
As Akira and Hephaestus talked some more on the matter of a weapons contract Akira decided he'll get the personalised item he crafted to secure their friendship so as another portal opens and out drops a blood red ring with extremely intricate runes that sparked with a golden glow.

Akira: this here is one of my best creations it's actually a storage ring with 100 cubic meters space inside all it needs is a thought and items will be brought in or out of it and it's going to be the free item I'll give to you Hephaestus for securing our friendship.

This ring is something Akira worked on for quite along time the amount of time and effort it took him to understand space time runes was quite extraordinary but really worth it and this kind of item will be his signature item he sells in his workshop just not as beautiful as this one it's a special ring and it's got a much bigger space inside after all.

Hephaestus took the ring and admired the look of it and thought she's made an excellent decision in creating friendly relations with this man. She also thought he was handsome and remembering his comment on her eye that usually makes people and gods alike recoil in disgust she couldn't help but blush and smile a little.

Hephaestus: well then mister Akira let me get tsubaki here to take you to the district and show you where the land goes to, can you do that for me tsubaki?

Akira: please just call me Akira I don't like formalities.

Hephaestus smiled and asked for him to do the same

Tsubaki had been relatively quiet since the whole conversation she wasn't usually like this she just kept getting dazed by everything it was her dream to create a weapon that reach the gods after all and this guy has done it that was the reason she was contemplating trying to get closer to him without offending him she thought after hearing Hephaestus that this was a good chance to get to know him better

Tsubaki: alright then let's head out then!

Akira: lead the way. Goodbye Hephaestus have a good day.

Hephaestus: Goodbye

As Akira and tsubaki were heading in the direction of the abandoned district they had quite a pleasant chat tsubaki was quite the unreserved individual so she immediately said stop being formal with her Akira thought he was probably going to be quite good friends with her he quite liked the firey girls character.

Tsubaki: alright heres the blue prints, area and layout of the district as you can see it stretches from here all the way to over there it's probably gonna cost a bit to fix it up but I imagine with our weapons contract that won't be much of an issue for you

Tsubaki rubbed her chin for a second in thought as Akira was nodding sagely as she thought and she added

Tsubaki: also I would suggest heading to the goibniu familia to flesh out the designs and get it built they are very good at what they do after all

Akira nodded and thought that's exactly where he was gonna go next after that he'll find an inn for a bit until his manor is built and dungeon dive to get some materials for when his workshop is ready he also had a plan to scope out the red light district to look for poor Haruhime that girl after all can man his workshop until Hestia arrives and he'll send her to join them after all I don't really care if Ishtar throws a tantrum I hope she sends the toad after me I'll have a decent excuse to expose her and get the guild to publicly shame her before they have her killed at the end of the day her crimes are way too many to let her go.

Akira: right we'll thanks for this tsubaki I'll head over and let you girls know when I've finished building what I want here so you can visit. I'll head over to Goibniu familia now and get some stuff done.

Tsubaki just smiled and waved as she left and as Akira was looking at the district he mumbled to himself that this place was a much bigger job then he thought there is easily enough area here to make my manor and sky forge plus I think I'll make another 2 manors that are a bit of distance from each other that way anither 2 decent sized familias that I like are close and a number of smaller houses in between with a fountain in the centre it'll be like a closed district for these people I think I'll enjoy that

Akira: anyways now that I have a rough idea let's go to the Goibniu familia and get it all fleshed out I should have enough I ended up giving Hephaestus another 3 swords of the same quality as the katana and she paid me 800 million valis so I have around 900 million valis to spend on this..

And so Akira wound up in a quaint forging/residential area that was known for the members of the Goibniu familia to inhabit and he walked into the main shop of theirs as a bell rang to signify his arrival he was greeted by an old man yelling at a younger dwarf…