With the endorsement of the powerful Zombian army, led by General Pedroko, the country's troops marched towards neighboring countries, willing to conquer new territories and expand their influence.

The first battle was fought on the border with the country of Estoland, which was unprepared for neighboring countries, causing destruction and chaos wherever they passed. The border nations tried to resist, but were unable to face the Zombian military might.

Meanwhile, the dictator Pedroko was consolidating power, silencing the opposition and persecuting anyone who dared to challenge him. The population suffered from the war and the ruler's repressive policies.

The war dragged on for years, with allied countries banding together to try to contain the Zombian threat. Finally, after intense international negotiations, a peace agreement was signed, but the country Zombo left weakened and isolated on the world stage.

Pedroko, however, remained in power, consolidating his dictatorship. The population, tired of years of war and misery, begins to organize itself to fight for freedom and their rights. Still, the country's future remains uncertain and bleak under Pedroko's authoritarian rule.