Detflier began cracking down on opposition and silencing the free press, creating a climate of fear and terror in the country. He also invested heavily in armaments and the military in order to strengthen his military might.

However, Detflier's aggressive policy soon began to use intimidation and intimidation to stay in power. He used the power of propaganda and manipulation of information to convince the population that his authoritarian policies were necessary to guarantee the security and stability of the country.

However, Detflier's oppressive policies were not accepted by all and many leaders of other countries condemned his methods. Some even imposed economic sanctions against Zombo, which further harmed the country's population.

Over time, the people of Zombo grew tired of the dictatorial regime and began to rebel against Detflier and his rule. Protests and demonstrations grew across the country as external pressure intensified.

Finally, in a popular uprising led by opposition leaders, Detflier was overthrown and a new democratic government was established in Zombo. The population was finally able to regain the freedom and democracy that had been denied by the previous dictator.