They are trapped in their luxury mansions and buildings, unable to leave for fear of attack.

Meanwhile, Henrik became the leader of the revolt and started giving orders to his followers. However, sometimes the orders defied his own group's logic and safety, which led many to question Henrik's leadership.

Over time, violence and chaos began to grip the city, leading to thousands of deaths and widespread destruction. Henrik realized that he had lost control of the situation and tried to pull away, but it was too late.

With the help of the police, the rich and privileged were able to defend themselves and reconquer the city. Henrik was arrested and his followers were tried and convicted for the crimes they committed during the uprising.

The result was a destroyed city and a legacy of violence and suffering that affected everyone involved, wealthy and homeless alike. On reflection, many realized that the best solution would be to find a way to solve social problems peacefully and constructively, rather than continuing to fight each other.