Dudrak was an evil beast. He had a human appearance but in reality he was more like an alien than anything else; his skin color was green, his hair was black and when he wore clothes his eyes turned into gold.The man's name was Pedro Henrique and if one was not looking too closely it seemed as if he were just an ordinary man with an average life; but when he walked around he looked down upon everyone, even the most innocent of creatures.He was very proud of his abilities so far as he knew; he could manipulate time, space and energy, all things that made up existence on this earth. But there was more to him, much more. The ability to see inside the other person's mind, to know the thoughts and feelings of anyone close by; he could do this even without his own powers.There wasn't a day where his heart didn't beat faster at the sight of someone; every moment filled him with joy because it meant there was another person that cared about him and who was willing to stand beside him. His power wasn't only limited to time manipulation, but it was also used in ways that others never would understand. This was something the man had kept secret from many people for many years.And now, on this fateful night, the secrets were out.Pedro was going to kill his friend, his family, all those people who loved his dear friend.But Pedro wouldn't die tonight, no, that wasn't the plan at all, his death would cause quite the uproar in the streets and that might attract attention from someone that he desperately wanted hidden away, hidden where no one could ever find her. So here is what happened next, a few weeks before, Pedro had gone to the city markets to buy some food and a new shirt for Daruq, the child he would soon call his son; his son whom the man would love more than anything in the world. It was a sunny afternoon so Pedro left Daruq with one of the nanny ladies while he went on ahead to the market. As he entered the building, Pedro glanced over his shoulder to make sure he was being followed and then he took off running through the crowds. As he ran, he pulled up short to glance back again. Yes, yes she was still there, following close behind.Pedro took a sharp right turning, then quickly went up a flight of stairs, heading straight towards the roof. He heard her footsteps stop outside his office door as he approached the door. Pedro grabbed the handle and swung open the door, stepping through onto the rooftop. There was a large table placed right next to the window, a few chairs around it, and a small sofa in front of the table.The sun shone bright on the windowsill, illuminating the room perfectly.Daruq sat on the small sofa playing with a little wooden box that was filled with colorful balls. A smile spread across Pedro's face when he saw how happy his son was. Daruq looked up when he heard the door opening and smiled brightly when he saw his father standing in the doorway."Papa," he yelled happily, running forward and jumping up into his father's arms. The two laughed and hugged each other tight. "What are you doing here?"Daruq asked excitedly, bouncing on his heels.Pedro sighed and smiled."Come on son, we're leaving.""Really?" Daruq exclaimed, suddenly seeming a lot more serious."Yes my dearest," Pedro said softly, kissing his forehead."Alright!" Daruq cheered happily.Pedro picked him up and set him back on the ground."How are your lessons going?" He asked, sitting down and pulling a chair closer.Daruq's eyes sparkled as he described to his father the various books that they had been reading together and his teacher's advice. Pedro chuckled and patted his shoulder. "That sounds like wonderful things Daruq, I'l teach you about them later," he assured."Okay Papa. What will we eat tonight?" He asked, swinging his legs."Pizza," Pedro answered, ruffling his hair. "It's going to take me awhile to cook it so why don't you go get changed while I go make dinner?"Daruq nodded happily and skipped out the door."Don't stay out late," Pedro called after him. Daruq spun around and stuck his tongue out at him before skipping back down the hallway toward his bedroom.Pedro couldn't help but laugh. Dumping his coat on a nearby chair, Pedro began to unbutton his shirt and unzip his trousers."So what are we having tonight?" Daruq asked coming into the kitchen."We'll start with pizza and see what happens," Pedro told him. Daruq nodded and began to pull up his pants. Pedro smiled to himself at his son's innocent excitement. "Come along son," he said, walking around the side of the table and leading Daruq towards the door. They stepped outside into the cool evening air and headed back home.***"Oh," Pedro muttered under his breath, staring intently at the street below. "Where is she?"He tried to remain calm and collected but a part of him felt anxious and confused as if something wasn't right. His body started to shake, causing him to tense up, his breathing becoming heavier and quicker.Daruq turned around at hearing Pedro gasp loudly."Father?" He cried, rushing back towards him. Pedro shook his head, trying to focus and speak coherently. "Nothing... nothing. We're almost home now so let's continue, shall we?"He turned away from the street, ignoring the look of concern on Daruq's face, and continued down the path back home.