Fickahun's death caused great upheaval in Zerk society. Many humans felt betrayed by the death of their beloved leader, and many feared that the Gods would again show disdain for mortals now that Fickahun was no longer there to defend them. The people of Zerk mourned Fickahun's death. It was hard to accept that someone so noble and just could have been killed by those he had fought to protect. Many wondered if the Gods had really abandoned mortals, or if they had just become blinded by greed and power.

However, Fickahun's death also reignited the flame of rebellion within the hearts of humans. They united under the banner of fighting the oppression of the Gods and demanding justice for the death of their leader. They couldn't change the past, but they could fight for the future.

The battle for equality and justice has been long and difficult. The Gods were mighty, and it often seemed that the struggle was in vain. But the humans remained persistent, and in time managed to gain the attention of other divine beings across the world. These gods joined the human cause, recognizing the need for a balance in power, and helped humans win the final battle against the original Gods of Zerk.

With the victory, a new era of equality and justice began for the inhabitants of Zerk. They learned to use the power they possessed to improve their society rather than using it to subjugate others. Fickahun's death was never forgotten, but his memory became a symbol of struggle and hope for those who dreamed of a better future.