104 The Bell Tent


"What are you scoundrels doing here?", Stellan yelled infuriating with anger.

"Sir Stellan! Am I so glad to see you", Jacomus gasped as he greeted the paladin knight with wide smiles while slumped on the ground.

"Guys we have to find Haelan!!", Atrius, who's covered in dirt and wet leaves, said as he rush to Jac . He was stunned to see the paladin knight holding his bloody glowing sword. "Sir Stellan", catching his breath.

"What did you just say?", Stellan felt his face went numb after hearing Haelan's name. Without any word, he lighted his sword with his paladin energy even more and searched the area for the person who made him start to lose his mind. "I'll deal with you all later", he said as rush out. He didn't even minded Ottis struggling his way out under the dead body of the snake.

"Still glad to see him?", Ottis asked Jac who just lend him a hand to get off the heavy serpent carcass.

They all followed the paladin knight with a guiding light in his sword, as they look around for Haelan. They didn't mind the cold brought about by the soft breeze and the light rains. They all called for Haelan's name that kept echoing in the dark.

"He could be here somewhere", Jac uttered as he trudge the ground. "Haelan! Haelan!!", he repeatedly called.

"He threw a rat somewhere here", Ottis said as they walk through the bushes in the dark. "Haelaaaaan!!", he said it like a chant. "Can't you even remember which tree you left him, Atrius?", he asked Atrius.

"Have you looked around? Is it a bit bright in here?", Atrius scoffed as he check every tree they pass by. In the dark, all trees looked the same to him.

"Shut it you fools, you are drawing attention", Stellan groaned as he lead the way. A while ago, he was fearlessly facing a vicious snake that never gave him second thoughts of killing. And now, there he is, searching around like a hound desperate for his piece of bone. He stopped and listened in silence as he breathe heavily through his mouth. Then, he heard a faint voice calling for help. Like magnet, he was drawn to the voice pulling him in. His heart thumped like a little drum under his chest as he draw nearer. When he come across a broken tree, he lifted his sword to make him see more. And then on the cold ground, he saw a hand swaying in the air. As the light rain fall, Stellan hurriedly ran to Haelan and held her cold hand, as if telling her she's now safe in his presence.

She stared at him for a while. Finally realizing who he is, she touched his face with her palm as a tear fall on her cheek. She smiled faintly at the paladin who came just in time. "Ste..llan", Haelan uttered softly as she squint her eyes at the paladin.

"I got you", Stellan said as he cradled Haelan in his arms. Haelan completely closed her eyes that worried the paladin knight. "Haelan? Haelan! Stay with me", he softly called as he carry her in his arms. Placing his ear by her nose, the knight checked if Haelan is still breathing… and so she still was. And from there, the paladin knight discovered another weakness that he never thought he have.


Stellan never let go of Haelan from his arms. He stood by carrying her thin body effortlessly as he order his men to build a camp. Holding her like a piece of his possession, he held her close enough not to fall, and necessarily tight, for Galen not to easily to take her.

Galen, who was both surprised and pertrubed seeing Haelan in such state, could only hold her cold hand while in Stellan's arms. Stellan refused to give her to him despite asking so many times. The paladin made it clear that he is responsible for all of his knights. He wouldn't want to burden the prince for a duty that is rightfully his. Also, he wouldn't want to dirty the prince's clothing and so all Galen can do is secure Haelan's scepter and hold her one hand as she rest in the paladin's arms.

Gallanthe and Ottis awkwardly shared eye contact as they watch who's ego is highest - the prince's or Stellan's. Smiling while tying up the horses, Atrius who knows Haelan is a woman, sees it as a tug-of-war between two men competing for the hand of Haelan.

Gallanthe, with the help of Atrius and Ottis, set up two bell tents that they brought along which can possibly fit four grown men inside. They build the camp hurriedly before the rain become heavier, despite no urgency orders from Stellan.

Jac retrieved Umbriel from the underground hole where he left him. On their way back, they found Father Elijah unconscious and heavily wounded. When they came back, Ottis have already built a fire by a large tree, and a pair of large white bell tents made of canvass were already up. A mantle is also placed over the small campfire surrounded by three logs as seats.

Jac was asked to allow Father Elijah to rest in the bell tent on the left of the campfire. Inside, there's Haelan in deep slumber on a rudimented matress laid on the ground. Jac laid the wounded priests on the other side, then left the tent for their other two injured companions.

"Let me get this thing straight", Prince Galen seated on a log by the campfire with Atrius, Ottis, Jacomus and Umbriel. Stellan stood by leaning on the tree facing them and the bell tents. "You requested to visit the Holy Land to be accompanied by this big guy and the prince of Vierme?", the prince asked.