****"Are you sure this is wise?" The man questioned quietly."Absolutely! She has been missing for months, I am not taking any chances," Pedro answered, his voice cracking slightly."She is probably alright, she must just be hiding somewhere…""You know the rules," Pedro snapped, stopping to face the man. "She is not allowed to come into my presence unless I specifically invite her to do so!""Why did you not say so earlier?""Because I thought it was better we came home first rather than wasting time searching around. You know what happens when we leave her alone," Pedro explained, looking at the dark figure in front of him.The man raised his brows in surprise. Pedro had always kept an eye on his daughter; she was extremely well protected, even in the town she lived in, she never got into trouble. The fact that she would be missing for such a long time was troubling."Yes, yes," the man nodded reluctantly."Thank you," Pedro said in relief, moving past the man quickly.Once they reached their house, Pedro kicked open the door. Daruq was already waiting there, sitting on the stairs with the box full of balls and toys in his lap. "Papa! Come here, Papa, come and play.""I'm sorry son, we haven't brought anything home from the market yet," Pedro replied, crouching down and picking Daruq up into his arms. Daruq smiled and kissed his cheek happily. Pedro smiled back at him before setting him down in a chair and going into the closet to change into his more comfortable outfit: a pair of loose blue jeans, a purple t-shirt and his white jacket, hanging loosely around his shoulders. Once he finished changing, Pedro knelt down to look at Daruq. "Ready to learn some magic, Daruq?" The boy nodded excitedly, clapping his hands. Pedro stood up slowly and walked across the room, putting his coat on before grabbing the golden chain off its hook. He gently attached it around his neck and then opened up his bag. He took out a small black book and handed it to Daruq. Daruq took it and stared down at it curiously. "This is the key to my powers. If you lose this necklace I won't be able to use it anymore. It can be taken off however; whenever I want, but I'll still need a good reason. Can you remember everything I said to you?""Yes papa," Daruq answered with a nod, still holding the chain tightly in his hand."Good. Now read this: 'Forgive yourself and forgive all the pain, grief and heartbreak in your life.' I will return to you soon, my sweet child. Go and enjoy your games with the other children. Love everyone and be a good boy, okay? Don't forget our agreement."Daruq hugged him tight and grinned."I promise papa."Pedro wrapped his arms around the tiny bundle of joy and held him close for just a second longer. "Now you can play until I return, I must go meet your mother now, so hurry along."Daruq nodded and ran inside to his father's study."Bye papa!" He shouted and raced upstairs into his bedroom where his friends were waiting for him. "Come on guys. Let's go to the park!""No way,"Daruq's best friend replied."There are no parks near here..."
Pedro's mouth curled into a sad smile as he heard the boy's words. Daruq was a smart kid, it wasn't hard to tell that he was smart by simply observing him at school. In many ways he reminded Pedro of his own mother; she had also been smart and talented at everything she had ever done, especially her art."Let's go anyway," his friend insisted."Okay"Daruq agreed cheerfully."I'll go with you if you want, but I have stuff to do here," Pedro said as he closed his bag again."Fine, whatever," the boy shrugged.Pedro smiled at that and headed upstairs. 'When the boys finally left he locked the front door and slipped the key back inside the pocket of his leather jacket."I hope you are happy mamá,"he whispered sadly."HAPPY YOUNG MAN!! HAPPY!!!" A loud booming voice echoed around the empty room."MOMMY!!!!"Daruq screamed as he ran into his room, leaving the door wide open behind him. "Where are you, Mommy?""I'm right here son,"his mother replied from the doorway, smiling fondly at the sight of her little boy who was jumping up and down."Why are you here?"The woman laughed lightly. "It's just because I miss my baby too much to stay cooped up in that big empty house forever. Besides, you two boys need a mother and father around to guide you. And besides, I love being here with you all these years, watching over you both."Pedro sighed and gave a gentle smile. "Thank you."He then reached forward, wrapping his arms around his mother, hugging her close.His mother rested her head against his chest as he held onto her tightly. The young couple stayed together for several minutes before Pedro pulled away again. "Now how about we play a game?" He asked excitedly."A game?"His mother looked confused for a moment before she laughed. "Oh dear boy, you know we have rules. You don't break the rules, not only would it get me in trouble but it could hurt someone else."Pedro rolled his eyes. "Whatever momma,"He huffed. His mother laughed, reaching over to ruffle his hair. "So what do you have in mind, hm?""Well, since we are here and you aren't working today, maybe we should watch some TV or listen to music? That way we have something to talk about after dinner?"He offered."Sounds like a wonderful idea,"His mother replied, grinning widely at him."What kind of fun are we going to have?"Daruq asked with a frown."Oh," Pedro frowned, thinking for a moment. Then his eyes lit up with a brilliant plan."We will play Monopoly!"Pedro exclaimed, clapping his hands together enthusiastically."Monopoly?"The boy questioned in confusion."Sure, why not?"He answered."Can I play too?"The boy asked."Sure, I guess,"the man replied with a shrug. "Go put some shoes on and meet us downstairs in 10 minutes."