Though the Gods were proud of their giant children, they also realized that their actions were creating a climate of segregation and conflict in Zerk society. The children of the Gods became haughty and arrogant, looking at humans with contempt and considering them inferior. The attitude of the powerful giants created great discomfort among humans, who began to feel intimidated and insecure. Many people wondered if the Gods still cared about mortals, or if they were completely obsessed with the new power they had given their children.

Fickahun, who has always been deeply concerned about equality and justice, decided to intervene. He gathered both Gods and humans together in a grand council, where he argued that the children of Gods should not be above humans just because of their divine ancestry. He said that to be truly worthy of the title of Gods, they should use their strength and power to help mankind and fight for justice and equality for all.

The Gods and their children reflected on Fickahun's words and slowly began to see the truth in his words. They began to become more involved with Zerk society, helping humans improve their civilization and fighting alongside them for a fairer world. Over time, tension between humans and children of the Gods eased, and Zerk society became more harmonious and peaceful.

Fickahun, who had fought for equality and justice his entire life, became even more revered as a model of moral leadership and ability to unify people of different ethnicities and backgrounds. Although the mighty giants of the Gods were still treated with great respect, they now realized that their power was a responsibility, not a concession to divine superiority. They used their powers to help humanity instead of putting themselves above them, and Zerk society flourished like never before.