Chapter 6: A RACE!(Part 1)The sun was beginning to set in the west as the carriage approached the forest.It seemed that the carriage driver knew exactly which way to go as he drove steadily onwards without any hesitation.Henrique and his twin sister, Maria, lay comfortably in the carriage behind them as they entered the dense woods and drove through it.The road seemed to stretch on forever, leading straight through the dense foliage until the driver eventually stopped the carriage on the side of the road.Héctor leaned forwards and opened the coach door. The two young siblings jumped out of the carriage, grabbed onto the ropes attached to the sides of the carriage and began climbing down the tree they were tied to."Where are we?"Héctor asked."We're coming to the border.You won't need to climb down after we cross over there.The trees will hide us from prying eyes," the driver replied, pointing down into the forest.There, in front of the carriage, stood three men armed with swords. One of them spoke."Greetings, my lord."One of the men nodded respectfully to Henrique."Hello," Henrique returned, giving the man the same kind of nod.The man smiled.He had long golden hair and dark blue eyes, a beard and moustache and mustache, and wore the uniform of the king's soldiers."We have been sent by your father to escort you to your destination.Please step inside and let's start our journey,"the man instructed, gesturing for both of the children to come closer.Both the siblings did as they were told, following the soldier inside the forest.The carriage was parked just a few feet from a small stone wall where the road split off into different paths.As soon as the soldiers had passed, Henrique and Maria jumped down from the wooden platform they were standing on and walked up to the wall."Who are these people?"Henrique asked as he stared at the men surrounding him with a serious expression."They serve your father," the man said simply, not answering his question.Henrique frowned deeply, but kept his mouth shut"Where is our father anyways?"He asked instead,"Your father is currently resting in the palace,"the man explained patiently, "he is still recovering from some injuries he received a few weeks ago.He will meet you once he finishes his wounds and he wants to thank you for saving him."Henrique nodded slightly."And my name is Antonio,"the man said, offering his hand, "this is my colleague, Luis.You'll be staying with us in the palace until your father comes to greet you tomorrow," Antonio explained calmly.Henrique nodded, staring at the man curiously.Luis gave him a quick look.Henrique couldn't help but notice how beautiful Antonio's eyes were, but he forced himself not to stare too much.After all, he didn't want to seem rude in front of his father's servants.Luis smiled lightly."Do you like traveling?"He asked,"Yes,"he responded, giving the guard a soft smile."Good,"Luis replied.After a short while, Pedro arrived.The King was seated on his throne in the main hall of the palace and waited impatiently for the royal family to arrive.The guards stood behind him and the Queen sat in front of her husband."Let us begin, Antonio," Pedro said, turning towards his friend."Right away, Your Majesty," Antonio responded, bowing his head.The four guards moved to stand behind their King."Now then, my queen, your father wishes to meet with Prince Pedro," Antonio announced, walking towards Henrique, Maria and Luis."Come, we mustn't keep the King waiting," Antonio said as he led them towards the door.Henrique looked at his sister and shrugged before following the rest of them through the corridors of the palace.When they arrived at a large open window overlooking the courtyard, Henrique noticed that a large crowd was gathered below the window.He squinted at the sight before his eyes grew wide."What is happening?"Henrique questioned, frowning."Your father and the King have arrived at the Palace,"Luis answered."Why can't they go inside?" Maria added,"It would be disrespectful of your father to enter the palace without the King's permission."Antonio chuckled and shook his head.Henrique turned back and saw Antonio walking back in his direction."My dear child, don't worry,"Antonio reassured him.Henrique smiled and nodded, letting himself fall into step with Antonio who held his arm.They went through the corridors of the palace, through a maze-like hallway and arrived at a very large room filled with several rows of thrones.Every single seat was occupied, no matter where someone sat, everyone was looking at the King and his wife, awaiting their arrival."Welcome back, King Pedro and my queen," Antonio announced when they had made it to the end of the row.Everyone clapped politely and Pedro lowered himself gracefully down onto the first throne and Pedro's mother got down as well, standing next to her husband.The Queen looked at her husband lovingly."Thank you, Antonio, I am sure my husband and I will be able to do things even better than yesterday.This is quite unusual for us but please enjoy this evening," Pedro said, gesturing the men in front of him and his parents to take a seat."We shall, King Pedro," the king'