Chapter 4

- THE BEGINNING OF A TRADE.Chapter 5 – THE KING IS MY SON!PART FOUR - Pedro Henrique.The sun shone bright through the thick canopy of green leaves and branches above the old oak tree. The sunlight made it sparkle and shine with gold rays.It was a beautiful spring afternoon and the birds sang beautifully all around.It was a sunny, blue sky and a warm wind blew.Pedro Henrique was sitting under his favorite tree on the hilltop, watching the sun slowly rise and set over the horizon.A breeze picked up and rustled through the leaves, making them dance.It looked almost magical.Pedro gazed up at the brilliant colors in the sky as he rested his head against the sturdy tree trunk. His brown eyes glittered happily and a contented smile stretched over his thin lips as he watched his home grow smaller and smaller with each passing second."Where are you going?!"A loud female voice called. The old oak groaned loudly as a heavy weight landed heavily on Pedro's shoulder."Don't scare me like that," Pedro said irritated, shaking the heavy body gently, "and leave my shoulder alone."The weight on his shoulder became lighter as his sister, Maria, sat down on the ground besides him."Are you ready to go, brother?" She asked, looking at him eagerly.Pedro sighed and stood up,"Yeah, let's get out of here already," he said, pulling away from the tree, holding the heavy sack tightly in his arms.Maria looked at her big brother, her brows furrowed with excitement.Pedro could tell that she was dying to talk about whatever new topic she came up with, so he simply shrugged his shoulders indifferently and followed his sister towards the castle.The castle was quiet and deserted compared to the noise of the village.The streets were empty and everyone was busy in their own homes or working at their own businesses.Pedro and Maria went through one of the many streets and found themselves outside of the huge double gate which separated the kingdom of Zerk and the other two kingdoms."I wish I could go to see Papa every day now,"Maria stated sadly."Why? You've been here every day and you don't feel like visiting now?"Pedro questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Well, because...you know..." Maria started, blushing slightly.Pedro sighed loudly and rolled his eyes, "Fine, whatever.Just shut up and follow me."Maria giggled silently at her little brother's behavior and hurried along beside him with a large grin on her face, looking forward to seeing her father.Soon, the pair reached the gates and they stepped inside