after all that they have been through. Jac, who's more disappointed at Ottis, couldn't utter a word. Much more Haelan, who have started to put her trust in him, got it all shattered again unti bits from pieces.

"Come on, why would I lie to ya", Ottis said as he insist his sudden revelation.

"Check it, Marco", the earl ordered the other twin to check on Haelan. Immediately, Marco grabbed Haelan's hand, and took out his dagger. Struggling, Haelan was held by the other twin on the other arm as she resist.

"Let go of him!", Atrius attempted to grapple with the twins but Omar was too swift to stop him.

"Easy now", Omar said as he braced Atrius' arm on his back, keeping him complete still.

Marco pricked Haelan's thumb and licked the blood that came out. Then, he smiled at Andrew with his delightful discovery. "He's a traveler, alright. Woo!", Marco said as he cheer with all smiles. They didn't have to look over Atrius if he's the heir Vierme, as if they already hit the jackpot.

"Haaa", Andrew let out a loud sigh. "What a wonderful day it turned out to be. Tie them all up", he ordered.

"Hey! Including me?", Ottis asked with a snort as he stall away from Matteo who's about to bind him with ropes.

"Fine, lose him. But, keep an eye on him", Andrew said while Matteo grunted and continued to tie up Atrius and the others.

"No need for that", Ottis uttered as he shake off the mud from his clothes. Andrew suddenly grabbed Ottis by the hair and pulled it backwards.

"You think, I don't know your story?", Andrew whispered in Ottis' ears as the latter struggle. "You're lucky I didn't kill you on the spot. Once we reach Valcan territory, Valdemar and Canaree will deal with you", Andrew said as he let go of Ottis. "Tie your friends, I don't want to end up in a chase", he ordered. Ottis accepted Andrew's commands dutifully, as if he's already part of the gang. As he tie up Jac, Ottis could barely look at him in the eyes.

"What the hell, Ottis? How could you sell us out?", Jac said with a long face.

"The things we do to survive", Ottis replied.