"Ye- yes, my Prince", Umbriel said as he held on the cup of hot tea prepared by Gallanthe. By the look in their faces and extended hospitality, Atrius and his friends believed that the Prince, Stellan and Gallanthe haven't heard the news of what happened in Brandenburg.

"I am a knight of Nether. Not a prince of Vierme, Prince Galen", Atrius respectfully corrected Galen.

"Oh", Galen cocked his head to the side as he notice the emblem on Atrius' clothing. "But the emblem on your coat tell the otherwise. If you aren't interested for that position, you shouldn't walk around with that piece of insignia. Well, if I were you, I would grasp that reality. Not everyone is born a prince", he said. "You just sound like a rebellious prince on tantrums", he added.

Atrius lowered his eyes, for he couldn't find an answer to rebut. After all, Prince Galen is right.

"What I do not understand is why is Haelan here with you when he's supposed to be in the palace and you, Ottis, you're supposed to be in rehabilitation in Brandenburg", Stellan asked as he stood up with one foot up on a log in front of the large tree with his elbow leaning on his thigh.

"That's right, Haelan should be in the palace now. Did he.. followed me here?", the prince asked that made Stellan cringe a little.

"Allow me to explain, Sir Stellan, Prince Galen", Umbriel uttered as he cleared his throat. "Well… uhh.. hmmm", he stuttered unsure with what to exactly say. Stellan, Galen and Gallanthe waited with their mouths open as the young priest find the words he's required to say.

"Haelan was already preparing for his departure to the palace.. when uhh.. when he requested Haelan's companionship to join us, with the permission and munificence of Lord Harlan", Atrius completed Umbriel's sentence. He thought they shouldn't provide an honest information knowing that they do not know who are the enemies of the palace as of the moment, especially Haelan's identity is at stake. He looked at Umbriel straight to his eyes as he shook his head. "Don't tell", he mouthed at the priest.

"These days, the journey at a nearby town is already dangerous", Jac seconded.

"Ah yes! I was very.. concerned of my safety, and uhh.. I believe that with the presence of a Paladin who have experience with dark healers, our short trip.. would be much safer.", Umbriel nervously said.

"Right, very well, totally understandable", the Prince said with a nod. "You found yourselves a few survivors, I applaud you there", he said.

"And what of Ottis?", Gallanthe intriguely asked as he feed the horses.

"He just simply completed his ordeal in Brandenburg, that he was released", Atrius explained.

"…again under the permission of Lord Harlan", Ottis said with a beam as if he's enjoying the story Atrius come up with.

The prince and Gallanthe were ultimately convinced with the exchange of words by Atrius and Umbriel. However for some reason, Stellan was not wavered by their persuasion. Seeing Umbriel constantly fiddle with his fingers, and his eyes kept wandering around, the paladin have a hunch that the priest could be telling a lie. As he look by the bell tent on the left, he saw a glimpse of Haelan peeking out then swooshed away like a spy getting caught.

"Sir Stellan, may I asked something.", Umbriel suddenly blurted out.

"Please", Stellan answered as he took a quick glance at Umbriel and focused his eyes back at the bell tent.

"Why did no one rescued the priests who were left in the Holy Land? Did no one investigated what happened there?", Umbriel asked as he clasp on his cassock.

"That is the duty between General Rowan and Lady Vesta. From what I know, Alesso insisted on looking into the Holy Land incident a bit more, but the general have already taken part of the investigation personally. As paladins, we do not want to insubordinate or interfere the decisions of our general, so we let him do what he think is right", Stellan answered.

"Do you.. think he's right?", Umbriel asked with his glassy eyes.

"I'm not one to judge, but seeing you all here… he clearly made a mistake", Stellan answered.

"Do not fret, Priest. When we get back, I will deal with these matters immediately", the prince said reassuringly.

"I bet you are all going back to Brandenburg now, yes?", Gallanthe asked.

"Of course, that's where we all belong", Umbriel answered as he nod.

"Since you don't have horses, food and weapons… We'll drop you all off in the Beorg Mountains morrow. A little detour won't hurt our journey", the Prince decided.

"Where are you all headed, if we may ask?", Atrius asked.

"That is none of your concern", Gallanthe shunned Atrius as he keep the purpose of their journey private.

In the midst of the conversation by the bonfire, Stellan walked his way to the back of the bell tents looking fixedly in the dark.

"Where are you going, Evandrus?", the prince asked.

"I'll just check on something there", Stellan said as he walk behind the bell tents.