Zerk's Fateful Day."What does that mean?!""It means what you think it means," answered her brother, as she sat in silence on their bed. Her fingers tapped against her legs and her eyebrows knit together; it seemed like she didn't even hear him. "It means everything has changed for us now… It means I can finally see my own family again…it means we don't have to hide anymore..." She looked at him through narrowed eyes. "That makes me happy. Because then you won't have to kill anyone…But don't expect me to be okay with this. You killed my friends. You killed my sister."His smile faltered, but not because of his mother. He was well used to that expression from her. This one he had seen too many times for it to be anything but sincere and honest."I know what they did was unforgivable, but it was done for good reason," said Pedro quietly.He got up and crossed over to her. His hands rested lightly on her knees but he didn't push down. She knew why; if she pushed back, he wouldn't hold her anymore. But when her eyes met his, the softness was gone. "It is unforgivable," she stated firmly. "You just didn't care about that."She sighed and leaned back on her elbows. He let go of her knees."I know they were bad people, but they were only trying to survive. They didn't know any better…."He rolled his eyes. "Do you really believe that they weren't just using you? They wanted money, power…and that was all you had left after your parents died. All the power. How did that get them so much power?""They gave it away….""To whom," he asked angrily. "Their enemies? Those who would do anything for a little extra money? That doesn't make sense…." She opened her mouth to say something but he held up his hand. "They were trying to make things easier for themselves. They didn't want anyone to know where they came from. Not that there would have been any point anyway, since none of us knew anything about them, except that you never saw them. Until today."She lowered her head into her hands. "Don't you understand that it could be dangerous?! What if someone recognizes me as being different? As being special? People have tried to kill me before…."She paused, looking up at him, her expression changing. "No one will recognize you. If they do, I'll handle them. Don't worry. I won't allow them to hurt you."He looked at her. She was serious. Of course, she'd be able to protect him; she was always protecting him. He felt slightly relieved, knowing that she would be around to help him if anyone tried to hurt him. "Okay. Thank you," he said. She nodded. After a moment he cleared his throat, trying to think of something else to say. "So, um, what did those books you found really say?"She frowned."About what?"he shrugged. "Anything. About the world, the myths, legends, history. Just try to remember how they talked, and maybe you might be able to tell us if there's anything you don't remember hearing before.""I'm sure there's some stuff about the legends…. And I guess there are some books about the mythology here and there…. There was one book that I couldn't find anywhere else. It wasn't exactly a library. I think it belonged to some guy who lived in the village, but he moved when the dragons attacked. Then he went crazy and started talking about how we needed to stop the dragons somehow."Pedro furrowed his brow and shook his head."There isn't much about the dragon raids. Most of it seems to be about what happened right after…."He looked over at her, his eyes suddenly widening. "Didn't someone come from a place called Berk? Maybe that's where these books came from! We have to go look for him!"She stared at him blankly for a few moments, clearly taken aback by his enthusiasm. "Uh…. Okay. When we finish cleaning up here," she replied softly. She pulled herself off of the bed and brushed past him, heading out of their room without saying another word. He stood motionless for a moment longer, his mind racing."Wait….. What am I supposed to do while you're cleaning?""Whatever you want to do. Cleaning is pretty boring," she called behind her as she walked downstairs.Her voice was distant, but it was enough to break the spell he was under. For a second he considered following her downstairs to see what she was doing, but he dismissed the idea almost immediately. The last thing he wanted to do was spend more time alone with her than they already did. With a sigh, he headed toward the kitchen to see if anything could distract himself long enough to keep busy for the rest of the day.Chapter 2Dudrak Furask – Pedro Henrique,女,Pedro Henrique,男0Narciso De Castro–Dudrak Furask,女,Pedro Henrique– Naciso De Castro,Dudrak Furask's name meant a certain kind of beast, but the meaning was lost on most of the people living within the city. The beast itself, however, had no connection to anything, which caused confusion among the locals. Many believed it to be a myth, although the truth had long been suspected.The story that had inspired Pedro to seek adventure on a deserted island was a legend long forgotten but still very much true: In a remote part of the sea, hidden deep underground, lived a giant dragon whose scales were as red as blood. No one knew its true form, but everyone had an idea. Even children knew that the dragon existed – but no child had ever laid eyes upon it. However, Pedro Henrique had heard rumours about this dragon