Raynard's declaration of war on the other fictional villages caused panic and fear among the population of Villa Zombo. Many questioned Raynard's reasons for making this decision, especially as the village has always remained in peace and harmony with its neighbors.

However, Raynard justified his decision by stating that the other villages were conspiring against Zombo Village and that he needed to act preemptively to protect his people.

The other villages were shocked by the declaration of war and immediately began preparing to defend themselves. A slow and bloody battle ensued between the villages, causing many deaths and forced displacement.

The intervention of the international community was necessary to end the war and enforce a peace agreement. Raynard was forced to reverse his decision to go to war and allow humanitarian aid to reach all victims of the conflict.

The result was a devastated and war-torn Zombo Village, and Raynard lost much of the support he gained during his rule. He realized that his ill-advised decision to declare war was a major failure, leaving a legacy of destruction and suffering for the village.

Raynard ended up being deposed from power by the revolted population and currently lives in exile, remembering every day the tragic consequences of a bad decision. Vila Zombo now lives a difficult journey in trying to rebuild itself and overcome the traumas of war.