Goibniu, inn and information

As Akira was a bit puzzled to find the old man yelling at a young dwarf he didn't react for about a solid minute until the young dwarf ended up rushing straight past him almost in tears reminds me of the days I got scolded by my father in my old life hahaha

Goibniu/old man: So kid what can I do for you?

Goibniu was thinking this kid looked like he had enough money judging by the way he carried himself and his attire

Akira: well old man I just recently purchased this abandoned district off Hephaestus and was looking for a big construction job I'll tell you what I want

As Akira was listing everything he was after he soon realised that maybe he still didn't have enough money so he'll probably have to go deep floors in the dungeon to pay what he's missing in the next week at the end of explaining Goibniu practically had vali signs in his eyes and then came back to reality and look suspiciously at me and I have a wary smile he then asked.

Goibniu: so kid do you even have enough money for this it's going to be at least 1.5 billion valis and if you want it all furnished plus the gates surrounding the district it's going to be more?

Akira: yeah I should be able to get it I have 900 million valis that I can pay now and I'll have the rest by the time you're done if that's fine?

Goibniu: I'm sure that can work but I'm going to need you to sign this contract stating that I'll get the money

Akira: yes that's fine.

As Akira was signing the contract he thought of another question and pointed at the manor that would be his own on the blue prints

Akira: so how long do you think it'll take for this manor and the forge to be built?

Goibniu: it'll be done in 2 weeks that's the earliest I can have it ready I'll postpone some other jobs considering the amount of money you've paid it's going to take priority over them.

Akira was a bit stunned and thought magic worlds were quite luxurious to be able to build this kind of masterpiece within 2 weeks so he smiled and said

Akira: Good that's taken a weight of my shoulders thank you now I don't need to keep staying at an inn and can move there and get to work quicker then I thought

Goibniu laughed heartily and said there isn't ever much construction jobs worth this much so it's only natural after that he was trying to shoo me away to get started so I just pulled the money from GOB quickly threw it to him and went on my way

Akira left and wondered what to do now.. he decided he'll go find an inn to stay at for the next 2 weeks until his manor is finished so he started to walk around the Main Street as he did he spotted a little stand selling jagamarukun and thought he's got to see what the hype is about he's never had one after all

As Akira was walking to the entrance of an inn he found that was marked as a key spot on Roses map he thought those jagamarukun were actually quite tasty so he licked his lips unaware that the proprietress of the inn a petite cat girl with green hair blushed because she thought he was looking blankly at her whilst he licked his lips

Akira immediately realised what she was thinking and explained and she blushed more due to embarrassment he asked for a room for 2 weeks paid the money and quickly escaped this situation.

As Akira entered the room he thought Rose recommended a good inn they had a bath and everything after he finished settling in he lay on the bed and thought he had quite the busy day today as his eyes closed it didn't take long to fall asleep.

The next morning Akira jumped out of bed feeling quite the excitement he was after all heading to the dungeon for probably the next 4-5 days he thinks he'll go straight to the to the 39th floor and camp there for tonight battle the monster Rex balor on floor 49 the next day and then he'll have to hunt as much materials and monster stones as he can around there that way I'll be alone without anyone around to bother me that reminds me I should go ask rose if the Loki familia is on and expedition that way they won't try asking my secrets if they are on the deep floors.

Surely they will pester me about why I'm there alone.. oh well that's tomorrows problem let's head off

As Akira walked down from his room he let the petite cat girl whose name was Lana know that he'll be out for a few days and to keep his room for him he was on his way to the guild to talk to Rose adorned in his actual light armour today with his blood red spear on his shoulder humming a tune to himself..

Akira just arrived at the guild and it was pretty lively probably a lot of people need advice before Venturing into the dungeon it's quite early at the moment as he scanned the guild he spotted the busty red headed werewolf with a massive frown and considering every other line for the receptionists is full of people waiting and she's got nobody in her line I can imagine why

Akira walked over with a chuckle and Rose was about to scold the person laughing at her until she saw it was me and waved me over with a little glare and a dusting of pink on her cheeks she clearly didn't want me to see something like this but anyways as I got to her I said

Akira: good morning miss Rose quite the busy morning you're having I see

Rose's blush became a bit more pronounced as she snapped back

Rose: Don't say another word about it! What are you doing here anyways? I thought you wouldn't be going into the dungeon for a bit?

Akira: to be honest I thought so too but I ended up finishing a lot of my business yesterday and I need to pay a bit more for some of it so I'll be going for a dive of about 4-5 days I was wondering if you have some information on the monster Rex balor because that's where I'll be heading. Also I was curious if the Loki familia is on an expedition at the moment id rather avoid them if that's the case?

Akira thought unnecessary questions are better to be avoided after all unknown to him there was a busty amazoness at the door who overheard the last bit of what he said and muttered

Tione: huh why would some random need to avoid us?

But she just decided to commit his appearance to Memory and tell her beloved and goddess about the encounter later.

Rose didn't have a whole lot of information on balor considering the Loki familia and Freya familia monopolised it but she said what she could and that is was alive at the moment and then said the Loki familia isn't on an expedition before huffing and telling him he better not die or she'd kill him

Akira smiled warily as he made his way out he can't help put find the way Rose acts quite cute and his thoughts strayed into thinking that maybe he's a masochist…

Akira: No absolutely not I just like Ryuu and Rose there's no way they are sadist so let's never bring it up again.

Akira then forgot what he was doing as he was descending the dungeons steps ready to blast through to the safe point on the 39th floor…