
As Akira was heading to the real estate he was also thinking about the layout of his workshop and he came to the conclusion that he wanted to attach it to his manor in a similar fashion the sky forge from Skyrim was built outdoor forge up high in the air that would be peaceful and quiet so he could focus.

After walking for another while he made it to the real estate and asked about large areas of land that were available to buy but the broker didn't have anything in the size he was looking for he thought it was a shame so he walked away and decided to go to Hephaestus work shop he knew she owned the whole district where the abandoned church that Hestia would eventually occupy was Akira thought he would build a decent size home in the district and rent it out to Hestia familia on loan until she could pay after all he made a promise to Zeus when he met him by chance on his travels to take care of Bell when he arrived.

After making it to Hephaestus shop in a smithing district he unceremoniously walked up and knocked on the door using his echo location he could feel 2 presence in the workshop before the door swung open quite violently

The one who appeared at the door was none other then tsubaki collbrande in her head she was a bit baffled that some random guy just knocked straight on her goddess's door and was about to fire him off

Akira: Oh you must be miss tsubaki a pleasure to meet you my name is Akira Nova and I actually have some business with your goddess if that's not trouble?

Tsubaki thought for a bit and then came to a realisation that this guy is one of the strongest people on the planet and had a bit of cold sweat thinking she almost attacked him

Tsubaki: Ahh the supernova eh sorry I almost attacked you there not sure our familia would've been able to handle the consequences hahah

She laughed a bit awkwardly but this is fine at the end of the day I'm not drunk on power like every other op character ever made it costs nothing to be kind after all.

Akira: it's fine doesn't matter I wouldn't have attacked for a small slight it isn't worth it after all hahaha

Tsubaki was quite surprised by my attitude it seems but after a few seconds she laughs and invited me in to see Hephaestus

As I walked inside I came upon a familiar red haired busty women with an eye patch she turned around and became a little unnerved that her captain brought someone random inside the workshop all until tsubaki whispered who I am and for what I am here for to her she gained a quick understanding and quickly addressed me

Hephaestus: hello mister Akira I'm sorry for the mess but what can I do for you?

Akira: it's fine I came unannounced after all I actually came in regards to the district that you own with the abandoned church I was wondering if you'll sell it to me and I also thought to make good relations while I'm here after all you'll be the first familia to be on good terms with the only level 10 adventurer in the world if this is the case.

After I finished talking there was an absolute pin drop silence in the room neither of the girls could process what I've just said…

{Hephaestus POV}

I'm sitting across a handsome man named Akira right now and he's also known as one of the strongest adventurers in the world new to Orario he's asked to buy some land off me and then dropped that he's a level 10 this is absolutely unprecedented I know he's not lying I can sense it with my powers as a goddess I'm going to have to give some here for us to be able to have good relations

{Hephaestus POV end}

Hephaestus: can you repeat what you said about your level?

Akira chuckled and replied

Akira: I'm level 10.

Hephaestus: sigh.. that district is all ruins and I haven't had the time or effort to be able to fix it yet so I can giv it at a good price maybe 250 million valis what do you think tsubaki?

Tsubaki was still in a daze until now and only replied with a curt nod

Akira: well it's settled then I wouldn't mind this at all

As he said this a bag of the amount of valis fell through a golden portal onto his hands and he knew it was time for his next order of business with Hephaestus she finished writing a contract and handed it over to me and I signed it and let the paper fall through a portal both of them watched with curiosity but kept mum otherwise

Akira: well onto the next order of business I have some items I'd like to sell to your familia and if it's to your liking a personalised item I made for this deal for you Hephaestus free as long as the deal goes through

Akira pulled out a beautiful katana blade with several enchantments the blade was so well made that it was borderline divine the only work known to be this good was a Hephaestus work so she quickly snatched it off the table and inspected it and she was dumbfounded there is no way this is made by a mortal she thought…

Hephaestus: this blade is borderline divine I can't believe it's made by mortal hands where on this planet did you get it?

Akira: I made it.

Hephaestus was dumbfounded once again she thought she need to try better to keep her dignity as a goddess in front of this guy better.

Akira: what I want is for some of my lower quality items that I forge to be sold to you and you can sell them at whatever price you want that way my name as a blacksmith gets out we have a connection from this and I can get rid of the lower quality items without as much trouble so what do you think that there that you're holding isn't even close to my best made weapons.

Hephaestus immediately agreed to the request and she asked if she take a look at one of his best weapons and he agreed to show her his gáe bolg even though he didn't make it he knew how to after much research as soon as he agreed he opened his GOB and the air changed when he was pulling it out Hephaestus was pale as a ghost as she stared at him revealing the god killing spear gáe bolg.

Akira handed it to her to inspect and she took it with shaky hands and took off her eye patch to observe better unconsciously Akira mumbled..

Akira: how pretty…

Hephaestus looked up with wide eyes not expecting the man to say something like that but quickly put it aside to look at the spear she could tell a few properties of it without unsealing her arcanum

Hephaestus: this spear is a divine weapon designed to kill gods isn't it?

Akira:Yes it is I made it that way after all as the strongest "mortal" on this planet I wouldn't want the gods to be fickle enough to unseal their power and attack me I need deterrent what better then that spear it's been my main weapon for years.

Hephaestus sucked in a cold breath thinking this kid is pretty crazy but not dumb after all look what happened to the Zeus and Hera familias…